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16 hours ago, tkaiser said:


100% meaningless numbers now since they do not provide any insights any more (you can not differentiate what's throttling and what's -- potentially inappropriate -- cpufreq scaling behavior).



For two simple reasons:

  • allowing very low cpufreq OPP trashes performance (on your Tinkerboard it's storage performance due to the clockspeeds not increasing fast enough)
  • the way DVFS works at the lower end of the scale the differences in consumption and generated heat are negligible between silly ultra low MHz values and a reasonable lower limit (we in Armbian TEST for stuff like this with every new SoC family!)

Closed your issue right now spending additional time to explain: https://github.com/ThomasKaiser/sbc-bench/issues/4



So you're suggesting your benchmark script is meaningless?


I don't think so - it's very useful... and can be more useful in doing A/B testing  - rather than set params, report them - and let the tester review and test as needed.


the rk3288-tinker was armbian stock clocks - no tweaks there... it's just hopelessly impaired in a multiple thread environment - it gets heatsoaked, and no chance to recover with stock armbian - the numbers show that.


The whole rk3288-tinker problem is something that is really driving me how to sort it - using what is on hand, and no code-impact to armbian - so going down the road of how to make the best use of resources available... Challenges at the moment with tinker is that armbian does do the lower limit, and still sorting out if the DT updates on mainstream have been pulled in as 4.14 has a lot of changes on the mainline.


Hint on today's testing - I chose the Allwinner H3 device from FA - the NEO, as this is a well tested device (as you know) - just playing around with CPU schedulers... if you want the worksheet with backup on the testing - reach out to me directly...


Yes - I know UnixBench is kind of relative - useless across different machines/platforms - but in relative testing, with the same board/kernel/compiler, it's very useful - as you can see the time to complete the actual test, each sequence is almost an hour under test - so fair chance that thermals would be the biggest problem...


The NEO H3 - It doesn't throttle, but it's a fast race to minimum across performance/ondemand/schedutil... single thread shows some regression, but four threads bear interesting stuff when doing some fun with UnixBench... as you can see on the timeline - more than enough time for the H3 to get throttled, but it never does... did performance as a parity/sanity check - but the sample sizes across the benchs do suggest a high confidence interval on the results.




Last run - I pushed the H3 into powersave to bring the clocks down, otherwise it would have been 4 cores running at max - 4 cores burning on performance, I suppose temps would have eventually come down - I let it run a bit - did a stint in powersave mode to get to a good entry point for temps at 40C on for a good entry point on ondemand and schedutil - they would always jump down to minclock there - perf wants to be fast in single thread - but these days... and with big.little, woe to be the kthread on the wrong core...





NOTE - I've highlighted the performance regressions across things... and they deserve further study. With cpufreq schedutil, might improve...

Looking forward - getting to a point where benchmarks can be useful, automated, and reproducible... ARM's LISA looks really good for the CI workflow - and it opens up the black boxes that most benchmarks do...




All told - upcoming items like affordable big.little boards, preempt-rt, and cpufreq coming into play is going to complicate things... it's the upcoming perfect storm for the team, so get ahead of it...


I'm here to help - not trying to get into conflict - I've got more than a fair amount of time doing embedded stuff on arm - on QCOM, Marvell, Freescale, and TI - android and emdedded - I'm not crazy like the stuff over on xda, where things go strange.


I'd rather work with you than against you - against you, I'll lose, that's true, but the community might also lose on the investment of my time and effort to contribute.



I've just finished Benchmarking most of my sbc's.

This is done to see how well benchmark tools perform.
Conclussion is that I've found no perfect cpu-benchmark tool. With every tool there is a problem.


7-zip does good in single core tasks(100%) but with multicore tasks it doesn't use 100% of all cores. This percentage also differs from distro and from sbc to sbc. It also does a little bit better on 32-bit systems.
With blender different versions perform different. Older versions are faster. It also performs a lot better on 64-bit.
Sysbench does different tasks with different versions. It performs about 10x better on 64-bit systems.
CPU-Miner only works on 64-bit systems. It performs best on Bionic.
Gimp only uses 1 core. Performs better on 64-bit.
GTKPerf tests desktop speed. It only uses 1 core. It doesn't give reliable information.

