Philip1 Posted February 28 Posted February 28 I installed the Desktop images with Armbian Linux v6.1 (Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble), build Date: Feb 20, 2025), found that Chrome does not exist. Then I used the Synaptic Package Manager to install it, but the following error appeared: Firefox also not work nor cannot update. If anyone experencied the same? Thanks. 0 Quote
Werner Posted February 28 Posted February 28 Try an image with mesa-vpu extension present or build one. I think that ships a modified version to make use of hw acceleration better than stock. 0 Quote
Philip1 Posted March 1 Author Posted March 1 Thanks. I did apt upgrade, then the firebox was updated and can use. But, after I reboot it, the wifi adapter disappeared. Checked by the command: lshw -C network, the wifi adapter was disappeared. How can I fix? Thank you very much for your help. 0 Quote
Philip1 Posted March 1 Author Posted March 1 I searched on the, there is a mentioning: v2.3.2 Fixed wireless interface not showing up after a reboot on the Orange Pi 5 Pro. I already tried this build and there is really no wifi adapter missing problem, but the rknpu driver is of version 0.9.7, where the one got problem, the driver version is 0.9.8, which seems to be better. So, I want to run the AI processes by using the new npu driver. Thank you very much. 0 Quote
seyed.mostafa ziaei Posted March 6 Posted March 6 i can solve it in orange pi 5 plus i wrote this script it can use the latest stable firefox and add it to gnome menu #!/bin/bash # Define necessary paths APP_DIR="$HOME/firefox" APP_PATH="$APP_DIR/firefox" ICON_URL="" ICON_PATH="$APP_DIR/firefox.png" DESKTOP_FILE_PATH="$HOME/.local/share/applications/firefox.desktop" PACKAGE_NAME="firefox-deb" # Create necessary directories mkdir -p "$APP_DIR" mkdir -p "$PACKAGE_NAME/usr/local/bin" mkdir -p "$PACKAGE_NAME/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps" mkdir -p "$PACKAGE_NAME/usr/share/applications" # Download Firefox tarball (if not already downloaded) if [ ! -f "$HOME/Downloads/firefox-136.0.tar.xz" ]; then wget -P "$HOME/Downloads" fi # Extract Firefox tar -xf "$HOME/Downloads/firefox-136.0.tar.xz" -C "$APP_DIR" # Move Firefox to proper directory cp -r "$APP_DIR/firefox" "$PACKAGE_NAME/usr/local/bin/" # Download Firefox icon wget "$ICON_URL" -O "$PACKAGE_NAME/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/firefox.png" # Create the .desktop file echo "[Desktop Entry] Name=Firefox Comment=Browse the World Wide Web Exec=/usr/local/bin/firefox/firefox %u Icon=$ICON_PATH Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Network;WebBrowser; MimeType=x-scheme-handler/http;x-scheme-handler/https;x-scheme-handler/ftp;" > "$PACKAGE_NAME/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop" # Make the .desktop file executable chmod +x "$PACKAGE_NAME/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop" # Build the .deb package dpkg-deb --build "$PACKAGE_NAME" # Install the .deb package sudo dpkg -i "$PACKAGE_NAME.deb" # Update GNOME menu sudo update-desktop-database echo "Firefox package has been successfully installed and added to GNOME menu." 0 Quote
Philip1 Posted March 7 Author Posted March 7 Hi seyed.mostafa ziaei, I followed your script and applied, but some errors resulted as attached. I tried to find out, but do not have any idea why there is error in 'dpkg-deb --build "$PACKAGE_NAME'. Would you please help again? Thank you very much. 0 Quote
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