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Hi all


I hava an orange pi 5 plus with a 512GO NVME SSD. I have installed the latest version od Armbian to a SD card it work well,  but for speed reason i would like to install the OS to th SSD drive and boot from this device and no longer from the SD card. Is there a way to do this ? i mean from u-boot point of view?  i can keep a SD card inside it to store u boot but i would like to move usr var and such to SSD


Thanks in advance for your answers comment or ideas



  • Solution

Make sure to 

- write SPI during the mentioned armbian-install process

- that /boot directory has been populated on the NVMe. If not mount and copy files from sd manually there.


Thank you all for your help


using armbian-install was the solution, i just add to adjust my partitioning it seems to work fine, the board id up and running now lets enjoy this new toy and the armbian running on top




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