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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Version 20221201 for Allwinner D1. The 6.1.0-rc3 kernel is used. It is important that it is possible to use DTB separately in the kernel regardless of u-boot. Can manually configure which DTB to use, this is useful for using different hardware on different devices. There is no Debian version yet, because the system has been switched to EFI, while there is no full EFI support in Debian.
  2. See all the news on the development of EDK2 support in this topic. There are new options for bootloader images.
  3. Updated the list of available EDK2 images (version 20221201-next). Added a separate bootloader option for Firefly Station P2 (rk3568-roc-pc). Changed the speed value for UART, now the standard 1500000 speed option is used in all modes.
  4. Test version of the Armbian+EDK2 system (UEFI\grub) is available. The system startup control is performed as on a regular PC - through the menu on the monitor screen, therefore, to fully use all the features of selective startup, you need to have a connected monitor and keyboard To use this option. Download the EDK2 image. https://users.armbian.com/balbes150/edk2/ https://disk.yandex.ru/d/kK6KIqHShRHLyw Unpack and burn to SD card. Download the Armbian image (kernel 6.1.0-rc7), For Station M2 https://disk.yandex.ru/d/C4Ql9v0BvhKPjQ For Station P2 https://disk.yandex.ru/d/5XuGz9WgF7FGCg unpack and burn it to a USB drive (8-16GB flash drives are recommended, I haven't checked other options). Connect the SD card and USB drive. Turn on the power. If the system does not start immediately, go to settings and select the device to start. On the EDK2 boot screen, select "Maintaining Manager boot" in the menu item and configure the device used for startup in it (change "none" to "UEFI ...."). Select Reset. If you did everything correctly, after restarting EDK2, you will receive a GRUB menu with a choice of system\kernel. If you do not select anything, the default system will be started in 5 seconds, and in 10-20 seconds (depending on the type of USB flash drive) there will be a standard Armbian customizer for the first launch. If desired, you can place the entire system on an SD card, but additional steps will be required at startup. At startup, the kernel switches the UART console to the correct value for RK (1500000) and you can monitor the kernel startup process and control the system through the UART console. That is, the parameters 115200 can only be useful for viewing the primary output from EDK2 itself, but this is only necessary for developers, for ordinary users, kernel output and system management are more useful, so I recommend using the standard value for Rockchip of 150000. https://github.com/150balbes/edk2_uefi
  5. The system startup control is performed as on a regular PC - through the menu on the monitor screen, therefore, to fully use all the features of selective startup, you need to have a connected monitor and keyboard
  6. I don't understand what model we are talking about, do you have a link? Only the ones I have, but not all.
  7. Good news. A test version of the Armbian+EDK2 system (UEFI\grub) is available. To use this option. Download the EDK2 image. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/kK6KIqHShRHLyw Unpack and burn to SD card. Download the Armbian image (kernel 6.1.0-rc7), https://disk.yandex.ru/d/n_LneErcHLCQGg unpack and burn it to a USB drive (8-16GB flash drives are recommended, I haven't checked other options). Connect the SD card (eMMC should be disabled), connect the USB flash drive to the lower USB 2.0 port (other ports may work, I have not tested). Turn on the power. If the system does not start immediately, go to settings and select the device to start. On the EDK2 boot screen saver, select "Maintaining Manager boot" in the menu item and configure the device used for startup in it (change "none" to "UEFI ...."). Select Reset. If you did everything correctly, after restarting EDK2, you will receive a GRUB menu with a choice of system\kernel. If you do not select anything, the default system will be started in 5 seconds, and in 10-20 seconds (depending on the type of USB flash drive) there will be a standard Armbian customizer for the first launch. If desired, you can place the entire system on an SD card, but additional steps will be required at startup. Please note, according to the documentation, the UART console in this version of EDK2 runs at a speed of 155200n8 At startup, the kernel switches the UART console to the correct value for RK (1500000) and you can monitor the kernel startup process and control the system through the UART console. That is, the parameters 115200 can only be useful for viewing the primary output from EDK2 itself, but this is only necessary for developers, for ordinary users, kernel output and system management are more useful, so I recommend using the standard value for Rockchip of 150000. https://github.com/150balbes/edk2_uefi
  8. Removing packages from this PPA shit, restores DE startup. This repository is more trouble than it's worth. I propose to exclude him from all official images. For those who want to use it, let them install it themselves manually and take full responsibility.
