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I use armbian installed on emmc of  Nanopi neo air. I want use the sdcard, buit i can't see the card. I insert the card after i boot from emmc. How can i mount the card?


I think i see there only the emmc. 

If i start from sdcard, i see mmcblk0 and mmcblk1. If i start from emmc, there is only mmcblk0.


I have a couple of questions for what happens after you change sdc_detmode from 3 to 1 in the script.fex and convert it back to script.bin:


1.  Can you mount a microSD card at boot, or only manually mount it after boot? 


2.  If you later want to use an operating system on a microSD card, do you have to change sdc_detmode back to 3 before the Orange Pi will boot from the SD Card? Is there anything else you have to do to make it boot from an SD card if you have an OS on the emmc?






I use OPi Plus 2e., have installed RetroOrangepi on eMMC then the ROMs on sdcard.


Now i want the system while boot on eMMC to check the sdcard, if the sdcard is present then mount it on the directory /home/pi/RetroPie


I have used fstab but failed cause the Pi unable to boot


Now i want a safer method, can i use bash on boot?

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