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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Yes, I've seen this behavior. By the way, connect the image with the kernel 5.1 and you will see the work of the monitor\TV with the message of the reason that it was not possible to mount the root system. Piteboot will even show the available system on USB\SD (if they have the correct "boot.ini" from which it tries to read and form its startup script). By the way, on the old version of Piteboot (20190202) I normally started systems from SD card in u-boot SPI mode.
  2. What version does Piteboot write after running at the top of the screen ? update to lates version https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-n2/os_images/petitboot
  3. If u-boot is present, these images can be run on any hardware where it is missing or corrupted, or there is a desire of the user to use the new version of u-boot-2019.
  4. Gathered and checked the startup script of the system Armbian kernel 4.9. Everything works. Scripts on the site are marked according to the kernel used. Before using these scripts on existing systems, be sure to rename them correctly after writing to USB media. The file name must be boot.scr. In the new images Armbian 5.87 these scripts are already in both versions of the images and not to add in the is not necessary. When you start the system from an SD card or eMMC with a new u-boot , in the "boot.ini", you need to comment out or delete this line . if test "${display_autodetect}" = "true"; then hdmitx edid; fi
  5. For LibreELEC, this is possible.
  6. The result depends on the problem to be solved. In some tasks (terms of use) N2 is better and in others Khadas EDGE (RK3399) is better. To recommend something,you need to know the list of tasks and conditions of use. If you do not compile anything on the device, do not put extra packages, it can create unnecessary problems (if you do not understand their purpose). To update the kernel, you only need to install two packages "deb" "image"
  7. Update image ver 5.86 For the N2 image version, the ability to directly start the system from USB has been added. Details can be seen in this topic.
  8. I added to the site new images 5.87 for N2 with kernel 5.1 which already have the necessary scripts to start the activation of multi-boot (n2_autoscript) and start the system from USB (boot.scr). If activation is already done, then after burning the image to USB media, you do not need to add\change anything. When you connect to N2 in the USB stick, the system automatically starts up. By the way, I checked the fast USB 3.0 flash drive on N2 , the speed is higher than the SD card. And when using USB-SSD , much faster than eMMC. p.s. After comparing the operation of the system with eMMC and with a good USB-SSD, I concluded that eMMC is not needed for N2 at all.
  9. Try to press and hold the "CTRL+C" keys and only then turn on the power (do not release the keys until you get the output on the prompt screen from u-boot "#")
  10. According to the log , you added support for USB in u-boot, which is located on eMMC. If you disable the eMMC module, you will not be able to start from USB. To fully support the launch from USB without any other media, it is necessary to add the update to the u-boot SPI.
  11. I am checking on the latest version of the SPI image (20190417). After adding the launch from USB from u-boot SPI , the launch of all systems from both SD card and eMMC works perfectly in u-boot SPI. Thus, there is no need to add u-boot to SD card and EMMC, everything works with u-boot SPI.
  12. Is it when starting from SD card or when recording to eMMC ? I downloaded the scripts to activate the system startup from USB. The order of use (so far it is checked only with kernel 5). 1. Burn image to USB. 2. Download the files and add to the image. 3. Switch to start u-boot with SPI. 4. In the UART console, stop startup. (CTRL+C) 5. Execute the command. usb start fatload usb 0 3000000 n2_autoscript autoscr 3000000 At the end of the script, the system should shut down. Include, if correct, should begin loading and operation of the system with the USB. https://yadi.sk/d/WrgbX_4ZSlnOXg
  13. Show "printenv". Have you changed anything in ENV ? What's in the launch logs ? Perhaps not all items are correctly added (changed). I use necessarily two partitions for external media. This ensures that users can easily change the settings on any PC (including Windows), when using one ext4 - there will be problems with changing the settings (edit boot.ini, etc.)
  14. Checked at myself "loglevel=7" , the option works on both kernels. The image with the 5.1 kernel is written to a slow SD card, when set the level 7 , waited more than 20 minutes to start the system, but did not wait for the prompt to enter the login. In mode 5, "cat /proc/cmdline" shows the correct value in the arguments specified by "loglevel=5". You in what place to register this option ? Show the contents of "boot.ini"
  15. Good news. I found an easy way to run Armbian and Libreelec system completely from USB to N2 (without using SD card or eMMC module). For those who want to get this opportunity without waiting for the release of the SPI u-boot update , I can write a simple instruction how to do it through the UART console (it is very simple and takes only 2-3 minutes).
  16. All is going normally build the image of N2 on the branch tvboxes ? I am not forming a uInitrd file. Is it a bug in my build environment or is it a common problem ?
  17. What headers do you compile when you upgrade ? Now Disko does not work LIGHTDM, so I do not build these versions. After the packages are fixed, I will continue to build them.
  18. I will check this option at myself and I will write result. How do you install the system in eMMC (what commands do you use) ?
  19. I looked at the settings for N2 in the tvboxes branch. It uses a different partitioning scheme and the formation of the startup script, so you will need additional adaptation of the changes to do PR (and most importantly check how it will work in the real image).
  20. Okay, I'll get the data ready tomorrow and send the PR. I'm using a 5.1 kernel
  21. Try it and tell the others PS I do not have such equipment, I do not know whether it will work or not.
  22. New image Armbian 5.86 and LibreELEC for Khadas EDGE
  23. I have not sent updates for a long time, there are a lot of changes, I need to make a PR (if it is still in demand)
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