  9. It looks like there is a bug in the first step (when you set a new root password, it remains the same 1234). As a temporary solution, log in to the installed system with the root password (1234) and change it again to a new one.
  10. I'm not sure. it's either a bug or it's planned that way. But after changing the ROOT password at the first step of the settings wizard (at the first start it asks for a new password, and confirmation, everything goes without errors), the primary password 1234 remains in the system. Is that how it 's meant to be ?
  11. A problem with APT has been detected. vscodium sources do not work, and you have to disable them in apt-source.
  12. Alternatively, a suggestion for the testing process. It is preferable to use the version with DE (XFCE - as officially recommended) for tests by maintainers. If the DE version works, then the Cli version will also work. I ran into a problem on Station M1 - last time I checked the Cli version and fixed the problems that were there, and did not immediately notice that there was a problem with DE (there is no startup due to the use of packages from the ppa). It looks like this is a common problem with the legacy kernel - DE does not work (does not start) due to the use of the 3D group as part of the image). Disabling the repository and updating the system (with reinstalling the xorg component) restores the DE startup.
  13. Interestingly, this is the first time I've seen this model. The presence of SATA and the ability to easily connect standard SSD drives is interesting. The lack of an SD card is a big minus, it will significantly complicate the use of this device, but this can be circumvented if the u-boot source code for this model is available to me. But I don't have this model, so I can't help you with anything. you have fallen behind the reality again Armbian for Firefly Station M3 (rk3588s-roc-pc) has been around for a long time and is well supported. AltLinux for M3 is also available. Also, I am currently testing\debugging Libreelec for Station M3. So the support for Station M3 is much better than Rock 5b https://www.armbian.com/station-m3/
  14. extlinux.conf -> "append ...... drm.edid_firmware=edid/1920x1080.bin" This is just an example, not a ready-made solution. drm.edid_firmware=edid/1920x1080.bin
  15. If you turn off HDMI, the system resets the settings that were agreed upon when you turned it on. you can try specifying fixed settings in the startup command line or try switching via xrandr (search the Internet for how this is done). This advice applies to working with u-boot and it needs to be done in u-boot (via the UART console).
  16. In these versions, the sound works with HDMI and analog 3.5. To switch where to output the sound, use the applet on the XFCE panel (Volume control menu item), use Jammy https://users.armbian.com/balbes150/nanopc-t4/
  17. DEB package with kernel headers for 5.10.110 https://disk.yandex.ru/d/hdWgrVC5gN3qJg
  18. Ver 20221128-EFI kernel 5.10.110 - version that uses running via EFI\Grub on M3 (rk3588).
  19. Name image or a link to the image that you downloaded and use.
  20. Armbian_22.11.1_Station-m3_jammy_legacy_5.10.66_xfce_desktop.img.xz Station m3 - work by the way, on the page of the testing form, there is no Station M3 model in the list.
  21. StarFive (v1) No, I don't have V2 (VisionFive2\Star Five 2), so I don't plan any work on adding support for V2.
  22. Hmm, I have not seen mecotronics models with rk3588 in a plastic case and without an SD card. Show a photo of the device or a link to it. https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/05/12/mekotronics-r58-is-a-cost-optimized-rockchip-rk3588-sbc/
  23. USB-DVB ? These headers will obviously not work with the 5.10.110 kernel. Use the old 5.10.66 kernel and its headers (station-m3-5.10.66)
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