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Hi, is it possible to use spidev on sk-am64b?


when i run

 ls /dev/spidev*

it return nothing so i suppose its not enabled by default. 





Edited by Tobias

I don't think any board has spi, i2c or similar enabled by default. It is all done via device tree overlays. Check if there are some available for your board by navigating to /boot/dtb/whateverstandshere/overlay


Ok, thank you. I cant find the overlay folder (probably because no overlays exist for sk-am64b). 


I have found some information regarding SPIDEV for my board here: https://software-dl.ti.com/processor-sdk-sitara/esd/am64x/latest/exports/docs/linux/Foundational_Components/Kernel/Kernel_Drivers/SPI.html.

It actually show an example of a device tree. Do someone know if there exist overlays that is known to be working or do i have to create my own?





I just check the sources from ti and it seems like they dont provide much overlays by themselves, so it seems you have to come up with something on your own.

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