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CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards


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9 часов назад, jock сказал:


Some fresh debian and ubuntu images have been built by armbian servers just yesterday: https://imola.armbian.com/dl/rk322x-box/archive/

unfortunately they're built with ddrbin 1.10...


I tried to built images with ddrbin 1.11 (I placed it into blob and changed config/sources/families/rk322x.conf) but got image with ddrbin 1.10 for some reason - maybe there's cached intermediate results?

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4 hours ago, NiTr0 said:

unfortunately they're built with ddrbin 1.10...


I tried to built images with ddrbin 1.11 (I placed it into blob and changed config/sources/families/rk322x.conf) but got image with ddrbin 1.10 for some reason - maybe there's cached intermediate results?

Oh right, you still need the v1.11

There are some caches around, but should not affect the bootloader which is always rebuilt from scratch AFAIK.


Will double check soon, stay tuned!

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2 часа назад, jock сказал:

There are some caches around, but should not affect the bootloader which is always rebuilt from scratch AFAIK.

quite strange:


--- a/config/sources/families/rk322x.conf
+++ b/config/sources/families/rk322x.conf
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ uboot_custom_postprocess() {
        #       tools/mkimage -n rk322x -T rksd -d tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin u-boot-rk322x-with-spl.bin
-       tools/mkimage -n rk322x -T rksd -d $SRC/packages/blobs/rockchip/rk322x_ddr_330MHz_v1.10_2t.bin u-boot-rk322x-with-spl.bin
+       tools/mkimage -n rk322x -T rksd -d $SRC/packages/blobs/rockchip/rk322x_ddr_300MHz_v1.11.bin u-boot-rk322x-with-spl.bin
        cat spl/u-boot-spl.bin >> u-boot-rk322x-with-spl.bin
        dd if=u-boot.itb of=u-boot-rk322x-with-spl.bin seek=$((0x200 - 0x40)) conv=notrunc


grep -a "Version V1.1[01] 20" output/images/Armbian_23.11.0-trunk_Rk322x-box_bookworm_legacy_4.4.194.img
          ����������������>�$��'� F����ޠDDR Version V1.10 20190926
          ����������������>�$��'� F����ޠDDR Version V1.10 20190926


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@NiTr0 in fact it is very strange, and I may guess there's a bug somewhere in the armbian building script.

Also running ./compile.sh ARTIFACT_IGNORE_CACHE=yes that forces uboot and kernel being rebuild still produces images with v1.10, despite the bootloader package u-boot-rk322x-with-spl.bin has v1.11 in it. 🤔

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I've placed compiled u-boot-rk322x-with-spl.bin at 0x8000 in image and image boots OK.


small question: how to check (and change) GPIO pin assignment? currently I have only dark red light; it seems like it's looks like GPIOs mismatched.


I've extracted and decompiled DTS from original firmware, but at first quick look I can't see pin assignments here - maybe I'm hav no enough experience...

Edited by NiTr0
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2 hours ago, NiTr0 said:

small question: how to check (and change) GPIO pin assignment? currently I have only dark red light; it seems like it's looks like GPIOs mismatched.


I've extracted and decompiled DTS from original firmware, but at first quick look I can't see pin assignments here - maybe I'm hav no enough experience...

DId you already run rk322x-config and select the proper led-conf gpio preset for your board?

There are several presets to chose from depending on the board signature and design; if you don't find any match perhaps your board is new and would be very nice if you could share high resolution photos of the board front and back, the original device tree and, if possible, the backup of the original firmware.

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hm, h20 board in rk322x-config works OK.


how LED behavior can be changed? are they blinking by some script/binary, or?


also, question about DDR/eMMC settings - when they're applied, and how device can be crash-recovered if settings are wrong (boot button should work, or only resistors shorting will help)?


and what is default DDR freq - 300MHz, or 600MHz? I looked up into factory dts and there was 600MHz frequency; but in rk322x-config there's no 600MHs option - there are 528 and 660 MHz...

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6 hours ago, NiTr0 said:

how LED behavior can be changed? are they blinking by some script/binary, or?



