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Posted (edited)


I'm new with armbian and I want to generate an image with a specific kernel version. Is it possible? I found the LIB_TAG but it's now deprecated, is there a replacement parameter?

Thank you,


Edited by GuillaumeB

If you are pulling the armbian build framework from git and following the armbian build instructions, then..


The file you would want to change would be:  ./config/sources/families/bcm2711.conf (adjust the appropriate section 'current' or 'edge' for the specific version you are looking to build)

But note then you would also need to port the armbian patches for that kernel version, unless you are OK without having the armbian patches applied to your kernel.  The armbian patches are located: ./patch/kernel/archive/bcm2711*


Thank you for your help.

My board is an orange pi zero 2w, so my SoC is an sun50i.

But if I list the .conf of sun50i, I have:  sun50iw1.conf, sun50iw2.conf, sun50iw6.conf, sun50iw9-bpi.conf, sun50iw9.conf

but this .conf doesn't have KERNELSOURCE or similar to specify kernel source and version.



Why did you title this thread Raspbian if this isn't about a rpi4 or rpi5 device?  Maybe you need to explain a bit more about what you are trying to do.

The Armbian builds for RPI devices pretty much use the standard raspbian sources.  But the sunxi builds have like a hundred patches applied and that is a lot of work to port all those patches.

Posted (edited)

Oh, sorry, it's a big mistake, I meant armbian!

Many thanks to you, it seems to pull the right kernel. But effectively, I not sure this the right method for my final goal.

My goal is to add a device tree overlay to enable i2s on my Orange pi zero 2w board. And then a wm8960 codec

For now I stuck with an unclaimed pins.

I found a guy that successively make it working but with an old kernel so I would try with same old kernel, but it seems too much complicated.

Working overlay :


Edited by GuillaumeB
  • GuillaumeB changed the title to compile armbian with specific kernel version
  • SteeMan changed the title to enable i2s on Orange pi zero 2w

Ok, thank you for your help.


I will edit my first post to complete with my final goal.

I am still a beginner in devie tree. Here is where I am from now :


According to the h616 user manual :


The Soc have an audio hub that manage various audio modules (I2s, PCM, DAM, etc). This AHUB is defined with base adress 0x05097000


In the current armbian dts of the Orange pi zero 2w, I see that ahub1_mach, ahub1_plat and ahub_dam_plat  are defined and disable. I2s isn't defined.
So I first add I2s and attribute pinout :

    fragment@3 {
        target = <&pio>;
        __overlay__ {
                i2s_pins: pinctrl-i2s {
                pins = "PI0", "PI1", "PI2", "PI3", "PI4";
                function = "i2s";
                drive-strength = <8>;

Then I add reference to this i2s in the audio hub node :

fragment@5 {
    target-path = "/soc/ahub1_plat";
    __overlay__ {
        status = "okay";
        reg = <0x05097200 0x100>;
        pinctrl-0 = <&i2s_pins>;
        pinctrl-names = "default";
        soundcard-mach,format = "i2s";
        soundcard-mach,name = "i2s_soundcard";

=> According to the user manual i2s adress register is  0x05097000 + 0x0200 = 0x05097200

After reboot with my overlay, If I list pin muxing :
sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/300b000.pinctrl/pinmux-pins
I get :

pin 256 (PI0): UNCLAIMED
pin 257 (PI1): UNCLAIMED
pin 258 (PI2): UNCLAIMED
pin 259 (PI3): UNCLAIMED
pin 260 (PI4): UNCLAIMED

I am stuck with this unclaimed pins so if one of you have advice or idea on this, it will be cool !

Thank you



Any update on this?  I'm also working on i2s for this board.  Maybe it is easier to just program the i2s directly from the user guide https://linux-sunxi.org/images/2/24/H616_User_Manual_V1.0_cleaned.pdf (page 469) ?  My device tree knowledge is limited, but programming the registers directly seems like it would work on any h61x soc ? If interested maybe we can take offline to slack or discord and post some possible solution here since this thread ranks high on google for i2s orange pi zero 2w




No, sorry, I don't have any news from my side. I'm taking a break from this project but I plan to get back to it soon. If you get any progress, let me know, I'm interested!


No, sorry, I don't have any news on my side. I'm making a break on this project but will go back to find a solution soon. If you get some interesting steps let me know!

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