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I was trying out Armbian_24.2.1_Odroidn2_bookworm_current_6.6.16_cinnamon_desktop.img.xz

and its not booting when you have a usb hdd  connected.

It works pefectly  fine on bullseye image. Also tryed some other hdd on usb


Board variant: n2-plus


Net: dunac_neson8b ethernet@ff3f0000: Can't get reset: -2


ethe: ethernet@ff310000


Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0


starting USB...


Bus usb@ff500000: Register 3000140 MbrPorts 3


Starting the controller




scanning bus usbeff500000 for devices... unable to get device descriptor (error-1)


WARN halted endpoint, queueing URB anyway.


Unexpected XHCI event TRB, skipping... (f0f719c0 00000000 13000000 04008400)



the https://paste.armbian.com/peromuzibi is the bullseye one.



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What device ${entire-device-to-be-used}. Do i put here


/dev/zram1: LABEL="log2ram" UUID="f669e3f4-c37a-47e0-9427-9839ee24afeb" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/mmcblk1p1: LABEL="armbi_root" UUID="de04b6b8-a4ac-493b-bee1-92d2eaff5ff0" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="586ce220-01"
/dev/zram0: UUID="9a68dd65-2939-47d0-a8a7-cb19f1afe9d8" TYPE="swap"


/dev/sda is externe ubs its pluged out otherwise no boot

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49 minutes ago, Christian Willemsen said:

What device ${entire-device-to-be-used}. Do i put here

If the microSD card in the microSD card slot is the one with the Armbian_24.2.1_Odroidn2_bookworm_current_6.6.16_cinnamon_desktop.img.xz then it is:

dd bs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc,fsync if=odroid-n2-plus/u-boot-meson.bin of=/dev/mmcblk1

It is always the NAME that lsblk enumerates with the TYPE "disk".

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