6 hours ago, NiTr0 said:

also, question about DDR/eMMC settings - when they're applied, and how device can be crash-recovered if settings are wrong (boot button should work, or only resistors shorting will help)?

They are not applied at level of ddrbin, but the DMC driver is loaded by kernel; in case you're stuck and your system does not boot anymore, you can always boot via multitool, mount the rootfs partition and remove the ddr3-* overlay in /boot/armbianEnv.txt to restore the default.

6 hours ago, NiTr0 said:

and what is default DDR freq - 300MHz, or 600MHz? I looked up into factory dts and there was 600MHz frequency; but in rk322x-config there's no 600MHs option - there are 528 and 660 MHz...

Default frequency is 333 Mhz and is defined in ddrbin. Armbian is not the stock firmware, hence the factory dts is absolutely not applicable here and would lead you to misunderstandings.

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10 часов назад, jock сказал:

Default frequency is 333 Mhz and is defined in ddrbin. Armbian is not the stock firmware, hence the factory dts is absolutely not applicable here and would lead you to misunderstandings.

I saw in rk322x-config DDR frequency options - they are applied by kernel like emmc settings, right?


I mentioned factory DTS only as a source of frequency information (KMQN10006B-B318 has no datasheet/specs available in public internet).

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Hi Guys,


Great work! Much appreciated!

Don't you hate it when an interesting thread just stops for no apparent reason?

That is why I'm posting this. **There are no eMMC devices suitable for image burn** Picking up where gnusmag45 left.


I bought a brand new Q96max 4k Ultra HD TV Box for the sole purpose of burning Armbian to it. The box ran fine on Android.

I burned Armbian before on a different RK322x box and all went fine. 


Burning the image "Armbian_23.8.1_Rk322x-box_bookworm_current_6.1.50.img.xz" with Multitool seemed to go well.

However, rebooting (from internal memory I think eMMC) didn't work anymore.

Rebooted from SD (Multitool) again only to find an error message "There are no emmc devices suitable for..." on every eMMC action


The logfile on the SD card (dmesg.multitool.log) had an interesting few lines:

mmc2: Card stuck in programming state! __mmc_switch
mmc2: error -110 whilst initialising MMC card
mmc0: new SDHC card at address 0001


I opened the box but was unable to remove the heatsink. The memory chip has marking "jy9..." on it (... is where the text is overlapped by the heatsink.)

I think it's a jy932 (eMMC) but I could be wrong.


Since Mutitool runs I assume that the SOC is an RK322x (the box was advertised as RK3228A)


Dropping to Bash from Multitool menu:

lsblk reports: mmcblk0 (14.9G) and under that mmcblk0p1 (14.8G) and mmcblk0p2 (55M)

fdisk -l reports something similar (no eMMC)


Any suggestions to get the eMMC working again would be more that welcome!


Best regards,




Edited by Bert Kortenbach
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Finally I've cracked it!

I used the same SD that I used for the first box.


I created a new SD. Multitool recognized the eMMC now and I burned the image again.

Now it's working.


Only thing is,,,

I get no HDMI output yet, but I'm working on it...

Any ideas? (Multitool WAS giving me HDMI but the new image doesn't)

Diagnostics dump  (armbianmonitor -u) can be found at https://paste.armbian.com/avapokirog 


Best regards



Edited by Bert Kortenbach
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I think Jocks post of Sept 29. should apply to my system:


MattWestB This is the dtb for kernel 6.1, it should work on your existing installation: rk322x-led-conf7.dtbo


I'm running  Linux 6.1.50-current-rk322x, so that sounds like Kernel 6.1. The file should apply to my box.

I changed the file's extension from "dtbo" to "dtb" and put it in /boot/dtb/ between the other dtb files there.

I used chmod to change the rights of the new file to match the other dtb files.

Then I modified /boot/armbianEnv.txt to include this new dtb file: (replaced fdtfile=rk322x-box.dtb by fdtfile=rk322x-led-conf7.dtbo)

Rebooted... Fail.

Reflashed the full bookworm image...


I probably did something wrong here, but what?

