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Minor glitch with nand-sata-install.sh (Armbian 4.5 on cubietruck)


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Dear all,


I copied Armbian 4.5 (on cubietruck with kernel 4.3.3) from SD to SSD using the script "nand-sata-install.sh". The resulting system with /boot from SD and rootfs on SSD works fine.


However, the "Welcome to Armbian" message generated upon login contains the error message "df: cannot access ‘/dev/sda1’: over-mounted by another device" (see below). It seems to be related to mounting /boot from SD.


Do you have any suggestions how to get rid of the "df: cannot access" message ?


 ____      _     _      _                   _    

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 \____\__,_|_.__/|_|\___|\__|_|   \__,_|\___|_|\_\
Welcome to ARMBIAN (Debian jessie 4.3.3-sunxi)
Last login: Fri Jan  1 11:23:42 2016 from mac.
df: cannot access ‘/dev/sda1’: over-mounted by another device
Load: 0.01, 0.13, 0.10 - Board: 38.7°C - Drive: sensor - Memory: 1779Mb



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Dear Igor,


thank you for the hint - I have fixed it by changing line 73 in /etc/bash.bashrc.custom to :


73 -             HDDFREE=$(df -h /dev/sda1 | grep sda | awk '{ print " / " $(NF-2)}')

73 +            HDDFREE=$(df -h / | grep root | awk '{ print " / " $(NF-2)}')




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It's one way but is not working in a situation when that /dev/sda is not root.


Perhaps to check which partition is the biggest and monitor that one. It's also not the best case but I guess it covers more scenarios.

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The output of df - at least with kernel 4.3.3 - does not specify /dev/sda anymore but /dev/root instead (see below) - so we do not have to guess which partition is root. 


root@cubie:~/.ssh# df

Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root      240233144 26174912 201831972  12% /
devtmpfs         1023604        0   1023604   0% /dev
tmpfs             131072      216    130856   1% /run
tmpfs               5120        4      5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs             131072        0    131072   0% /run/shm
tmpfs             262144        0    262144   0% /tmp
/dev/mmcblk0p1  15097128  5333436   9114316  37% /boot
ramlog-tmpfs      262144     3644    258500   2% /var/log
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