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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. 20 Members, 0 Anonymous, 1660 Guests (See full list)
  2. Is it possible to create a separate section for non-core discussions ? For example, I would like to send topics similar to this one there.
  3. IMHO in technical themes do not need "empty" greetings. Create a separate topic (or section) for "universal" communication and "greetings". To evaluate the usefulness of a message, there is a mechanism for likes, which shows the user well the value of his message to others. PS I do not impose my point of view on anyone, you can do as you see fit.
  4. Version 20200127. EMMC installation fixes for NanoPC T4. Added deb files with the new kernel to the site for manual kernel updates.
  5. Sori, I don't have the resources to store all versions.
  6. This is a separate issue . I recommend putting it in a separate topic.
  7. These drivers are from another (non-compatible) kernel, if you ask such questions, then you do not add any (you need to be a system programmer to write these drivers again).
  8. All new versions of universal images have scripts that support color correction, including installation in eMMC.
  9. In the network repository is a new kernel 5.3 5.4 version and headers for them, try to take them there.
  10. Because this "one person" is responsible for the performance of a special version of Armbian for TV boxes and knows for sure that this shitty model will not work properly with Armbian, and will require those who buy it for use with Armbian to spend more money (obviously more than if they bought another model with a normal configuration of iron), in order to somehow make this stuff work. And buyers will regularly distract and spend forum resources to ask the same questions about why this shit doesn't work. Neither any justification, they say that this model can be used for other systems, not relevant here, want to discuss the launch of the other systems on this shit, use the appropriate forums. Unlike you, other users regularly ask questions on different TV boxes about the possibility of using them, and no one behaves so aggressively, trying to impose a discussion of this shit on everyone. They get an answer (by the way, not only from me, but also from other experienced users), about the suitability of using a particular equipment, and then decide what to do, without hysterics and screams on the forum, if they were told that the selected device is not recommended to take.
  11. If you do not have a new version of u-boot installed in eMMC (with support for direct launch from USB), you only need to use the SD card to start it, and after writing the image Armbian to the SD card, additionally write the correct version of u-boot for your model to the SD card. This is described in the first message of the topic. Either use the SD+USB combination (if you have windows and can't use the add u-boot commands to the SD card), write only the new u-boot to the SD card, and write the Armbian image to a USB storage device. And connect them together to the TV box. Search the forum for information about frequency settings, via cpufrequtils. And check the dtb that you are using.
  12. Chip 6051 (lame shit, not having any support), without a network, it is only suitable for garbage. Adding any USB network card automatically raises the price to 25-30$. Given that this is the worst s905w chip and only two USB ports (without SD card), this device does not have any practical use. The topic is closed.
  13. New version 20200125 with launch fix on S905 and running sound s905\s905x\s912.
  14. I don't have s905x3, I don't test anything for this chip.
  15. I have long thought about making separate packages with specific firmware and settings for different models that use the same files, but with different content (version) of the files. But unfortunately there is not enough time for these steps.If there are users who will build such packages, they can be placed in the Armbian network repo for easy installation by regular users. p.s. By the way, I received a sample of NanoPC T4 today and now I can test all the tests on it at once.
  16. Armbian version 20200124 with 5.5 core with working HDMI for s905\s905x\s912. Sound doesn't work
  17. This is a forum about Armbian and Linux, for which this model has no use. Therefore, placing this information here has only one benefit, show the rest (who need to run Armbian), do not spend money on such options. If you want to discuss other systems (not related to the main core and Armbian) - they have their own forums, discuss it there. It is better to pay 20% more and get a working solution (with obviously better characteristics) than to throw$18 in the trash. Or for the same$ 18 to find a working solution.
  18. If you want to get a full-screen video with HW-collect the necessary components from the latest sources and install them in the system. Or better yet, build them as packages that all users can use.
  19. It's about the price for the equipment. S905X3 or any other equipment with the best characteristics, for the same amount, an order of magnitude better solution. I gave links to specific stores selling at these prices.
  20. Let's list that would be consistently (taking into account the opinion of a few moderators\developers) to check their compliance.
  21. By the way, there is this theme, it has nothing to do with Armbian and Linux, in my opinion it needs to be closed and deleted. Your opinion ?
  22. In the TV boxes section, it is quite calm and there is enough of the standard option. If the user has the first message on the forum, all messages are put in the moderation queue. If there is at least one approved message, the user can write directly to existing topics. If I see that his messages are spam or violate the rules, I delete them. As far as I understand, for those who have few messages (3-5- ?)- creating a new theme is put in the moderation queue. So far, there have been no problems. I read all messages in the " my " section and can see where there are hidden ads and delete such messages. If you have any suggestions or comments about my work, I am ready to listen to them.
  23. "Congratulations," you threw the money in the trash. Here for $ 20 is a full-fledged model with a wired network and tested for working with Armbian (without WiFi). Here's a link to a model with a much better chip that your model doesn't even remotely compare to. s905w with a full LAN port and SD card support, it's easy to buy for$20 and If desired, you can even find the s905x3 (which is an order of magnitude better than the s905w) for the same $ 20-22. The S905x3 has a USB 3.0 SD LAN ......
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