Here all my results. I'll make a video about it by the end of the week. If anyone has suggestions. Please let me know.

Reasons why benchmark tools can give different results
Difference in cores A53/A7/A15/A72
distro (ubuntu/debian...)
distro version
kernel version
driver versions
compiler version
software version/outdated repositories
desktop Mate/Xfce/LXDE/...
display resolution/headless
background processes
cpu clockspeed
ram clockspeed/latency
ram useage/swap/zram
process sheduler 
optimizations for the system/distro
crypto engine for encryption
config settings
Wifi dongle uses recources

7-zip works a bit better on 32-bit vs 64-bit, it doesn't use all cores at 100% in multi-core scores. The percentage differs with different distro's and boards. So it's not completely exact.
Blender works a lot better on 64-bit than on 32-bit. It uses 100% of the cores.
Sysbench works 10x better on 64-bit, different versions give different results. Version 1.xx does the test 10s and gives the amount of events.
GIMP only uses 1 core, works better on 64-bit.
GTKPerf tests desktop speed. It only uses 1 core.
CPU Miner only works on 64-bit. Works better in Ubuntu Bionic than in Debian Stretch/Ubuntu Xenial.

Blender : BMW render @ 1080p
Gimp : BMW render result 1080p Filters -> Artistic -> Van Gogh -> ok
Sysbench : sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --num-threads="number of threads" run
7-zip : Numbers are average of 3 of decompressing only

All tests are done with a fan when necessary so no throttling occurs.

64-bit SBC's

NanoPC T3+             |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c     |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Armbian Bionic          http://ix.io/1iRJ  10.99kH/s           1290                      10254                  1h10m25s     1m24s    10.11s   21692
Arbmian Stretch         http://ix.io/1qiF  8.55kH/s            1275                      10149                  1h13m55s     1m32s    11.06s   3.2s

NanoPi M4              |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c     |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Armbian bionic          http://ix.io/1nLh  10.23kH/s           1335       2005           8352                   1h13m50s     0m29s5   5.06s    26763
Armbian bionic nightly  http://ix.io/1pDo  10.24kH/s           1329       1990           8292                   1h13m28s     0m29s    5.12s    26733
Armbian stretch desktop http://ix.io/1odF  8.66kH/s            1350       1977           8400                   1h14m12s     0m31s    5.24s    3.1s 
Armbian stretch dsk nightly  //ix.io/1pM0  8.80kH/s            1359       1993           8500                   1h15m04s     0m31s    5.32s    3.3s 
Armbian stretch core no fan  //ix.io/1pKU  8.80-8.65kH/s       1353       1989           8461
Armbian stretch core         //ix.io/1pL9  8.76kH/s            1354       1988           8456
Armbian stretch core nightly //ix.io/1pLf  8.82kH/s            1357       1994           8494
Lubuntu Bionic arm64    http://ix.io/1oGJ  9.24kH/s CPU Miner  1056       1551           6943                   1h28m13s             
Lubuntu Bionic armhf    http://ix.io/1pJ1                      1111       1769           7705                   2h02m54s     0m57s    6.97s    1666      32-bit
Lubuntu Xenial armhf	http://ix.io/1oCb                      989        1507           6339                   2h20m51s     0m59s    49.77s   49.7s     32-bit

Khadas Vim2 Max        |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c     |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Ubuntu Xenial           http://ix.io/1qkA  6.86kH/s            823        1134           6682                   1h14m39s     1m53s    16.26s   3.8s      
Armbian Bionic          http://ix.io/1qnY  8.55kH/s            921        1272           7464                   1h17m52s     1m32s    12.54s   19035                   

