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Anyone get ArduinoIDE working on armbian for the Udoo quad?  When I try to upload a sketch, i see a java exception for bossac - no such file or directory (when i try to run bossac -h, same error)


Edit - the error above was for Udoo's 1.5.8 version.  I tried 1.5.4, and now I get errors trying to create GPIO0 and GPIO117 (direction & value).


We only provide support on kernel level so you probably need to install some extra libs from Udoo pages.


I messed around with an earlier version of the ArduinoIDE, and it looks like the reason its failing is because it can't export gpio 0 and 117 (says device/resource is busy).


From patrykk's kernel readme, there's a line that says:

  • Arduino with Udoo patch (export gpio 0 and 117: "echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/export; echo 117 > /sys/class/gpio/export")

This is all from the 3.14.28 kernel a while back (just got back to messing around with armbian).  


I tried loading the latest 5.0/3.14.60 jessie image, but it doesn't boot (my display says video out of sync).

I tried loading the latest 5.0/4.2.8 jessie image (keyboard layout is messed up - various characters numeric/<>":"'; are mapped incorrectly), and I get the same error message when trying to export gpio 0 and 117.  I believe those lines need to get toggled to erase the sam3x


Also - I saw on the same readme that its possible to just recompile the dtb ("make imx6q-udoo.dtb") - this would be really helpful just to add one-wire without recompiling the whole kernel (after original compile).  I tried building both udoo and udoo-next, but the version is 4.7.  Anyway to add tags in the compile script to mirror what is on the main armbian site?  Ideally it'd just be a device tree overlay that you'd be able to append to any build.


Thanks for all the hardwork - if not for armbian, the udoo platform would be dead


Hellou whole forum,


Please try remove Bossac driver or just test vanilla arduino IDE. I have changed howto. BTW. Please update kernel to 4.4.x version. 


best regards,


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