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Trying to test edge image on Orange Pi 5+. Board not booting.

Go to solution Solved by Vijay Gill,

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I was just trying to test locally build image with edge kernel (Armbian_23.11.0-trunk_Orangepi5-plus_bookworm_edge_6.6.0-rc1.img) by flashing it on SD card and then trying to boot off it in my Orange Pi 5+.


The board just sits there with the LED blinking and that's it. The legacy kernel image (Armbian_23.11.0-trunk_Orangepi5-plus_bookworm_legacy_5.10.160.img) boots fine.


Do I have to carry out some extra step(s) to test the edge kernel?


It's not a show-stopper for me as I have legacy image booting of EMMC nicely (and I am running jellyfin in docker happily there). It's just I thought I might test out some bleeding-edge stuff.


Thanks in advance.


Hi! I think I might be in the same boat. I build an image with the following command (inside an Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine using Docker after a clean git clone https://github.com/armbian/build):



./compile.sh BUILD_ONLY=default KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no CLEAN_LEVEL=make,debs BUILD_MINIMAL=no BUILD_DESKTOP=yes BOARD=orangepi5-plus BRANCH=edge RELEASE=bookworm


then flashed the image and there is no video. However, it appears the system fully boots up. I was able to set the root password and ssh in. I haven't found much to guide me, other than a line at the very end of dmesg (see the full output attached):


[   34.699772] vdd_gpu_s0: disabling

which I'm pretty sure just turns off voltage to the gpu. Why that happens I don't know. 


Also I should mention that the same board boots just fine with video output using legacy kernel with the same build options otherwise. 


I'll try to investigate further, but if you have any ideas, I'd appreciate it. 


  • Solution

Just posting here to close this ticket. Life happened and I could not work on this board since I posted my messages above.


The compiled edge boots fine and there are no issues.


Thanks to armbian team for all the hard work they put in.

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