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hi all,

i have a doubt about cubieboard3 and cubietruck  3.4.104-sunxi.

Tipically use this board with network and SSH , but sometimes i need attach monitor VGA and sometimes monitor HDMI.


Now work only VGA, HDMI never works.


my /boot/cubietruck.fex is:

disp_init_enable = 1
disp_mode = 0
screen0_output_type = 4
screen0_output_mode = 4
screen1_output_type = 0
screen1_output_mode = 4
fb0_width = 1024
fb0_height = 768

I can setup output cubietruck autosense?





Each time you edit you need to convert back to .bin by using fex2bin and bin2fex utils.

screen0_output_type = 4 

# 4 = VGA
# 3 = HDMI

You need to reboot each time you change those settings.


thanks for the reply Igor.
Last question, what is the difference between screen0 and screen1?
I can set screen0 for VGA = 4
and screen1 for hdmi = 3 is possible?
thank you

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