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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. 1. Has the cooling system been redesigned ? 2. When creating the copy, you need to choose a compressed copy. If you didn't write anything extra to eMMC when running Android, the compressed copy will be about 1-2 GB in size and can easily be placed even on 8Gb media.
  2. I have been using the eMMC system installed on TX6 for a long time. The only inconvenience for me is that until the complete shutdown works, you need to disconnect the power supply from the mains.
  3. The original (not fake) Tanix TX6 works with 3Gb of RAM (this is the maximum value for the h6 chip). You need to use the APPEND string without a parameter with a 2GB memory limit. Improvement of the cooling system is required (I remove the case cover, place the case with the radiator up and add a fan). Yes, this is possible using a script install-aw.sh But be sure to make a full backup of eMMC with the DDBR utility before installing it
  4. Show the full output of "fdisk -l" after writing the image and u-boot. If other systems with the GPT table have previously written to this SD card, all GPT data must be completely erased (including at the end of the media).
  5. For proper execution, you need to focus on the size of the media. If your SD card is 8Gb and your eMMC is 64GB, you need to use the correct name (SD card) in the copy command. dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=u-boot-opi3.img bs=512 count=8191
  6. Updated the u-boot file for Tx6 mini (Allwinner H6), now it runs from USB media.
  7. If you use an arbitrary u-boot (not files that are already specially prepared and located on my site), then you use two commands to write u-boot. This is indicated in the instructions in the first message of this topic (in the spoiler for old u-boot). AML also uses the first bytes, so the universal option (which will work on all platforms the same way) is specified in my message. Pay attention. A key feature of my ready-made u-boot is the ability to write them in a "dumb" way (by any program), including in the Wibdow system, where there is no easy way to perform complex writing options (for saving the partition table). @NicoD To use your received u-boot file (which you will get yourself), you need to write this file with two commands (these commands are in the first message of the theme in the spoiler). I asked you for this file, just in order to process it at home and make a u-boot file that can be used in a simple "stupid" recording mode by any program in Windows. If you provide me with verified files from other devices (models), I can also make the necessary u-boot options from them (for simple recording) and put them on the site for General use by other users.
  8. You did almost everything right, one small mistake. wrong sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk2p1 of=u-boot-opi3.img bs=512 count=8191 right sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk2 of=u-boot-opi3.img bs=512 count=8191 Note that you need to copy the first sectors of the device (not the partition). The loader is always located in the first sectors of the device.
  9. Getting the right file is very easy. Run any version of Armbian on OPI3, and run the command fdisk -l pay attention to the number that indicates the beginning of the first section on the SD card, then run the second command, which uses the number of the beginning of the section minus 1 for example you will get this output /dev/sdf1 32768 1081343 1048576 512M e W95 FAT16 (LBA) /dev/sdf2 1081344 10239999 9158656 4,4G 83 Linux 32768 - 1 = 32767 dd if=/dev/sdf of=u-boot-opi3.img bs=512 count=32767 You send the received file u-boot-opi3.img to me.
  10. I'm sorry, I don't have this kind of equipment, I don't know what it might be. You need at least a UART console to see the startup log.
  11. A u-boot image for "Tanix TX6 mini" has been added to the site.
  12. Try the latest universal version 20200218 (with u-boot added to the SD card). You have followed the instructions from the first message of the topic about universal images to enable audio on G12 (remove pulsaudio and run the script g12_sound.sh) ? By the way, I recommend switching to using the new u-boot for SPIN and running all systems at once with USB 3.0 (this is significantly faster than an SD card and much easier, you don't need card readers on your PC to write and edit settings on your PC).
  13. I don't have OPI3, I can assume that OPI3 needs its own u-boot. The version from Tanix TX6 will not work. You can try pulling u-boot from any working image (which runs on OPI3) and try using it. If you get a working u-boot, send it my, I can process it for use in the specified mode (writing from Windows) on universal images for writing them to OPI3.
  14. Since then, and we had to start, these versions are not consistent with existing systems and will not work. Everything else doesn't make sense. Activating the multi-boot does not work, because you probably ran all sorts of shit on the TV box before and did not follow the instructions - full recovery of the standard firmware via USB Burn Tool.
  15. New versions of images 20200218. Important change. With this version, you can easily add the desired u-boot on any PC (including Windows) . To do this, new versions of u-boot are downloaded on the site. https://yadi.sk/d/lTbXkrmZN5Hf6g Rules for using the new u-boot option. Download, Armbian image, unpack. Write image Armbian to the SD card. Download and write the desired version of the u-boot file to SD card. Configure the DTB and the launch string (APPEND) in (uEnv.txt) for the desired model\platform. Pay attention. Now you don't need to write u-boot with complex commands, you write the u-boot image with the same program as you usually write an Armbian image. This allows you to configure the system to run (including writing a u-boot image) on any PC (including Windows). Pay attention. The new version changed the size of the partitions that are obtained when writing an image (all images have a fixed size of 5GB). This u-boot entry option only applies to the new version 20200218 and subsequent versions. Don't try this for old images. This will not work on older images.
  16. Where did the activation files come from if the image was recorded later ????
  17. 1. Show the output of "fdisk-l" after the installation and reboot. 2. Run gparted and show what it sees on eMMC after installation. 3. What version of Android was in the firmware before installation ? 4. Show the content (uEnv.txt)
  18. This is not possible because the build system no longer supports this option. Describe in more detail what you are doing and what the result is. Without the UART console output, there is no point in trying, you will not know where the error is.
  19. startup, the system checks all media for running scripts. The exact name of the image you are using, the exact name of the TV box model (characteristics), and a detailed description of the steps you are taking.
  20. Do you have an eMMC plug-in ? If there is no module, replace the start script (rename boot.scr.aw -> boot.scr)
  21. https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s8xx-kernel/blob/S8xx/Makefile
  22. If you are running from an SD card, take this image, there is already a u-boot for N2. https://yadi.sk/d/zh-Uqw_pAeTgew
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