Odroid C2              |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip big core           |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Armbian Stretch Core    http://ix.io/1pZu  4.65kH/s            1390                      5342
Armbian Stretch Core Nightly //ix.io/1pZJ  4.66kH/s            1391                      5340
Armbian Stretch Desktop http://ix.io/1q1C  4.65kH/s            1394                      5363                                1m23s    11.66s   5.96s
Armbian Stretch Desktop NGHT //ix.io/1p02  4.59kH/s            1394                      5356                   2h38m18s     1m23s    12s      6.0s 
Ubuntu Mate Bionic      http://ix.io/1q2S  clocked to 100Mhz                                                    2h35m10s     1m17s    10.01s   12026
Ubuntu Mate Bionic OC   Doesn't work/Clocked to 100Mhz         1607                      5960                   2h10m21s     1m09s    8.94s    13755

Rock64                 |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip small core         |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Armbian Stretch 1.5Ghz  http://ix.io/1nCj  4.06kH/s            1406                      5407                   3h00n32s     1m39s    15.91s   7.0s
OLD Armbian Stretch 1.3Ghz   //ix.io/1iHB  3.80kH/s            1211                      4904
Armbian Bionic 1.5Ghz core   //ix.io/1qbK  5.00kH/s            1384                      5379                                                  10.0s
Armbian Bionic 1.5Ghz dsk    //ix.io/1qcb  4.94kH/s            1379                      5326                   2h55m56s     1m31s    15.00s   10172

32-bit SBC's

Odroid XU4             |SBC bench result                      |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c     |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Debian Jessie           http://ix.io/1q6X                      950        1653           8823                   1h12m19s     1m08s    18.53s   41.3s
Ubuntu Bionic           http://ix.io/1qbL                      1219       2094           9395                   1h44m19s     1m10s    14.36s   2200 

Asus Tinker board      |SBC bench result                                 |7-zip big core|7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Tinker OS 9.5 Stretch   http://ix.io/1pRN                                 1983           7536                   2h55m00s     1m19s    189.82s  63.7s

Raspberry Pi 3B+       |SBC bench result                      |7-zip small core         |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Raspbian Default no fan http://ix.io/1q10                      1471                      5027                                2m09s    9.85s    88.2s
Raspbian Default        http://ix.io/1q1Q                      1411                      5371                   5h47m31s     2m09s    10.04    79.5s
Raspbian OC             http://ix.io/1q5J                      1591                      6141                                1m55s    8.81s    70.8s
Ubuntu Mate Xenial      http://ix.io/1q65 7-zip didn't work                                                                  2m17s    11.71s   90.5s

Raspberry Pi 3B        |SBC bench result                      |7-zip small core         |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Raspbian Stretch :      http://ix.io/1qob                      1220                      4681                                2m31s    10.97    93s

