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I attempted to build armbian for orange pi 5 with these steps (I'm on macos):


multipass delete armbian-build
multipass purge
multipass launch -n armbian-build --disk 50G --mem 8G --cpus 4
multipass shell armbian-build
sudo apt install curl build-essential bc bison flex libssl-dev chrpath cmake cpio wget xz-utils
curl -LO https://github.com/armbian/build/archive/refs/tags/v25.5.0-trunk.67.tar.gz
curl -LO https://github.com/armbian/build/archive/refs/tags/v25.5.0-trunk.32.tar.gz
tar -xzvf v25.5.0-trunk.67.tar.gz
cd build-25.5.0-trunk.67
./compile.sh (select edge version for orange pi 5 in the cli)
multipass transfer armbian-build:/home/ubuntu/build-25.5.0-trunk.67/output/images/Armbian-unofficial_25.02.0-trunk_Orangepi5_noble_edge_6.13.3_cinnamon_desktop.img .

And for a reason I can't grasp, when I boot the orange pi 5 with the freshly flashed armbian.img on the SD card, the usb ports arent powering at all, so i can't use a keyboard, bluetooth or wifi dongles. But I can see armbian being displayed on the screen and asking for a new password

On the nvme ssd, I have Ubuntu running and no issue with the usb ports. I wanted to try the native support for vulkan and 3588s in 6.13.

Any idea?

PS: I tried both v25.5.0-trunk.67 and v25.5.0-trunk.32, but the same issue arises


Hi, thanks for the help but unfortunately nothing changed. Normally when my bluetooth dongle is working it turns green, but nothing when I boot on this image of armbian. I tried every port with my wired keyboard (a Magic Keyboard with usb wire, it worked on a previous version of armbian, and it works with ubuntu).

I don't know how to get it to work



Hm this is odd.


Is there a specific reason to use mainline? If not you can try a vendor kernel based image.


Overall I cannot reproduce. I have an Orangepi5 here and usb works well with both vendor an edge. Latter I tested earlier today with kernel 6.14.0-rc2


Also check that your board does not suffer from undervoltage. Ideally use a PSU that outputs slightly over 5 volts in order to compensate for losses across wiring, connectors and pcb traces.


At this time I bet it will work better with vendor kernel since it is close to feature-complete while mainline is still under heavy development. But well, worth a try I guess.

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