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Compiling Kernel for Banana Pi


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I want to use the Banana Pi for VDR and need a dvb device - Geniatech T230 for example. Therefore I need i2c_mux enabled. On the 8. May 2017 I created a sd-card-image with your tool (virtualbox, ubuntu and "git clone https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib --depth 1"), everything works fine. :-)

But I forget to enable the remote controller adapter in the kernel...


O.k., I started to rerun all the things and created a new sd-card-image. But the network is out of funktion. :-(

The system doesn't reach the dhcp-server. The network with a static ip-adress is out of function, too.

Anything was changed on the system, wasn't it?

The network is out of function even when I don't change anything at the kernel config while building the new image.

Please, help me...


My second solution was:

I took my first generated sd-card-image and installed only the kernel (compiled with your tool under virtualbox...)

- i2c_mux enabled

- installed with  dpkg -i linux-image-sun7i_5.27_armhf.deb && dpkg -i linux-headers-sun7i_5.27_armhf.de on the running system on the banana

But when I compile the media-build, it breaks with an error...


What have I to do, installing only the kernel in my second solution?


And what is the problem with the network with a new sd-card-image?


Thanks for your help



P.s.: Sorry for my bad English, I'm still learning...


patch -s -f -N -p1 -i ../backports/v4.6_i2c_mux.patch
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED
Makefile:137: recipe for target 'apply_patches' failed
make[2]: *** [apply_patches] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/media_build/linux'
Makefile:383: recipe for target 'allyesconfig' failed
make[1]: *** [allyesconfig] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/media_build/v4l'
Makefile:26: recipe for target 'allyesconfig' failed
make: *** [allyesconfig] Error 2
can't select all drivers at ./build line 501.







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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

2 hours ago, 447377 said:

The network is out of function even when I don't change anything at the kernel config while building the new image.


It looks like there is a bug / changed parameter in upstream mainline u-boot source code ... temporally workaround is to switch u-boot branch to previous, add: BOOTBRANCH="tag:v2017.03" to userpatches/lib.config and recompile.


Regarding your patch ... you need to fix it or find appropriate one.


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add: BOOTBRANCH="tag:v2017.03" to userpatches/lib.config and recompile.

Thanks, that was it. Network is working fine with a new sd-card-image.


But when I log in with an normal user (not root) I get:

chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/update-motd.d/10-header’: Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/update-motd.d/30-sysinfo’: Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/update-motd.d/35-tips’: Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/update-motd.d/40-updates’: Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/update-motd.d/41-armbian-config’: Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/update-motd.d/98-autoreboot-warn’: Operation not permitted

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I have the same problem on NenoPi Neo after upgrade to latest nightly build.


Check /etc/update-motd.d permissions:

fa@nanopineo:/etc/update-motd.d$ ls -l
total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  550 Jun  1 10:41 10-header
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6055 Jun  1 10:41 30-sysinfo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  436 Jun  1 10:41 35-tips
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  505 Jun  1 10:41 40-updates
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  275 Jun  1 10:41 41-armbian-config
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  253 Jun  1 10:41 98-autoreboot-warn

Then change the files mode and reboot

fa@nanopineo:/etc/update-motd.d$ sudo chmod +x * && ls -l
total 28
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  550 Jun  1 10:41 10-header
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6055 Jun  1 10:41 30-sysinfo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  436 Jun  1 10:41 35-tips
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  505 Jun  1 10:41 40-updates
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  275 Jun  1 10:41 41-armbian-config
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  253 Jun  1 10:41 98-autoreboot-warn

There are still some error.

 _   _                   ____  _   _   _
| \ | | __ _ _ __   ___ |  _ \(_) | \ | | ___  ___
|  \| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| |_) | | |  \| |/ _ \/ _ \
| |\  | (_| | | | | (_) |  __/| | | |\  |  __/ (_) |
|_| \_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/|_|   |_| |_| \_|\___|\___/

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.27.170602 nightly Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS 4.11.3-sun8i
System load:   0.77 0.24 0.08   Up time:       1 min
Memory usage:  5 % of 496MB     IP:  ,
CPU temp:      40°C
Usage of /:    9% of 15G

[ General system configuration: armbian-config ]
Last login: Thu Jun  1 12:41:01 2017 from

chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/10-header': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/30-sysinfo': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/35-tips': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/40-updates': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/41-armbian-config': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/98-autoreboot-warn': Operation not permitted


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Same thing happening for my OPi PC2 after latest update (5.27.170602)



chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/10-header': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/30-sysinfo': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/35-tips': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/40-updates': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/41-armbian-config': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/98-autoreboot-warn': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/etc/update-motd.d/99-point-to-faq': Operation not permitted


Same errors after sudo chmod +x /etc/update-motd.d/*

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