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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Does the prefix that is specified during configuration not specify where the installation will be performed ? meson -Ddri-drivers= -Dvulkan-drivers= -Dgallium-drivers=panfrost,kmsro -Dlibunwind=false -Dprefix=/usr build/
  2. During installation, an important file was missing from the media (u-boot.sd). If you are running an EMMC installation from an SD card, make a copy of the file with this name from the file (u-boot.ext).
  3. KODI from network repositories does not have HW, so it will run slowly. The S905X without HW can provide full-screen video at a resolution of no more than 720p. If you want to watch a full-screen video with a different resolution, either build and add components with HW yourself, or use Libreelec (it supports 4K video). You need the correct DTB.
  4. version 20200329. Added several WiFi modules for RTL.
  5. Do you have any Armbian or LE system that can now work on your TV box from an SD card ? I can suggest that there is a problem with either the card reader or the SD card. By the way, do you have a full-size SD card or micro SD card with an adapter ? You need to check the launch from the USB flash drive. Write the image to a USB flash drive, configure the DTB, connect the previously prepared SD card and USB flash drive together, and turn on the power.
  6. Strangely, when you build mesa-20, everything goes correctly, but after installing mesa, the old mesa-19 remains. Something changed in the rules, how do I install the new version ? Previously, the instruction worked correctly and mesa started using Panfrost. By the way, installation from repositories of the latest mesa-20 also does not use Panfrost.
  7. I took the last image 20200328 (not next), recorded it on an SD card, and switched DTB to rock-pi-4. Connected to Magicsee N6, turned on the power and the system started normally from the SD card.
  8. Hmm. Now I checked the latest image with the 5.6 core on my MX10. Recorded the Armbian image with Rosa imagewriter on the SD card. I downloaded the u-boot-3328-mvr file and also recorded it on the same SD card with the Rosa imagewriter program. Opened the file (uEnv.txt) in the text editor changed the settings for rk3328 (commented lines from rk3399 and removed comments from lines for rk3328). I connected the SD card to the MX10, turned on the power, and the system started normally. Show the you contents (uEnv.txt) after setting up. And use the program to write the image and file u-boot (don't use DD).
  9. Show the contents of the file (uEnv.txt)
  10. New versions do not have the file uEnv.ini. To work with new versions, the universal multiload must be updated using the image you are trying to use.
  11. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_User-Configurations/
  12. How long do you wait for the launch ? Which image (exact name) runs normally on your model ?
  13. You need to check all the gxm* files to find out which one is the best fit and you may have to take different parts and build a new version for TX9s.
  14. Before installation , you must create a full backup (compressed) copy. Run the "sudo ddbr" utility and follow the prompts.
  15. Rename the /boot/dtb directory to /boot/dtb-old and run the update again.
  16. I built a test image with a new kernel (added support for rtl8189es). I tried using DTB from Vega X96, surprisingly there was a WiFi network and it works. Uploaded a new image of 20200328 with WiFi support on TX9s (works with dtb for gxm-vega-s96)
  17. To run Armbian, you need a new version of the universal multiload. You need to reactivate it using the latest Armbian images.
  18. If you have Android installed in eMMC, it does not support starting from USB. So you need to add u-boot to the SD card. Yes, you need to 1. write u-boot after writing the Armbian image. 2. You need to write u-boot with two commands. dd if=u-boot-<model>.img of=/dev/<SD_card> conv=fsync bs=1 count=442 dd if=u-boot-<model>.img of=/dev/<SD_card> conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 Try all the u-boot options for rk3328 in turn. After writing u-boot, try to run it. Don't forget to pre-configure DTB in uEnv.txt (for you, this is rk3328-box)
  19. Do you notice anything strange that you are trying to use in the new version ?
  20. yes I don't have the s905x3 hardware, I don't know how it will work.
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