Software versions
                                      GIMP        Blender      GTKPerf     SysBench                     SBC-bench
M4 : Lubuntu Xenial armhf             2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
     Lubuntu Bionic armhf :           2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11 LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3    0.6.1
     Armbian Stretch desktop 9.5 :    2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
     Armbian Bionic :                 2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11 LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3    0.6.1
Tinker : TinkerOS 9.5 Stretch :       2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
Odroid C2 : Armbian Stretch 9.5 :     2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
          : Ubuntu Mate Bionic :      2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11 LuqJIT 2.1.0-beta3    0.6.1 Doesn't work clocks to 100Mhz
Rock64    : Armbian Stretch 9.5:      2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
          : Armbian Bionic :          2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11                       0.6.2
RPi 3B	: Raspbian Stretch 9.5 :      2.8.18      2.78a        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.2	  
RPi 3B+ : Raspbian Stretch 9.5 :      2.8.18      2.78a        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
          Ubuntu Mate Xenial :        2.8.16                   0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
Odroid XU4 : Debian Jessie :          2.8.14      2.72b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1 7-zip doesn't work
           : Ubuntu Bionic :          2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11                       0.6.2 
NanoPC T3+ : Armbian Bionic :         2.8.22      2.79b	       0.40        1.0.11                       0.4.6
             Armbian Stretch :        2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.2
Khadas Vim2 Max : Ubuntu Xenial :     2.8.16      2.76b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.2
                  Armbian Bionic :    2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11                       0.6.2 
CPU Clocks
NanoPi M4 :    Armbian Bionic/Stretch : 2x2Ghz + 4X1.5Ghz                                     64-bit
               Lubuntu armhf/ARM64    : 2x1.8Ghz + 4X1.4Ghz                                   armhf 32-bit / ARM64 64-bit
Tinker Board : TinkerOS Stretch       : 4x1.8Ghz                                              32-bit
Odroid C2 :    Armbian Stretch        : 4x1.5Ghz                                              64-bit
               Ubuntu Mate Bionic     : 4x1.5Ghz RAM 912Mhz                                   64-bit
               Ubuntu Mate Bionic OC  : 4x1.75Ghz + RAM 1104Mhz                               64-bit
Rock64 :       Armbian Stretch        : 4x1.5Ghz                                              64-bit
               Armbian Bionic         : 4x1.5Ghz                                              64-bit
RPi 3B+ :      Raspbian Stretch       : 4x1.4Ghz no fan 4x1.2Ghz above 60°C                   32-bit
               Raspbian Stretch OC    : 4x1.570Ghz over_voltage=4 core_freq=500 sd_freq=510   32-bit
               Ubuntu Xenial          : 4x1.4Ghz                                              32-bit
Odroid XU4 :   Debian Stretch         : 4x1.4Ghz + 4x1.9Ghz                                   32-bit
           :   Ubuntu Mate Bionic     : 4x1.5Ghz + 4x2Ghz   Underclocks when above 75°C       32-bit
NanoPC T3+ :   Armbian Bionic         : 8x1.4Ghz                                              64-bit

Some benchmark tools can give an estimate of the performance. But they are never an exact reflection.


5 hours ago, NicoD said:

I've just finished Benchmarking most of my sbc's.

This is done to see how well benchmark tools perform.
Conclussion is that I've found no perfect cpu-benchmark tool. With every tool there is a problem.


Well - benchmarks are going to try to measure something specific...


Toss in UnixBench across the boards -- https://github.com/sfx2000/byte-unixbench.git




My video about benchmarking CPU`s of SBC`s.


Here all my data gathered

Reasons why benchmark tools can give different results
Difference in cores A53/A7/A15/A72
distro (ubuntu/debian...)
distro version
kernel version
driver versions
compiler version
software version/outdated repositories
desktop Mate/Xfce/LXDE/...
display resolution/headless
background processes
cpu clockspeed
ram clockspeed/latency
ram useage/swap/zram
process sheduler 
optimizations for the system/distro
crypto engine for encryption
config settings
Wifi dongle uses recources

7-zip works a bit better on 32-bit vs 64-bit, it doesn't use all cores at 100% in multi-core scores. The percentage differs with different distro's and boards. So it's not completely exact.
Blender works a lot better on 64-bit than on 32-bit. Older versions are faster. It uses 100% of the cores.
Sysbench works 10x better on 64-bit, different versions give different results. Version 1.xx does the test 10s and gives the amount of events.
GIMP only uses 1 core, works better on 64-bit.
GTKPerf tests desktop speed. It only uses 1 core.
CPU Miner only works on 64-bit. Works better in Ubuntu Bionic than in Debian Stretch/Ubuntu Xenial.

Blender : BMW render @ 1080p
Gimp : BMW render result 1080p Filters -> Artistic -> Van Gogh -> ok
Sysbench : sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --num-threads="number of threads" run
7-zip : Numbers are average of 3 of decompressing only

All tests are done with a fan when necessary so no throttling occurs.

