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i have following problem:

● brcm4330-patch.service - LSB: Patch firmware for brcm4330 Bluetooth adapter
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/brcm4330-patch; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2018-04-11 09:25:00 UTC; 19min ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 454 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/brcm4330-patch start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Apr 11 09:24:54 wokati systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Patch firmware for brcm4330 Bluetooth adapter...
Apr 11 09:24:55 wokati brcm4330-patch[454]:  * Start pushing BRCM4330 bluetooth firmware to device and waiting 5 sec to complete...
Apr 11 09:25:00 wokati brcm4330-patch[454]:    ...done.
Apr 11 09:25:00 wokati brcm4330-patch[454]: Can't get device info: No such device
Apr 11 09:25:00 wokati systemd[1]: brcm4330-patch.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=1
Apr 11 09:25:00 wokati systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Patch firmware for brcm4330 Bluetooth adapter.
Apr 11 09:25:00 wokati systemd[1]: brcm4330-patch.service: Unit entered failed state.
Apr 11 09:25:00 wokati systemd[1]: brcm4330-patch.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


cannot start brcm4330 Bluetooth


could somebody help

best regards,


1 hour ago, samir-wokati said:

could somebody help

best regards,


This used to work on older images with old kernel and nobody adjust/fix this for a modern kernel. I think this is the problem.


I have been doing some research, and it look like this started to happening on kernels greater than 3.14.14


edit: also I have ask following question on solidrun.forum:



Hopefully someone could help.
I am trying to run bluetooth, but adapter is not recognized, I have bcm4330.firmware and running following command as service:
/usr/bin/brcm_patchram_plus -d --patchram /lib/firmware/brcm/bcm4330.hcd --baudrate 3000000 --enable_hci --no2bytes --tosleep=1000 --bd_addr 43:29:B1:55:01:01 --use_baudrate_for_download /dev/ttymxc3

also I have tried with --enable_lpm and also to prerun /bin/echo -en "" > /dev/ttymxc3 but only what I get is following:
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 00 21 01 20 23 f6 d2 f9 39 4a d2 e9 02 32 18 40
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 00 23 11 40 59 40 58 40 08 43 07 d0 61 78 20 46
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: bd e8 70 40 89 1c 00 22 15 f6 11 bc 20 46 bd e8
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 70 40 21 f6 93 be 70 b5 04 46 2e 48 00 68 45 78
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 2b f6 9b fb 02 2c 01 d0 04 2c 17 d1 05 f1 1b 00
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 16 f6 2e f8 04 2c 08 d1 00 23 1a 46 19 46 42 f2
Apr 25 09:57:03 wokati systemd[1]: brcm4330-patch.service: Start-pre operation timed out. Terminating.
Apr 25 09:57:03 wokati systemd[1]: Failed to start Patch firmware for brcm4330 Bluetooth adapter.
Apr 25 09:57:03 wokati systemd[1]: brcm4330-patch.service: Unit entered failed state.
Apr 25 09:57:03 wokati systemd[1]: brcm4330-patch.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.

lines 1-15/15 (END)...skipping...
● brcm4330-patch.service - Patch firmware for brcm4330 Bluetooth adapter
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/brcm4330-patch.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: timeout) since Wed 2018-04-25 09:57:03 BST; 11s ago
Process: 1629 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/brcm_patchram_plus -d --patchram /lib/firmware/brcm/bcm4330.hcd --baudrate 1500000 --enable_hci --no2bytes --tosleep=50000 --use_baudrate_for_download /dev/ttymxc3 (code=killed, signal=TERM)

Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 00 21 01 20 23 f6 d2 f9 39 4a d2 e9 02 32 18 40
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 00 23 11 40 59 40 58 40 08 43 07 d0 61 78 20 46
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: bd e8 70 40 89 1c 00 22 15 f6 11 bc 20 46 bd e8
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 70 40 21 f6 93 be 70 b5 04 46 2e 48 00 68 45 78
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 2b f6 9b fb 02 2c 01 d0 04 2c 17 d1 05 f1 1b 00
Apr 25 09:55:34 wokati brcm_patchram_plus[1629]: 16 f6 2e f8 04 2c 08 d1 00 23 1a 46 19 46 42 f2
Apr 25 09:57:03 wokati systemd[1]: brcm4330-patch.service: Start-pre operation timed out. Terminating.

OS on cubox is Ubuntu 16.04.04 LTS

Best regards,

Edit: kernel is 3.14.79

and when I run following command:
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/brcm_patchram_plus -d --patchram /lib/firmware/brcm/bcm4330.hcd /dev/ttymxc3 --no2bytes --tosleep 50000 --bd_addr 43:29:B1:93:E4:F5

it is failing with different error after execution of /bin/hciconfig hci0 up

01 4c fc c0 90 39 0e 00 01 fb 13 00 08 1a 41 08 
a1 80 28 44 20 f0 78 40 c4 f8 b8 00 14 22 21 46 
19 48 5d f7 85 fe 7c bd 10 b5 04 46 4f f4 46 10 
d0 f8 98 1b 11 f0 0f 01 01 d0 01 29 0a d1 d0 f8 
98 0b c0 f3 05 21 11 48 80 6e ff f7 af ff 10 48 
80 78 a0 74 10 bd 10 b5 04 46 2d f7 a8 fd 0d 48 
90 f8 42 00 00 28 09 d1 09 49 a0 7c 89 78 88 42 
04 d0 20 46 bd e8 10 40 63 f7 d9 bb 10 bd 00 00 
a0 fb 21 00 fe ff ff 07 00 08 37 00 d8 9a 20 00 
3c 1b 20 00 d4 21 20 00 10 b5 01 68 03 46 00 29 
02 d1 4f f0 00 00 00 e0 08 68 09 d0 0a 68 4f f0 
00 04 8a 42 01 d1 1c 60 01 e0 13 68 0b 60 14 60 
10 bd 00 00 
received 7
04 0e 04 01 4c fc 00 
01 4e fc 04 ff ff ff ff 
received 7
04 0e 04 01 4e fc 00 
01 03 0c 00 
received 7
04 0e 04 01 03 0c 00 
01 01 fc 06 f5 e4 93 b1 29 43 
received 7
04 0e 04 01 01 fc 00 
~$ /bin/hciconfig hci0 up
Can't get device info: No such device

so removed --baudrate 3000000 --use_baudrate_for_download and --enable_hci and --enable_lpm

could somebody help?




maybe someone on this forum know why is this problem happening

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