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Hardware: Banana pi M2 Zero

OS Armbian_community_25.5.0-trunk.185_Bananapim2zero_bookworm_current_6.6.75_minimal

pyGPIO - A 'more general' python GPIO library from "chwe".



Could the below python script work for a safe "shutdown" of the MBI M2Z?


# shutdown/reboot Banana Pi M2 Zero with pushbutton

from pyGPIO.gpio import gpio, connector
from subprocess import call
from datetime import datetime
import time

# Initialize GPIO

# Pushbutton connected to this GPIO pin

shutdownPin = connector.GPIOp11  # Adjust based on your wiring

# If button pressed for at least this long, shut down. If less, reboot.
shutdownMinSeconds = 3

# Button debounce time in seconds
debounceSeconds = 0.1

# Set up the GPIO pin as input with pull-up resistor
gpio.setcfg(shutdownPin, gpio.INPUT)
gpio.pullup(shutdownPin, gpio.PULLUP)

buttonPressedTime = None

def buttonStateChanged(pin):
    global buttonPressedTime

    if gpio.input(pin) == gpio.LOW:  # Button is down (active low)
        if buttonPressedTime is None:
            buttonPressedTime = datetime.now()
    else:  # Button is up
        if buttonPressedTime is not None:
            elapsed = (datetime.now() - buttonPressedTime).total_seconds()
            buttonPressedTime = None
            if elapsed >= shutdownMinSeconds:
                # Button pressed for more than specified time, shutdown
                call(['shutdown', '-h', 'now'], shell=False)
            # Uncomment the following lines if you want to enable reboot functionality
            # elif elapsed >= debounceSeconds:
            #     # Button pressed for a shorter time, reboot
            #     call(['shutdown', '-r', 'now'], shell=False)

# Subscribe to button presses
gpio.set_irq(shutdownPin, gpio.BOTH, buttonStateChanged)

while True:
    # Sleep to reduce unnecessary CPU usage


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