64-bit SBC's

NanoPC T3+             |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c     |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Armbian Bionic          http://ix.io/1iRJ  10.99kH/s           1290                      10254                  1h10m25s     1m24s    10.11s   21692
Arbmian Stretch         http://ix.io/1qiF  8.55kH/s            1275                      10149                  1h13m55s     1m32s    11.06s   3.2s

NanoPi M4              |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c     |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Armbian bionic          http://ix.io/1nLh  10.23kH/s           1335       2005           8352                   1h13m50s     0m29s5   5.06s    26763
Armbian bionic nightly  http://ix.io/1pDo  10.24kH/s           1329       1990           8292                   1h13m28s     0m29s    5.12s    26733
Armbian stretch desktop http://ix.io/1odF  8.66kH/s            1350       1977           8400                   1h14m12s     0m31s    5.24s    3.1s 
Armbian stretch dsk nightly  //ix.io/1pM0  8.80kH/s            1359       1993           8500                   1h15m04s     0m31s    5.32s    3.3s 
Armbian stretch core no fan  //ix.io/1pKU  8.80-8.65kH/s       1353       1989           8461
Armbian stretch core         //ix.io/1pL9  8.76kH/s            1354       1988           8456
Armbian stretch core nightly //ix.io/1pLf  8.82kH/s            1357       1994           8494
Lubuntu Bionic arm64    http://ix.io/1oGJ  9.24kH/s CPU Miner  1056       1551           6943                   1h28m13s             
Lubuntu Bionic armhf    http://ix.io/1pJ1                      1111       1769           7705                   2h02m54s     0m57s    6.97s    1666      32-bit
Lubuntu Xenial armhf	http://ix.io/1oCb                      989        1507           6339                   2h20m51s     0m59s    49.77s   49.7s     32-bit

Khadas Vim2 Max        |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c     |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Ubuntu Xenial           http://ix.io/1qkA  6.86kH/s            823        1134           6682                   1h14m39s     1m53s    16.26s   3.8s      
Armbian Bionic          http://ix.io/1qnY  8.55kH/s            921        1272           7464                   1h17m52s     1m32s    12.54s   19035                   

Odroid C2              |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip big core           |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Armbian Stretch Core    http://ix.io/1pZu  4.65kH/s            1390                      5342
Armbian Stretch Core Nightly //ix.io/1pZJ  4.66kH/s            1391                      5340
Armbian Stretch Desktop http://ix.io/1q1C  4.65kH/s            1394                      5363                                1m23s    11.66s   5.96s
Armbian Stretch Desktop NGHT //ix.io/1p02  4.59kH/s            1394                      5356                   2h38m18s     1m23s    12s      6.0s 
Ubuntu Mate Bionic      http://ix.io/1q2S  clocked to 100Mhz                                                    2h35m10s     1m17s    10.01s   12026
Ubuntu Mate Bionic OC   Doesn't work/Clocked to 100Mhz         1607                      5960                   2h10m21s     1m09s    8.94s    13755

Rock64                 |SBC bench result  |CPU Miner          |7-zip small core         |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Armbian Stretch 1.5Ghz  http://ix.io/1nCj  4.06kH/s            1406                      5407                   3h00n32s     1m39s    15.91s   7.0s
OLD Armbian Stretch 1.3Ghz   //ix.io/1iHB  3.80kH/s            1211                      4904
Armbian Bionic 1.5Ghz core   //ix.io/1qbK  5.00kH/s            1384                      5379                                                  10.0s
Armbian Bionic 1.5Ghz dsk    //ix.io/1qcb  4.94kH/s            1379                      5326                   2h55m56s     1m31s    15.00s   10172

32-bit SBC's

Odroid XU4             |SBC bench result                      |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c     |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Debian Jessie           http://ix.io/1q6X                      950        1653           8823                   1h12m19s     1m08s    18.53s   41.3s
Ubuntu Bionic           http://ix.io/1qbL                      1219       2094           9395                   1h44m19s     1m10s    14.36s   2200   Underclocks above 75°C

