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Hi all and many thanks to armbian team - it is a great distro.
I installed armbian to my orange pi pc (just pc, not pc+) and it works. TV out works too. But no one of my usb wi-fi adapters are supported by default kernel 3.4. This is why I go to "kernel" tab at page https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-pc/and follow instructions to switch to development kernel. Also I follow instruction at "Nighty releases" tab in order to get the newest versions of software.
After installing new kernel I edit symlik /boot/script.bin to point to "bin/orangepipc.bin" instead of default "bin/orangepipcplus.bin" and reboot. Orange pi boots successfully and I can log in via ssh, but tv signal was disappeared: my TV just says "no signal".
Then I put to /boot/bin my old "orangepipc.bin" file, with which tv out works with 3.4 kernel and reboot, but there is still no tv signal. After that I edit "orangepipc.bin" provided with 4.9 kernel in order to enable tv out, but tv signal did not appear...


The record "tv" in "/etc/modules" is present.


This is part of my orangepipc.fex file:

disp_init_enable = 1
disp_mode = 1
screen0_output_type = 3
screen0_output_mode = 10
screen1_output_type = 2
screen1_output_mode = 11
fb0_format = 0
fb0_width = 0
fb0_height = 0
fb1_format = 0
fb1_width = 0
fb1_height = 0

hdmi_used = 0
hdmi_power = "vcc-hdmi-18"

tv_used = 1
tv_dac_used = 1
tv_dac_src0 = 0

Is it possible to use analog tv out with 4.9 kernel? If yes, what shold I do to enable it?


Thank You for reply.


Is there something else not working with 4.9 kernel that works with 3.4? Is there a list of that?

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