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  1. balbes150's post in installing OP5 NMVE boot was marked as the answer   
    Why such difficulties ? Just use normal images in which the NVMe + MTD installation works correctly via armbian-install.
  2. balbes150's post in Please add support for FireFly ITX-3588J was marked as the answer   
    I hope there will be working versions for this model soon.
  3. balbes150's post in Quartz 64A LXDE and XFCE cursor flickering and slowing down the entire desktop was marked as the answer   
    If you plan to use the desktop, be sure to use desktop images, only they have the correct optimization and configuration of working in DE mode, if you try to install DE yourself on top of the minimum\server version, you will have to perform all the configuration manually. Quartz64 works great with the desktop, it already has hardware acceleration and allows you to watch full-screen video up to 1080p without problems. Try the DE version from here, I test them regularly and haven't seen any problems with the desktop.
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