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I've got a new problem with my Olimex A20 Lime2 board.

The board doesn't freeze anymore (http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/295-freezing-problem-with-olimex-a20-lime-2/) but after a week I've got a very slow speed using samba: about 300 kbps.

I've tried to restart the smbd service but it doesn't work. The smbd process don't use cpu: < 5 %.

If I restart completely the board, samba start to works again very fast and use the cpu: > 50%.


How can I discover where is the problem and how to fix it?


I'm using Debian jessie 4.2.6-sunxi, and there are no more updates.



With dd and hdparm I can copy files very fast.

I've tried to use iperf to test the network speed.



server: Windows 10

client: OlimexA20

Bandwith 47.3 Mbits/sec



server: OlimexA20

client Windows 10

Bandwith 4.97 MBits/sec


What means???


What means???


At least not related to Samba. Can you elaborate a bit on your network setup? Did you exchanged cabling and/or switch ports already? The performance numbers you posted are really low...


My OlimexA20 and my router have ethernet port with 1000 MBit/s but my notebook has only a 100 Mbit/s port.

I've made the previous tests on wifi: the notebook was a meter far away from my router.

If I use the ethernet port I've got a bandwidth of about 93 Mbit/s using Windows as a server for iperf and only 30/40 Mbit/s when I use Olimex as a server.

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