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Orange PI Zero 2 and SPI ILI9341 Touchscreen FBTFT Legacy Kernel - partial success

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I got my 320x240 ILI9341 touchscreen to work with the image from the OrangePI site:


The display is one I bought from Amazon


Hosyond 2.8 Inches TFT LCD Touch Screen Shield Display Module 320x240 SPI Serial ILI9341 with Touch Pen Compatible with Arduino R3/Mega2560 Development Board

This document was very helpful getting the display set up on the OPZero 2:


I still don't have the touch part working.  If anyone has success getting 2 selects working with SPI1 on OPZero2 and touch working, let me know.


The basic steps to getting the SPI LCD to work are:


1) wire up the display to the OPZero2

2.8 Inch TFT SPI 240x320 => OPZero2

1 - VCC   =>  (1) 3.3v
2 - GND  =>   (6) Gnd
3 - CS      =>   (24) Spi1 CS
4 - RESET  =>   (7) GPIO 6
5 - DC    =>     (11) GPIO 1
6 - SDI (MOSI) =>    (19) Spi1 MOSI
7 - SCLK  =>  (23) Spi1 CLK
8 - LED    =>    (13) GPIO 0
9 - SDO (MISO) =>    (21) Spi1 MISO
10 - T_CLK     
11 - T_CS       
12 - T_DIN    
13 - T_DO    
14 - T_IRQ    

2) Install Armbian_23.5.2_Orangepizero2_bookworm_legacy_4.9.318_minimal - must be legacy kernel to work 4.9 is OK


3) sudo apt install fbi kbd armbian-config


4) sudo armbian-config

set up desktop


now to make the LCD work and start on boot


5) sudo nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt


6) sudo nano /etc/modules-load.d/fbtft.conf


7) sudo nano etc/modprobe.d/fbtft.conf

options fbtft_device custom name=fb_ili9341 gpios=dc:70,reset:73,led:69 speed=16000000 busnum=1 cs=1 bgr=1 txtbuflen-32768 fps=10 rotate=90

😎 sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

select UTF-8

select Guess optimal character set

select terminus

select 6/12


9) sudo nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-fbdev.conf

Section "Device"
  Identifier "myfb"
  Driver "fbdev"
  Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb1"


Now when it boots it should boot to the SPI LCD Display


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Thank you. Im using orange pi zero 2 too. it worked well on this 1.77 tft lcd display with driver st7735 using this code: 

options fbtft_device custom name=fb_st7735r busnum=1 cs=1 gpios=reset:73,dc:70 rotate=90 speed=16000000 bgr=1 txbuflen=65536




Ps:  The pin 7 (reset) GPIO is PC9 and pin 11 (dc) is PC6


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From the Amazon and page, it looks like the lcd panel have a digitizer chip (instead of bare connection to the panel’s analog XY outputs, like others).


Can you see the model of that chip U2?


definitely needs a second SPI interface in the orange pi, or bitbanging.

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