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Hello world !,

I am running bananapi and cubietruck boards on Ubuntu Thrusty and legacy kernel 3.4.109. I am using these board for remote servers but before critical upgrades like upgrade of kernel which can cause unusable system I need powerdown these boards and do backup of entire sdcards. But commands "poweroff" or "init 0" with battery connected everytime causes reboot on both of them while without battery connected these command shutdown boards properly.

Any ideas ?


I tried commands from the link you provided and it works ! Thank you a there is updated manual for cubietruck:


Log in your root account on cubietruck first and follow next steps:

ssh root@[name of your cubietruck (without brackets) ;-) ]


 # make backup first
cp /boot/bin/cubietruck.bin /boot/bin/cubietruck.bak


# export from binary file

bin2fex /boot/bin/cubietruck.bin /root/cubietruck.fex


# edit file cubietruck.fex and ...

nano /root/cubietruck.fex

# ... and add at the end of [target] section: (press Ctrl + W and type in "target")
power_start = 1


Result of edited subsection should look like:


boot_clock = 912
dcdc2_vol = 1450
dcdc3_vol = 1300
ldo2_vol = 3000
ldo3_vol = 2800
ldo4_vol = 2800
storage_type = 0
power_start = 1

# import in binary file back
fex2bin /root/cubietruck.fex /boot/bin/cubietruck.bin


# delete edited file from root folder

rm -v /root/cubietruck.fex



Thank you zador


I am running kernel 3.4.110-sun7i and this missed line (power_start = 1) has not been added yet. So If u connected battery to your Banana Pi clone or Cubietruck and your device instead shutdown only reboots again and again you need to add this line manually.

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