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Downloaded the latest build


Cloned the git repo for rtl88x2bu

Built the new module with


cd /usr/src/linux-headers-6.1.99-vendor-rk35xx/arch/

ln -s arm64 aarch64

cd /rtl88x2bu
make KVER=6.1.99-vendor-rk35xx -j8
make KVER=6.1.99-vendor-rk35xx install

modprobe 88x2bu.ko

Looked at dmesg, and I see that it gives a message that the kernel is tainted and the module will not load.   No working wifi.   This same procedure worked fine with the 6.1.75 kernel of a previous release.


That's quite odd since this is the exact 3rd party driver Armbian ships with its images.

An older commit though. Needs to be tested if it can be pushed.




Providing logs with


PASTE_SERVER_HOST=paste.armbian.de armbianmonitor -u


 helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.




This is taken from a working build in which I compiled the aforementioned driver to make the wireless NIC work.




Note:  My installation is not exactly vanilla, but the u-boot, kernel, dtbs, and most of the OS is still stock Armbian.   I built a custom uInitrd to support my restartOS project, of which Armbian is the base for the embedded systems that I support.   




14 minutes ago, PeteL said:

  My installation is not exactly vanilla

Good to know. Moved to off-topic.


That was a good call to re-org the post.  I wanted to get you the logs from a vanilla install illustrating the same problem, but the same wifi adapter actually worked.  So now I'm going to rebuild my own image without the newly built driver and test again.   Maybe this will save me a step moving forward.





Thanks so much for entertaining my issue.   I rebuilt my image without the custom compiled module (which I needed to do in the past), and it just worked.  You guys are the best.


This issue is solved.   It was not an Armbian issue.

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