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linux-image.next.sunxi 5.70: Missing XFS filesystem support

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unfortunately many times the support for XFS filesystem is just forgotton. At the moment I just run the last update for the cubietruck this morning which includes the new kernel version 4.19 and my system, which is used as an NAS device with XFS filessystem, didn't start again. I found out that this filesystem is not supported anymore (see 'cat /proc/filesystems') and no module is available.


Could you plaese take care of this to fix this issue in the future?

And/Or tell me please how I can get back to the older version of the kernel which supports XFS.


The reason why I say this way is because I cannot spend every time hours or day's first to figure out the problem and than rebuild the system by my self and may the next update will cause the same issue again.


The result is the lost of trust in Armbian and the way to use it in professional enviroments...


So please tell me a quick and reliable solution. ;-)

Thanks in advance...




the kernel does not support XFS anymore.


As my external HD uses XFS, I can't boot anymore.. so I'm back to 5.67


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