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Need to have working both SPI0 and SPI1 on Orange Pi Plus 2.

           Linux orange 4.14.40-sunxi #155 SMP Sat May 12 11:12:46 CEST 2018 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

           ARMBIAN 5.44.180510 nightly Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS 4.14.40-sunxi


SPI Double overlay installed (https://github.com/armbian/sunxi-DT-overlays/blob/master/examples/spi-double-spidev-bus.dts)

I can see both spi's

        ls /dev/spi*


I know all SPI0 pins -  19, 21, 23, 24

SPI1 pin CS = 8, CLK = 10 but what is MOSI and MISO?

How do I know where they are (or even select) ?






SPIO1_MOSI is PA15 and SPI1_MISO is PA16.

According to orangepi-plus-h3-v1_1.pdf schematic, the PA15 is used by STATUS_LED and PA16 is used by MUTE.

Since they are in currently used, SPI1 is not available. To go around that, you would need to tweak DT or FEX to have those STATUS_LED/MUTE disconnected ...


Sorry, but which pins  PA15 and PA16 on th scheme above?


4 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

To go around that, you would need to tweak DT


Can you give a point to start to?

1 hour ago, YaR said:

Can I connect 2 displays (small TFT and larger TFT with touch -  actually 3 SPI devices) to SPI0 ?

In theory - yes, but keep in mind that the bus bandwidth will be split between 3 devices so you'll get lower FPS and worse touch screen responsiveness than if they were connected to dedicated SPI controllers.

You will need to add extra GPIO chip selects using this as an example and add 3 slave SPIdev devices like here.

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