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Do you guys have some tips on reducing power consumption to an absolute minimum?

I've made some progress and reduced it to about 500mW on idle. with some CPUs shut off. I would like to get it lower for battery saving.

I'm currently building a custom image with as much of the functions I don't need (SPI, i2c, bluetooth etc) turned off hoping that I will get some more power savings. Not sure if this will make a difference yet.

Ideas would be appreciated!


Hello @Dandaman46


I think it's going to be almost impossible for anyone to make suggestions if they don't know what you have already done.  IOW, what is the "etc."?  Best way to communicate that is by way of code, I assume.


@Igor I'll have a look through that thanks! I'll report back my findings if they are substaintial.

To anyone finding this thread in future feel free to leave your comments.


Has anyone had success turning off the wifi chip completely from user space? I would like to turn it off for periods of time then turn it back on. I've tried figuring the GPIO pin, but of course it can't be exported as it's in use. I'm thinking of creating a device overlay to give me manual control of the pin.

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