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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Try the versions from here https://disk.yandex.ru/d/_CAf6mgtVDGS4A
  2. when switching from 5.19.4 to 5.19.5, the USB on T4 was broken in the main source code. when exiting >=5.19.10, this should be fixed.
  3. Use a clean installation of the system, all cores work in it. You cannot combine the "old" and "new" systems.
  4. To build the kernel, you must use the Armbian build system, only there are all the patches that are already used in it. Adding changes to the kernel configuration is not required, everything you need has been there for a long time. The main problem is to add the necessary components (patches) that include NVMe support for rk3568.
  5. Add the necessary changes to the kernel sources and build a new kernel.
  6. Version 20220916 contains an error in the installation files, do not use it to install on eMMC (if you start the installation process, then you will have to restore u-boot using a USB-C cable). There will be a new version with the correct files in the near future.
  7. I didn't check, my M3 is broken (I killed u-boot)
  8. version 20220916 with the change proposed by @tkaiser
  9. Armbian test version 20220913 kernel 6.0-rc5 and u-boot-2022.10-rc4. It is important that u-boot has changed. various bugs are possible in the new version. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/t-DZd-DWOWMEiA
  10. So far, this is the only option that can be used for full-fledged work. The main core still has minimal support, it is not enough even for minimal work. I do not have access to the device yet (it is involved in a large amount of work). After the release, I will check these options. Sorry, I didn't understand what needs to be done? Is this code to include in scripts ?
  11. I made a simple dumb comparison of running these combinations on two SATA and NVMe modules (both modules have an exact clone of the same system, the difference is only in DTB). fio --name=write --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=4 --rw=write --bs=1M --direct=1 --size=2G --numjobs=30 --runtime=60 --group_reporting --filename=/mnt/tmp/test fio --name=read --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=4 --rw=read --bs=1M --direct=1 --size=2G --numjobs=30 --runtime=60 --group_reporting --filename=/mnt/tmp/test fio --name=randwrite --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=4 --rw=randwrite --bs=4K --direct=1 --size=2G --numjobs=30 --runtime=60 --group_reporting --filename=/mnt/tmp/test fio --name=randread --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=4 --rw=randread --bs=4K --direct=1 --size=2G --numjobs=30 --runtime=60 --group_reporting --filename=/mnt/tmp/test
  12. While there is no support for HDMI output, the choice of OS\other kernel is possible in extlinux.conf and in EFI\GRUB, but only through the UART console. To add another kernel or OS, you can manually edit extlinux.conf, for EFI, the addition can be done as standard, as on a regular PC, add the necessary kernel files and run the GRUB update procedure, os_probe will find and add the necessary menu options. Important, I haven't managed to add support for installation on eMMC\NVMe in EFI mode yet, so when starting the installation, extlinux.conf mode will be used. I checked the installation on SATA and everything works for me without any problems (now I have Armbian installed on SATA and I'm starting to build images for M3 on it (it works very fast). When starting the installation, select the bootloader placement mode on eMMC \ system on SATA\NVMe. Please note, the installation works only in extlinux.conf mode. Due to the peculiarities of working with new media, when starting the installation on SATA\NVMe, the disk must be prepared in advance, run gparted and create an MBR (dos) partition table and it is desirable to create a partition with ext4. After that, you can run the armbian-config utility and perform the installation. This can be fixed, but I still feel sorry to waste time on it, with what, in the near future I plan to rework the installation process for EFI mode.
  13. This is observed when playing a video, if you need a video, use Libreelec, there is a special optimization and HW accelerated modes are used for decoding.
  14. The version 20220911-EFI of images with EFI\GRUB support for Station M3.
  15. I did a little test comparison of SATA and NVMe on M3. Yes, the speed of NVMe is lower than SATA. I think this is due to the fact that the rk3588s chip has "stripped down" functionality for PCIe\NVMe, so the speed is lower and therefore it is preferable to use SATA mode by default. SATA features are quite enough for fast work, it is significantly better than all Amlogic. For example, the complete assembly and packaging in the XZ format of the Armbian image on M3 takes only 20-30 minutes, which is faster than the intel shit i5-i7, which cost 2-3 times more expensive.
  16. If you plan to use the desktop, be sure to use desktop images, only they have the correct optimization and configuration of working in DE mode, if you try to install DE yourself on top of the minimum\server version, you will have to perform all the configuration manually. Quartz64 works great with the desktop, it already has hardware acceleration and allows you to watch full-screen video up to 1080p without problems. Try the DE version from here, I test them regularly and haven't seen any problems with the desktop. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/xMVoaZXFFcWuog https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=16312
  17. 1. LXDE is not used in official Armbian images, where did you get such a system from? 2. the full name of the image used and where it was obtained is not specified. 3. The desktop settings parameters and which monitor is used and how it is connected are not specified. There are no flickers on my test sample, everything works without problems on the monitor in 1080p (1920x1080х60hz) mode.
  18. Ask @blondu to run the tests, my sample will be busy until next week.
  19. Which header package have you installed, from a shared network repository? This package will not work with the core for M3. You can build your kernel (change the configuration) directly on the M3 in the Armbian system, clone my GIT and run the generally accepted kernel assembly procedure in it (with the choice of kernel configuration). But be prepared that the necessary driver may not be in the source code or it will require a fix for proper assembly.
  20. This is as it should be, this is the right launch option. For direct launch from SATA\NVMe, support for these devices in u-boot is needed, at the moment there is no such thing.
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