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20 hours ago, zdvrv said:

Yes, I have a bricked Z1 (the old version).


Today a made a new attempt to clone the Z1 (secure boot) version of Android and it succeeded


Unfortunately i don't have i Live (Non secure boot  Z1) to do the same.


If you find a live box same with yours,  boot with Armbian from SD and use a USB SD reader with SD card (al least 32GB)

give the bellow command:


sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk2 of=/dev/sda bs=64K conv=noerror,sync status=progress


mmcblk2 --> Tv-box eMMC

sda  --> Usb Card Reader with (32 GB SD card)


When finish, shutdown your TV Box, remove the sd card from reader and insert it to your box


It will boot to android.

2 hours ago, rafman said:

Today a made a new attempt to clone the Z1 (secure boot) version of Android and it succeeded

Could you share the secure Z1 Android image?

Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, zdvrv said:

Could you share the secure Z1 Android image?

It will not boot on your (non secure) device for sure, because i test it on my (non secure)  Z1 and does not boot.

We have to find a Live (non secure) Z1 box to extract the image. I am also looking for such device.


Devices are not same and  emmc + wifi/bt chips are different.


Right now i have a bootable SD Card if i make image it will be about  15GB (uncompressed)


it is not easy to share it,  but i will try it.  When i have the time i will inform you.




Edited by rafman
19 minutes ago, rafman said:

It will not boot on your (non secure) device for sure, because i test it on my (non secure)  Z1 and does not boot.

I see, I thought maybe secure Z1 image could work on the older model.
I had that version for a moment and saw kernel modules for aic8800 in the firmware but they were not used.

Do you have a way to make the aic8800 bl/wifi and hardware acceleration work on armbian with this box?

22 hours ago, rafman said:

is there any way to compile the X96Q v1.3 Branch with edge kernel 6.7.12,  including the sound and Ethernet patches from 6.6.44 ?


Should have some time this week to dig in

17 minutes ago, zdvrv said:

Do you have a way to make the aic8800 bl/wifi and hardware acceleration work on armbian with this box?


For the moment i have complied a driver for aic8800 but it does not work correctly. I will try to compile

the branch with the kernel 6.7.12 because with 6.10.9-edge-sunxi64 HDMI seems broken and does not work on x96q_v1.3


The problem is that now my free time is very limited.



2 minutes ago, sicxnull said:

Should have some time this week to dig in


I did it locally,  i modify 


KERNEL_TARGET="edge"  on board configuration


The system chooses kernel 6.10.9-edge-sunxi64

I see that Ethernet is working however HDMI seems broken and i don't have console,  ssh works.





I am looking the way to compile a board with edge kernel of my choice. (for testing)


When i use : KERNEL_TARGET="edge" on board_defconfig


System selects 6.10.9 however i don't need  the latest possible kernel that system is choosing.

I want to compile board with kernel 6.7.12 and not 6.10.9


how can i do this ?

what else i need to change/add ?



You can change your edge kernel in config/sources/families/include/sunxi64_common.inc


case $BRANCH in

		declare -g KERNEL_MAJOR_MINOR="6.1" # Major and minor versions of this kernel.
		declare -g KERNELBRANCH="tag:v6.1.104"

		declare -g KERNEL_MAJOR_MINOR="6.6" # Major and minor versions of this kernel.
		declare -g KERNELBRANCH="tag:v6.6.44"

		declare -g KERNEL_MAJOR_MINOR="6.10" # Major and minor versions of this kernel.
		declare -g KERNELBRANCH="tag:v6.10.9"



@rafman  But be aware when pointing to a specific kernel version other than what is currently used, that you also need the set of patches for that kernel that gets added on top of the mainline kernel.  Since you mention wanting a 6.7 based kernel, you would find those patches in patch/kernel/archive/sunxi-6.7.  (Note that at some point this whole directory will be removed as it isn't maintained, and depending on what point version of 6.7 you are wanting to use, these patches may or may not apply cleanly).    So you can't just point to any random mainline kernel version and expect that all the patches necessary will exist for that particular kernel version.

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, SteeMan said:

@rafman  But be aware when pointing to a specific kernel version other than what is currently used, that you also need the set of patches for that kernel that gets added on top of the mainline kernel.  Since you mention wanting a 6.7 based kernel, you would find those patches in patch/kernel/archive/sunxi-6.7.  (Note that at some point this whole directory will be removed as it isn't maintained, and depending on what point version of 6.7 you are wanting to use, these patches may or may not apply cleanly).    So you can't just point to any random mainline kernel version and expect that all the patches necessary will exist for that particular kernel version.


I just want to test the X96Q_H313_LPDDR3 board with different kernels, I use 6.7.12 kernel on my Transpeed 8k (H618) and it seems to perform nice.

However on X96Q_H313_LPDDR3 with  6.6.44 kernel the board is stable, but seems to have response problems,slow video playback problems and consumes lot of CPU resources ( UI ) without reason. (Also seems that GPU is not used)


H313 - H616 / H618 are very similar.


