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I recently installed:Armbian_25.2.1_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.75_minimal.img on my Odroid HC2. 


Ran the configuration. I'm currently trying to resolve an issue with warm booting and losing the hard drive.


I've read this: https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=97&t=44865 on the Odriod forum.


And this: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/15611-odroid-hc1-and-kernel-54-soft-reset-makes-the-sata-drive-disappear/  here


JMCC said:


I can confirm that, at least in 4.14 kernel, the method that armbian-config uses has no effect on selecting the HC1 device tree. As a matter of fact, nothing that you put on armbianEnv.txt has any effect, it is completely ignored. You need to manually set the parameters in /boot/boot.ini.


IMO that is not a bad thing. boot.ini has comments and explanations about the different parameters. So I think we could just stick with boot.ini, and make armbianEnv.txt just a symlink, in case we want to keep uniformity with other boards with regards to the name of the boot env config file.


Just curious if this still applies today with that build of Armbian?


Also if the solution of changing the boot.ini is still valid today to fix the soft reset error?


Finally as an aside it doesn't look like "hdparm" was installed? Is that possible? If so why?


Thanks for all the help.



Thanks for your response.


Should not hdparm be installed by default?


I've read that on the Odroid armbianEnv.txt is completely ignored? Is that correct?


I was planning on changing boot.ini to:

# final boot args
setenv bootargs "${bootrootfs} ${videoconfig} rw rootwait rootdelay=30 boot_delay=1000 smsc95xx.macaddr=${macaddr} governor=${governor} ${hdmi_phy_control} usb-storage.quirks=${usbstoragequirks} ${extraargs}"


I added:  rw rootwait rootdelay=30 boot_delay=1000


But I'm not sure if that is correct or anything.


Does anyone know if that will work?

5 hours ago, MikeSmith said:

Should not hdparm be installed by default?

You are using the minimal image which as the name implies has the bare minimum set of packages installed.  

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