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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Built a module for the last kernel (version 20200326). But please note, without adding settings to the DTB and the correct firmware, this will not work. https://yadi.sk/d/bwAiVN8Gv51Rwg
  2. Do you use cross-compilation ? s912 gets very hot at full load, and the cooling system needs to be redesigned. Sealed plastic case-greatly impairs the operation. Important. Even if you build a module, you need to make changes to the DTB in order for it to work. To do this, you need to have access to the DTS sources from your model. You can try to pull the DTB from the firmware of the device itself (infa, how to do this, is on the forum) and convert it to DTS, which would get the parameters for your WiFi.
  3. You can use Armbian instead of LE, but then you will have to change the partition labels on the SD card first so that they don't mix with the labels from the system on USB. Alternatively, you can copy the u-boot from your working SD card and then overwrite it to a new SD card. You can try writing this u-boot option to your SD card. Only write with two commands, as indicated in the first message for the old version (to save the existing MBR partition table from the new image). https://yadi.sk/d/YysTGnlXf30-BA
  4. Try the combined version of the launch. Write to the SD card the version of Libreelec (please note, not Armbian) that you normally run. Write a new version of Armbian to a USB flash drive and configure DTB in it. Connect both media (SD and USB flash drive) together to the TV box and turn on the power. 5.6 to all Uploaded version 20200326-next to the site. Tested running on TV 4K with Ugoos AM6 \ Ugoos x2 \ Odroid N2, the system starts normally with sound support and allows you to use the desktop resolution of 4K.in this version, the wired network does not work on RK and AW.
  5. Naturally, the sound won't work with this dtb, it's a different device.
  6. Pay attention. On some models, the SPDIF output is enabled by default. to switch to the HDMI output, you need to select the correct configuration in the settings. By the way, not only stereo can be available, but also 5.1 and 7.1 options.
  7. I fixed the images (added a startup script). It is interesting to check how it will work on K2. Images are located at this link in the folder with the last date. https://yadi.sk/d/8vNYuuxynz1L0w
  8. Version 20200326. Important. The algorithm for enabling audio on AML has changed. now it happens automatically, you don't need to delete anything or run it manually. The system itself will try to activate the sound system correctly on the AML. Please note that this is a test version of the function and there may be failures in its operation. If the sound is not earned when you first start, try to restart system, in some cases, the system does not manage to correctly turn on the sound when you first start.
  9. Yes Have you tried using this dtb ? meson-g12a-u200.dts
  10. "DOWN" = not active The download is running because all network interfaces are not active. Show the output "ip a" if after starting with dtb from N2, switch to dtb max96-rmii. I'm interested in what other network interfaces there are with this DTB. There may still be interfaces that prevent proper startup.
  11. These are parameters from LAN 100 and they work on x96max with LAN 100. You can try to process the DTB meson-g12a-x96-max-rmii.dtb in DTS and similarly select parameters from your DTS, collect and check the operation of the modified DTB.
  12. Odroid N2 uses LAN 1000, if you used DTB from N2, does LAN work on it ? Show the "ip a" output with DTB from N2.
  13. Not the right DTB. For LAN 1000 you need meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb
  14. I can make mistakes, but this behavior usually happens when there is a problem with the media. It is advisable to perform a clean check, write the LE image for K2, and immediately (before use) add the script (boot.scr) to the SD card. And then try launching it. The system should automatically expand the second partition at the first start and restart automatically, after which the KODI interface with the primary configuration wizard should start. PS is the monitor connected to HDMI ? It is necessary for the correct launch.
  15. That 's right, I'm using a universal core that is the same for all versions of RK+AW+AML, so it is larger than the AML-only version . By the way, in the near future I plan to release a universal Le image for three platforms at once (which use LIMA+Panfrost). I've already checked, they work fine from USB media or from an SD card, when adding the correct u-boot (just like it now works with Armbian).
  16. Everything is correct, LE uses a different startup scheme ( a set of core files, etc. ), so the Armbian version of the script will not be able to run LE fully . For me, the important result is that the reason why LE can 't run yet is the absence of the necessary file in the image (this is my error, I didn 't check the finished image for components). Tomorrow there will be a fixed version and it should be correct (automatically starts). P.S. in the same directory on the site there are images marked for rk3399, they have the necessary script (boot.scr).
  17. Can you show printenv (UART) ? I think I understand the reason. I don't see the start script (boot.scr). I need to check the contents of the resulting image. Try taking (boot.scr) from any image for RK.
  18. It is interesting. Do I understand correctly, this is the log of launching the LE image from the Sd card ? You can stop running in the UART console and check which mmc devices are available "mmcinfo" and what will "fatls mmc 0" and "fatls mmc 1" show from these devices\partitions ?
  19. Hmmm It says here that this model uses an 8189ES chip For 8192 there are already modules in the core , may need to add the correct firmware ( install the full firmware package). https://forum.freaktab.com/forum/tv-player-support/amlogic-based-tv-players/s912/785758-tanix-tx9s-smart-4k-tv-box-amlogic-s912?p=791409#post791409
  20. https://forum.armbian.com/search/?q= RTL8189&fromCSE=1
  21. It should not work, this WiFi chip is not supported.
  22. The version of the image 20200323. Resolved then issue of pulseadio conflict with the G12 audio device . Now you don 't need to delete PULSEAUDIO. To enable audio on g12, you only need to run the script (g12_sound.sh) or for GX\GXM models, run the script (gx_sound.sh).
  23. If possible (if time) , check the General launch of the LE image on K2. It is advisable to perform two checks. 1. Write the image to the SD card ( you don't need to change anything in the settings) and check how u-boot works witchout modul eMMC (whether it can start the system or not). 2. If you have my u-boot in eMMC, check the launch from a USB flash drive (write the image to the flash drive and see if it can start FROM the flash drive or not). Ideally (but not necessarily), show the UART logs of these checks. https://yadi.sk/d/hf5XdV2ffFPwWA
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