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Hi Guys,
My current system has 128MB of SWAP area for RAM. I think it's located on SD card by default, however I have eMMC (8GB) on board. Is there any way to extend SWAP area to use this 8GB or less of eMMC which can be faster than SD card. 
Is there any way to extend SWAP area even on SD card on working system?


Of course !

dd if=/dev/zero of=/emmc-mount-point/newswap bs=1024 count=<what_ever_size_you_wish>
mkswap /emmc-mount-point/newswap
nano /etc/fstab
swapon -a

The "nano /etc/fstab" above is to add new entry for the second swap file.


To extend existing swapfile, you first need to turn off swap using "swapoff -a", then do same kind of "dd"/"mkswap" and "swapon -a" on the existing /var/swap, but with larger block count.


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