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i have a Banana Pro and i want to switch to Armbian from Bananian.


Only to write the image to the sdcard does not work. It don't boot (no green LED, no access with ssh).


Is there a problem with the bananian u-boot?


To change the u-boot with the lemaker script to default does not work, there is an error (https://github.com/LeMaker/scripts).


Can somebody help me?





what board are you trying to use?




Edit: Sorry, I have just seen the Banana Pro bit on the first line of your post.


Are you compiling Armbian from scratch or using one of the image files from the website?


Hi Nick,


i want to use the image file from the website.

I tested the Armbian_5.04_Bananapipro_Debian_jessie_4.4.3.zip.


I tested the way with first  "wget -q -O - http://upgrade.armbian.com| bash" and than the imagefile, too. But that dont work.




Upgrade.armbian.com is tested on Bananian but to say anything I would need to see logs. 


Second, If you used a fresh image - can you attach some console - HDMI and serial and provide some info what's going on.




i found the problem. It's on an other side.


There is a problem with dd to write the *raw-Image.


I use a Sandisk Extreme 32GB. I can write with dd on Debian Jessie the Bananian *.img-image correct to it, but not the Armbian *.raw-image (no error but unreadable). With Rufus under Windows it works.

On a Samsung 16GB it works to write the Armbian *.raw-image with dd.


Does anybody know the problem?




None of this problems can be Armbian only. All those images are in RAW format and they can be written (raw) with DD on Linux. If this doesn't work there must be some other problem. It's possible that our image is corrupted, but than it can't be written anywhere. This is also a rear event.


There are problems on Windows 8 and 10 if you are trying to use some old image writter. Rufus is working O.K.


Sandisk extreme must work fine. If it's original of course ...

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