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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Sorry, I didn't understand your question.
  2. https://yadi.sk/d/tNM7NdyB3afohU Try and tell the others ... (personally for me, not familiar with any of the models).
  3. To make it more clear, can add the CPU type discussed here to the topic title.
  4. The official version of GIT (build) does not support TV boxes. This support is a fork. All steps to create images for TV boxes are the same as for the official versions. There is a lot of documentation with a detailed description.
  5. There may be a lack of proper "firmware" or settings.
  6. Use the "go" command and change the source of the u-boot address.
  7. Kernel configuration. https://github.com/150balbes/build/blob/amlogic/config/kernel/linux-vegas805-default.config GCC which is needed for Assembly https://github.com/150balbes/build/blob/amlogic/config/sources/vegas805.conf#L20 https://github.com/150balbes/build/blob/amlogic/lib/general.sh#L645 src https://github.com/150balbes/build/blob/amlogic/config/sources/vegas805.conf#L21 branch https://github.com/150balbes/build/blob/amlogic/config/sources/vegas805.conf#L23 Build uInitrd (many manuals on the Internet).
  8. Perhaps it will be interesting for potential clients on MVR9 .... I collected scripts for installation Libreelec in eMMC. Checked them out on my MVR9. Everything is installed and Libreelec works fine from eMMC. Details can be found in this topic. http://freaktab.com/forum/tv-player-support/rockchip-based-tv-players/rk3328-devices/712961-mvr9-rk3328-libreelec-release?p=744476#post744476
  9. If you erase the bootloader in eMMC, the system will automatically start all bootloaders that it finds on the SD card or USB. This means that after experimenting with running different versions of your u-boot from SD card, you can safely restore a standard boot loader in the eMMC. Either start the system from the SD card and write the bootloader back to eMMC from the previously made copy, or run the standard procedure for writing the firmware from the USB Buirn Tool, which will also restore the bootloader to eMMC.
  10. https://forum.khadas.com/t/armbian-kodi-ubuntu-debian-for-sd-usb-emmc/825/225?u=balbes150
  11. HW for kernel 4.18 while in the process of active development (it is actively working in the community of developers LE), when it will take the finished form, you can try to move to Armbian. You can try to set manually. First, check the reaction to the command mount /dev/system /mnt http://www.linux-meson.com/doku.php http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/linux-amlogic/
  12. src https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s8xx-kernel/tree/S8xx The config can be found in the /boot directory of the recorded image.
  13. There are no errors in scripts. The reason is the incorrect operation of u-boot (your u-boot is very outdated and contains an error), which changes the eMMC number depending on the connection or disconnection of the SD card. It's possible, but I don't plan to add it yet.
  14. Have you checked reaction to u-boot replacement ? I've put together some new u-boot options for different Board models. It will be interesting to check their behavior, whether the system will be able to start with them.
  15. Make a copy (dd) of the bootloader from eMMC to external media. Erase the first bytes on the eMMC. This will disable the use of bootloader from eMMC and the system will use bootloader from SD card. And you can start to check your bootloader version on the SD card. After checking, you can restore the regular boot loader, either by the DD command (from a previously made copy), or restore the firmware with the standard USB Buirn Tool. Running the bootloader from eMMC and then running another bootloader for tests is possible, but not the best solution. You will have to change the source code of your bootloader before checking,and after checking back again.
  16. Alas, I can not help you, I do not have such equipment. Most likely on your model there is no eMMC (old NAND is used).
  17. Added another version of the image 20180909. On the model MVR9 image Xenial-desktop earned WiFi (maybe will work BT, I haven't checked). To use this version, you must manually add the correct DTB. For MVR9 model you need to copy the file " /dtb/rockchip/rk3328-box-trn9.dtb" in the root of the FAT partition and rename to "dtb.img"
  18. There are no such modules in this kernel. 4.18, the kernel uses a different DTB format, you need to create a new (or convert older) dts file. If you do not know how to do it, you need to contact the manufacturer (seller) of the equipment. Image update to version 20180908. In this update, u-boot is no longer written to the image. These images are generic and are used on different platforms, so it makes no sense to write u-boot from just one platform.
  19. New version of the image 20180809. Changes. Added the function to install the system in eMMC. Pay attention, this option is available ONLY for TV models Boxing MVR9 and compatible models. If you try to install the system in eMMC for non-supported systems, you will get a brick. The order of installation in eMMC. 1. Download, unzip and burn the image to SD card. 2. Start Armbian on the TV box and perform the initial setup of the system. 3. If the system works correctly and you are satisfied, run the utility "ddbr" and create a full backup of eMMC (this is a prerequisite). 4. Rename the file "/boot/mvr9-uboot.img" in "/boot/uboot.img". 5. Run as user "root" script "/boot/create-mbr-linux.sh" 6. To run the script "/root/install.sh" Pay attention to the correct operation of the installation procedure need to comply strictly with the order of the steps.
  20. I tried to run Armbian on MVR9 with different dtb files. The test system runs with almost all options rk3328*. When using the (rk3328-evb.dtb) option, the system is very slow. The dtb at a different part of the iron does not work (this is understandable). Therefore, those who try to start the system on their TV boxes, I recommend manually check all options dtb (copy in turn to the root FAT and rename to "dtb.img " all options rk3328*). Perhaps you will find one that will work better than others. During the test I found out (for myself) that on MVR9 the boot block from eMMC is started first and then it tries to start the secondary boot loader either from SD card or, if it does not find it there, from eMMC (on other TV boxes it is possible it is differently). On V88, I see the same algorithm. So there is a chance to use a universal image and only change the secondary loader to run on different models of TV boxes.
  21. The update image 20180904. Added a utility to full backup and restore the entire eMMC "ddbr". Checked mode the backup MVR9. Now if you try to check the recovery mode.
  22. Show command output on PC "fdisk -l" to SD card with the image xenial-minimal-rock64-0.5.15-136-arm64.img Have you tried to move the boot loader from SD card xenial-minimal-rock64-0.5.15-136-arm64 to SD card with Armbian 5.59 ?
  23. If you try to use the "space" or "Enter" keys ? Can you show the entire Android startup log ?
  24. Does anyone have any information what sources are used to build u-boot in Android firmware ? Or it is possible to obtain the output of the command "printenv" and "help" from the console UART in u-boot Android.
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