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Orange Pi Zero - PA10 is blocked


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I am using fresh installation of armbian legacy server version 3.4.113 on the Orange Pi Zero Rev v1.1.

The FEX file seems to be incorrect. Some driver or process is blocking PA10, which is wired directly to the expansion header pin 26. According to the schematics, this port is not used anywhere else.

# cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
GPIOs 0-383, platform/sunxi-pinctrl, sunxi-pinctrl:
 gpio-10  (?                   ) out hi
 gpio-17  (red_led             ) out lo
 gpio-202 (xradio_irq          ) in  lo
 gpio-354 (?                   ) out hi
 gpio-362 (green_led           ) out hi

In case i am the first one that tested this:

gpio-10 aka PA10 aka ? is blocked

gpio-17 aka PA17 aka red_led is correct, echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/red_led/brightness is working
gpio-202 aka PG10 aka xradio_irq is wired to WL-WAKE-AP, which is corrected to WL-WAKE-HOST of the XR819, seems legit

gpio-354 aka PL2 aka ? is wired to USB0-DRVVBUS, which is not mentioned again in the schematics, may be legit, not sure, tell me how to test..

gpio-362 aka PL10 aka green_led is correct, echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/green_led/brightness is working


I am new to armbian, please bare with me if the following questions are stupid. :D

How do i fix this issue correctly?

Where can i find and modify the FEX file that is used?

How can i disable the occupation of the red/green leds, so i can export the GPIO myself?


Thanks a lot :)

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