Asus Tinker board      |SBC bench result                                 |7-zip big core|7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Tinker OS 9.5 Stretch   http://ix.io/1pRN                                 1983           7536                   2h55m00s     1m19s    189.82s  63.7s

Raspberry Pi 3B+       |SBC bench result                      |7-zip small core         |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Raspbian Default no fan http://ix.io/1q10                      1471                      5027                                2m09s    9.85s    88.2s
Raspbian Default        http://ix.io/1q1Q                      1411                      5371                   5h47m31s     2m09s    10.04    79.5s
Raspbian OC             http://ix.io/1q5J                      1591                      6141                                1m55s    8.81s    70.8s
Ubuntu Mate Xenial      http://ix.io/1q65 7-zip didn't work                                                                  2m17s    11.71s   90.5s

Raspberry Pi 3B        |SBC bench result                      |7-zip small core         |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Raspbian Stretch :      http://ix.io/1qob                      1220                      4681                                2m31s    10.97s   93s

Orange Pi+2            |SBC bench result                      |7-zip small core         |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender     |GIMP    |GTKPerf |Sysbench
Armbian Bionic          http://ix.io/1qtf                      1050                      4121                                2m56s    19.07s   773

Software versions
                                      GIMP        Blender      GTKPerf     SysBench                     SBC-bench
NanoPC T3+ : Armbian Bionic :         2.8.22      2.79b	       0.40        1.0.11                       0.4.6
             Armbian Stretch :        2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.2                                      GIMP        Blender      GTKPerf     SysBench                     SBC-bench
M4 : Lubuntu Xenial armhf             2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
     Lubuntu Bionic armhf :           2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11 LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3    0.6.1
     Armbian Stretch desktop 9.5 :    2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
     Armbian Bionic :                 2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11 LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3    0.6.1
Khadas Vim2 Max : Ubuntu Xenial :     2.8.16      2.76b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.2
                  Armbian Bionic :    2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11                       0.6.2 
Odroid C2 : Armbian Stretch 9.5 :     2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
          : Ubuntu Mate Bionic :      2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11 LuqJIT 2.1.0-beta3    0.6.1 Doesn't work clocks to 100Mhz
Rock64    : Armbian Stretch 9.5:      2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
          : Armbian Bionic :          2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11                       0.6.2
Odroid XU4 : Debian Jessie :          2.8.14      2.72b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1 7-zip doesn't work
           : Ubuntu Bionic :          2.8.22      2.79b        0.40        1.0.11                       0.6.2 
Tinker : TinkerOS 9.5 Stretch :       2.8.18      2.79b        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
RPi 3B+ : Raspbian Stretch 9.5 :      2.8.18      2.78a        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
          Ubuntu Mate Xenial :        2.8.16                   0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.1
RPi 3B	: Raspbian Stretch 9.5 :      2.8.18      2.78a        0.40        0.4.12                       0.6.2	  
Orange Pi+2 : Armbian Bionic :        2.8.22                   0.40        1.0.11                       0.6.2

CPU Clocks
NanoPC T3+ :   Armbian Bionic         : 8x1.4Ghz                                              64-bit
NanoPi M4 :    Armbian Bionic/Stretch : 2x2Ghz + 4X1.5Ghz                                     64-bit
               Lubuntu armhf/ARM64    : 2x1.8Ghz + 4X1.4Ghz                                   armhf 32-bit / ARM64 64-bit
Khadas Vim 2 : Xenial/Bionic          : 4x1Ghz + 4x1.5Ghz                                     64-bit
Odroid C2 :    Armbian Stretch        : 4x1.5Ghz                                              64-bit
               Ubuntu Mate Bionic     : 4x1.5Ghz RAM 912Mhz                                   64-bit
               Ubuntu Mate Bionic OC  : 4x1.75Ghz + RAM 1104Mhz                               64-bit
Rock64 :       Armbian Stretch        : 4x1.5Ghz                                              64-bit
               Armbian Bionic         : 4x1.5Ghz                                              64-bit
Odroid XU4 :   Debian Stretch         : 4x1.4Ghz + 4x1.9Ghz                                   32-bit
           :   Ubuntu Mate Bionic     : 4x1.5Ghz + 4x2Ghz   Underclocks when above 75°C       32-bit   
Tinker Board : TinkerOS Stretch       : 4x1.8Ghz                                              32-bit
RPi 3B+ :      Raspbian Stretch       : 4x1.4Ghz no fan 4x1.2Ghz above 60°C                   32-bit
               Raspbian Stretch OC    : 4x1.570Ghz over_voltage=4 core_freq=500 sd_freq=510   32-bit
               Ubuntu Xenial          : 4x1.4Ghz                                              32-bit
RPi 3B :       Raspbian Stretch       : 4x1.2Ghz                                              32-bit
Orange Pi+2 :  Armbian Bioic          : 4x1.3Ghz                                              32-bit