Yesterday: I compiled the board ( X96Q_H313_LPDDR3 )  with latest -->  6.10.9-edge but the HDMI is broken (i have no console) only ssh, and for this reason i wanted to compile for test with 6.7.12


Today: I test with 6.7.12 and HDMI, Ethernet is working, but I have other problems because 1 of 2 USB ports and sound is not working.

I am trying to understand what causes above problems. However seems that box response ( UI ) seems to be much better with 6.7.12 than 6.6.44.


I will check further.









Edited by rafman

I installed Armbian on the eMMC to see if it would improve performance in Netsurf, but I didn't get good results. Now, when I tried to go back to the original Android, I noticed that the X96Q is no longer recognized in Windows 10's Task Manager. Does anyone know how to make the X96Q be recognized by the PC again?

Posted (edited)

I don't wish to appear rude, so I'm back with an update.

My main goal for this was to install HomeAssistant, which I successfully did using miniach, so I've no requirements for Armbian at this stage.

Getting HomeAssistant to run however is another issue. 🙂

Thanks for the input though.

Edited by K R



So glad to see some progress has been made with this board. I tried a year or two ago with the warpme build, but it was not so useful for my use case. 


Going to try tonight, but see the pictures of your board are significantly different to mine. Am I SOL? or is it worth trying regardless? It is definitely a H313 chip, seems to have some micron RAM chips, but they look different. 


Any advice is appreciated. 


Thanks for your hard work




I have this board, whats image I should try or what method I should try ?

Mỹ board show as v3.0, I have try some image I found from google but the board not boot, only splash screen and no signal hdmi , the led off

Thanks :(

Mỹ board show as v 3.0 IMG-3699.jpg


@Doo Nguyen


Your Box only has only 1GByte of ram, the Micron-chip marked JWA60 has 1GByte of ram and 8GByte of flash. Android on these boxes is often faked to display more ram and flash than exist.

Posted (edited)

My best regards to all of you and many thanks to the developers for their effort. 

I've just bought one of these to experiment. I've used it for a short while with the stock Android fw but I've immediately found out a couple of severe glitches, one with the image getting let's say solarized and turning back to normal after seconds or minutes, completely on a random base and the other with sound that sometimes disappears. 

My intention was experimenting anyway so I've immediately switched to Linux, even to understand if those glitches are sw or hw (as I fear) related. 

I don't know the board version because, due to still not having found the root for those glitches, I don't want to damage the seal to keep a return feasible but I'm sure it actually has 2Gb of RAM given that I get them all even under Linux and not only under Android which can provide fake informations in this regard. 

By what I've understood reading the previous posts, an effective way to determine the board revision is a trial and check procedure using the miniarch images (available for all the currently known and therefore handled revisions): if it boots, the board is likely to be that one (or at least a very similar one with minor tweaking necessary); if it doesn't, try another image for a different revision. 

This way, I've determined mine should be a v5.1 but here the problems arose. With Armbian I've successfully made the first boot, just configured a few unharming things (mainly WiFi connection) then at next reboot it didn't boot anymore. 

At this stage, I'm purposedly sticking with sdcard (for the same reason of leaving a door open for returning it if necessary). 

I've then switched to miniarch. It boots but it can't start ethernet so I can't do almost anything. 

I'm starting to fear my assumption could be wrong and mine isn't actually a v5.1.

Here you can find a screenshot taken from miniarch, obviously not to ask for troubleshooting something which is completely out of scope here but just in the hope to provide the developers with some relevant details. 

Have a nice day! 

Edited by guybrushthreepwood
Posted (edited)

I bought an x96q. I used this image https://github.com/sicXnull/armbian-build/releases/download/v24.8.0-trunk.425/Armbian-unofficial_24.11.0-trunk_X96q_bookworm_current_6.6.44_mate_desktop.img.xz for installation.

I uploaded it to the sd card and just launched it. The command prompt came out and I made the settings (user name, password and something else). After something like "starting the desktop environment", a black screen appeared. I rebooted the board and a welcome screen appeared where I had to enter the password. I entered it, but then everything disappeared again. Everything was lagging and I couldn't enter the password from the first restart.

Why can this be?

photo_2025-01-11_20-18-24 (2).jpg


Edited by Alexei

Hello everyone. I am trying to compile an image for X96Q version 5.1 (H313). But I get a black screen all the time. I need the server version. My idea is to use this board to make a NAS server running on an openmediavault shell. Could you help me with this?

Posted (edited)


did someone manage to succesfully run/install armbian in one of these?

It's a Ximi plus tv stick, And I found some similarities with the boxes on this thread.


I tried one image from another thread for Allwinner H3, which worked for me for another box With CPU Allwinner H313.

However, the image in question on the stick only showed a black screen, with apparently no hdmi output. Note that a hub was used with a USB to SD card adapter.



