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First Login via SSH: Password "1234" does not work


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I installed   Armbian_5.24_Orangepizero_Ubuntu_xenial_dev_4.9.4 on my Orange Pi Zero. Because it has no video out, I try to login via SSH.


Unfortunately the password "1234" does not work for user root. I get "Permission denied (publickey,password).".


Is the password wrong?



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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Did you check download integrity and more importantly used Etcher as recommended to burn the SD card?


When I tested with broken SD cards symtpoms were the same (due to read-only filesystem due to corrupted OS image on SD card). Apart from that you should be aware that dev images are for devs and to get dev feedback (at least serial console attached since this is to improve things and not doing unpaid 1st level support for no reason).

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It also doesn't work on my OrangePI PC neither with ssh or in a text console

It doesn't bother me too much as I use Midnight Commander mainly

and sudo mc makes me "master of the world " :)

First I thought it was inherited from ubuntu that always want to forbid me to break my machine.

In fact I think it is a bad idea as it even prevent from changing the unknown root password

witch seems to be the basis of system security.

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No, I used dd. I am going to retry with etcher.


The dev image is the only image available on Mainline for the Orange Pi Zero. If etcher does not help, I am going to try Legacy 3.4.113.





I entered the password interactively.

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Flashing with etcher did not change anything but going to Legacy 3.4.113 helped. I guess the dev image simply has a different password.


Nope, it hasn't. And that's the reason why I asked whether you also checked download integrity (yes, this also happens from time to time: corrupted downloads for whatever reasons): https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-check-download-authenticity


Please check this if you've the old 4.9.4 image around. Another reason could be that these nightly builds are fully automated and untested builds and stuff might be broken anyway.


Well, maybe I should learn to ignore any questions regarding nightly images since every user happily ignores the warning [1] on download page, we get zero constructive feedback and only waste our time with useless support questions. Maybe we should just stop providing these images... maybe the best idea.


[1] Warning: nightly downloads are automated untested builds and no end user support is provided for them!

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Take the easy way:


sudo losetup /dev/loop0 Armbian_5.30_Orangepipc_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113.img

(alternatively when burned on sd-card the same with e.g. /dev/sdg or similar).


sudo partprobe /dev/loop0

sudo mount /dev/loop0p1 XX

sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static XX/usr/bin

sudo chroot XX

passwd ----> Enter new Password for root



sudo umount XX

sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0


(If this doesn't work, there is something worn with the image ...)



Thomas GB




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