Some benchmark tools can give an estimate of the performance. But they are never an exact reflection.


On 10/29/2018 at 10:33 PM, NicoD said:

Now too late. I`d need to prepare every image again. I can always add it later. I`m done for a while with benchmarking. It ain`t much fun.


that's ok, but what I have found is that UnixBench a good equalizer across different SoC's on these cheap little boards - even though UnixBench is still variable based on the compiler...


It runs long enough (a full run can be 28 minutes) to show if thermals are a challenge (for TinkerBoard, absolutely with stock config compared to NanoPI NEO, where the Tinker has a much better architecture (A12) vs. NEO with A7, but the Neo can shed heat faster, and outperform the Tinker in the longer run - heck, even Pi3B+ runs UnixBench faster than Tinker...

On 8/8/2018 at 2:05 AM, gprovost said:

I get the following result for OpenSSL speed

OpenSSL results:
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes  16384 bytes
aes-128-cbc       1280.56k     5053.40k    18249.13k    52605.27k   102288.04k   109390.51k
aes-128-cbc       1285.51k     5030.68k    18256.13k    53001.90k   100128.09k   109188.44k
aes-192-cbc       1276.82k     4959.19k    18082.22k    51421.53k    96897.71k   103093.59k
aes-192-cbc       1290.35k     4961.09k    17777.24k    51629.74k    95647.06k   102596.61k
aes-256-cbc       1292.07k     5037.99k    17762.90k    50542.25k    92782.59k    98298.54k
aes-256-cbc       1281.35k     5050.94k    17874.77k    49915.90k    93164.89k    98822.83k


In order to leverage on hw crypto engine, I had no choice but to use OpenSSL 1.1.1 lib (openssl-1.1.1-pre8) and I decided to use cryptodev-linux instead of AF_ALG since it gives me slightly better result (+5-10%).


Something is wrong with your numbers...


Armada 3720 without CESA - running the 3720 at 1GHz... all core - it's been my experience that the crypto accelerators are more of an offload rather than make things fast as arch's update and include instructions that support crypto...

OpenSSL 1.1.0g  2 Nov 2017

$ openssl engine
(dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support

openssl speed -evp (crypto scheme) -elapsed

type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes  16384 bytes
aes-128-cbc     100933.96k   305030.91k   580164.10k   767672.32k   848975.19k   862513.83k
aes-256-cbc      94472.90k   248993.56k   411821.48k   501905.41k   536070.83k   534325.93k
aes-128-gcm      66007.09k   179554.62k   332169.39k   424934.06k   460079.10k   460887.38k

CESA makes a lot of sense with the ArmadaXP and Armada 38x as older ARM - ARMv8/aarch64 can change things quite a bit...


I ran the sysbench on my Orange Pi Zero 3 1,5GB RAM DDR4 Allwinner H618 WiFi Bluetooth BLE Mini PC Orange Pi Zero3 Development Board Single Board Computer. 

sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-primt=20000 run

CPU 295.19 events per second (10sec = 2954) 1 thread  = 295 EPS

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