Edited by Bert Kortenbach
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I can't do anything on Multitools; when I try to Backup flash, the error "There are no eMMC devices suitable for backup" appears. This error persists in all other options. There are no options for Nand, and from what I've read here on the forum, someone had the same problem but couldn't find a solution. I tried to change the file inside Bootstrap, extlinux, and edit extlinux.conf with rk322x-box-emcp.dtb and added the file to the SD card, but it didn't work. The blue screen doesn't even appear... Please, any solution for this error.


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@Bert Kortenbach Hello; indeed it fails. There's a reason the file is .dtbo and not .dtb: it is an overlay which applies on top of the base dtb.


Restore the original rk322x-box.dtb file exactly where it was and restore also the entry in /etc/armbianEnv.txt.

rk322x-led-conf7.dtbo has to be put into /boot/dtb/overlay directory, and then has to be activated by adding a line:




in /boot/armbianEnv.txt.


Note that rk322x-config script will overwrite the overlays= line in armbianEnv.txt, so you should manually add led-conf7 if you run it

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Thank you for you reply!

There was already a line "overlays=emmc led-conf-default" in armbianEnv.txt

I changed this existing line to "overlays=emmc led-conf7"


And I added the file from my Win10 machine to the box by typing:

scp rk322x-led-conf7.dtbo root@

While in the same folder as the .dbto file that you kindly provided for kernel 6.1


Verified if file has the same chmod settings: same.

Reboot: starts fine but still no HDMI output

remember: HDMI works fine in Multitool but not with bookworm mage.


Best regards,


Edited by Bert Kortenbach
Did a test
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Hi @jock


Thank you very much for your reply.

The link to your fresh rk322x-led-conf7.dtbo seems to be dead (tooltip says "unavailable")


as for the current file I'm using:

Name: rk322x-led-conf7.dtbo
Size: 5607 bytes (5 KiB)
CRC32: 59CE6571


rk322x-box:/boot:# cat armbianEnv.txt
overlays=emmc led-conf7

rk322x-led-conf7.dtbo in it's natural surroundings 😉 

rk322x-box:overlay:# ls -lt
total 108
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5607 Nov 24 14:54 rk322x-led-conf7.dtbo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3020 Aug 30 18:33 README.rk322x-overlays

Diagnostics dump  (armbianmonitor -u) can be found at 



Best regards




Edited by Bert Kortenbach
Added link to diag dump
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2 hours ago, Bert Kortenbach said:

The link to your fresh rk322x-led-conf7.dtbo seems to be dead (tooltip says "unavailable")

Mmmh, apparently it is a forum issue. The same resource can be downloaded from the box in the footer of the post

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Firstly, Sorry for my english, i am not a native speaker.


Hi @Bert Kortenbach, i am having exactly the same issue that you. The solution for the error "There are no eMMC devices suitable for backup" is simply rebooting the Multitool. However, this means I have to reboot every time to recognize the memory.


So I tried to install linux, exactly how is mentioned on the first post of this forum, however it doesn't works. 

The multitool part seems to work fine, I can erase, burn and backup image, but after Burn the image, when i try to restart and use internal memory to start linux, there is no video from HDMI.

I tried few images from https://armbian.hosthatch.com/archive/rk322x-box/archive/ , doesn't matter which one i choose, i tried Legacy, older versions and new ones. 

I am not sure which chipset is my MXQ-PRO-4K, because there is a heatsink over the chip and it's glued. using AIDA64 (on android) and a written on the board says RK3229, the multitools shows eMMC memory also. 

I'm a layman on this subject, I bought the MXQ to install armbian and run Pi-hole to block ads on my local internet.


Any way to install Armbian on my SDcard and try to runs the image from it? on eMMC


I have a MALE-TO-MALE usb, maybe i could try to install without SDcard, but there is no microbutton(while pressing the reset microbutton with a toothpick) on my device.


Almost forget, when the TV-BOX was stil running native android, there was a Blue led blinking, now when using Multitool or trying to boot image, there is a yellow led and no more signal of the blue led, i am not sure if this information could help, but i didn't see nobody talks about it.


Here is my dmesg.log, please if someone can help me. 





Edited by Arthur Ferraz
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