Edited by fefpi
Posted (edited)

Hi fefpi 

H313 is the same as H616. You need to test images with H616 and AXP305. Here are some boards with source code that might work.


Sorry you'll have to wait until the new images are released. There's a DRAM bug in the latest images. v13.9.1

U-Boot SPL 2025.01 (Feb 06 2025 - 15:11:12 +0100)


x96q ddr3 (axp313a version will not work)




tanix-tx6s (axp313a version will not work)




Edited by Nick A
Posted (edited)

If anyone wants to test my Armbian unofficial build using the latest Armbian 25.05.0 build, Kernel 6.12.11 and miniarch patches. I compiled all 4 versions of X96Q. If you need secure boot or desktop build let know. This is a work in progress so I might be updating the build often.






git clone https://github.com/NickAlilovic/build.git --branch v20250306



Remember you have a custom kernel. You need to block kernel updates with the armbian config tool.

Edited by Nick A
Posted (edited)

When I tried to compile the image I got this error

[🌱] Starting single build process [ x96q-tvbox ]
[🌱] Checking [ basic host setup ]
[🌱] Build host OS release [ jammy ]
[🌱] Build host architecture [ amd64 ]
[💥] error! [ No such BOARD 'x96q-tvbox'; no board config file found.  ]
[💥] Exiting with error 43 [ at /content/armbian-build/lib/functions/logging/traps.sh:1
                exit_with_error() --> lib/functions/logging/traps.sh:1
       config_source_board_file() --> lib/functions/main/config-prepare.sh:130
                do_with_logging() --> lib/functions/logging/section-logging.sh:81
    do_with_conditional_logging() --> lib/functions/logging/section-logging.sh:111
    prep_conf_main_build_single() --> lib/functions/main/config-prepare.sh:23
         cli_standard_build_run() --> lib/functions/cli/cli-build.sh:22
        armbian_cli_run_command() --> lib/functions/cli/utils-cli.sh:136
                 cli_entrypoint() --> lib/functions/cli/entrypoint.sh:176
                           main() --> ./armbian-build/compile.sh:50
[💥] Cleaning up [ please wait for cleanups to finish ]
[🌿] ANSI log file built; inspect it by running: [ less -RS output/logs/log-build-no-uuidgen-yet-26314-4689.log.ans ]
[🌿] Share log manually (or SHARE_LOG=yes): [ curl --data-binary @output/logs/log-build-no-uuidgen-yet-26314-4689.log.ans https://paste.armbian.com/log ]

oh i just noticed the 2nd post, problem solved

Edited by Shizik

I have new problem guys

[🌱] Cleaning up after debootstrap [ debootstrap cleanup ]
mount: /content/armbian-build/.tmp/rootfs-59e18249-2652-441f-b8c5-cd5bbbd13c84/proc: cannot mount chproc read-only.
[💥] Error 32 occurred in main shell [ at /content/armbian-build/lib/functions/general/chroot-helpers.sh:25
                   mount_chroot() --> lib/functions/general/chroot-helpers.sh:25
   create_new_rootfs_cache_via_debootstrap() --> lib/functions/rootfs/rootfs-create.sh:138
        create_new_rootfs_cache() --> lib/functions/rootfs/create-cache.sh:69
                do_with_logging() --> lib/functions/logging/section-logging.sh:81
   artifact_rootfs_build_from_sources() --> lib/functions/artifacts/artifact-rootfs.sh:80
    artifact_build_from_sources() --> lib/functions/artifacts/artifacts-obtain.sh:34
       obtain_complete_artifact() --> lib/functions/artifacts/artifacts-obtain.sh:280
       build_artifact_for_image() --> lib/functions/artifacts/artifacts-obtain.sh:392
   get_or_create_rootfs_cache_chroot_sdcard() --> lib/functions/rootfs/create-cache.sh:83
         build_rootfs_and_image() --> lib/functions/main/rootfs-image.sh:14
   full_build_packages_rootfs_and_image() --> lib/functions/main/default-build.sh:36
          do_with_default_build() --> lib/functions/main/default-build.sh:42
         cli_standard_build_run() --> lib/functions/cli/cli-build.sh:25
        armbian_cli_run_command() --> lib/functions/cli/utils-cli.sh:136
                 cli_entrypoint() --> lib/functions/cli/entrypoint.sh:176
                           main() --> ./armbian-build/compile.sh:50
[💥] Cleaning up [ please wait for cleanups to finish ]
[🌿] Unmounting recursively [ SDCARD - be patient ]
[🌿] Unmounting recursively [ MOUNT - be patient ]
[🌿] ANSI log file built; inspect it by running: [ less -RS output/logs/log-build-59e18249-2652-441f-b8c5-cd5bbbd13c84.log.ans ]
[🌿] Share log manually (or SHARE_LOG=yes): [ curl --data-binary @output/logs/log-build-59e18249-2652-441f-b8c5-cd5bbbd13c84.log.ans https://paste.armbian.com/log ]


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