Frank F.
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Frank F. reacted to joekhoobyar in Upgrading Armbian from bullseye to bookworm
Step 1 - Install the Armbian PGP key and update your APT sources
Install armbian.gpg to /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg (mode 644) You can use a copy from another one of your SBCs, or... ... you can download and install like below (thanks @BrewNinja for the example) touch /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg wget https://apt.armbian.com/armbian.key -O - | gpg --dearmor >/usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list Replace all instances of bullseye with bookworm Edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/armbian.gpg] http://apt.armbian.com bookworm main bookworm-utils bookworm-desktop
Edit any other files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d as appropriate, to replace bullseye with bookworm
Step 2
apt update
Step 3
The default is not to accept the changes anyway - but I am noting this here to be extra careful I've checked - the changes may differ from what armbian has in the latest images
apt upgrade --no-new-pkgs apt full-upgrade apt dist-upgrade
Frank F. reacted to 5kft in No network with 5.9.0-sunxi on Banana Pi M2 Berry
Yes, I agree - especially if this patch from @Icenowy makes it into the mainline: https://groups.google.com/g/linux-sunxi/c/QzBM7nciPLo. We should wait for the dust to settle then can remove our revert patch and adapt the other DTs appropriately. Thanks!
Frank F. reacted to Igor in No network with 5.9.0-sunxi on Banana Pi M2 Berry
I would say we remove revert and go with a mainline. Also possible to just wait since most of them are already changed https://groups.google.com/g/linux-sunxi and remove our patch once they reaches maineline?
Frank F. got a reaction from Igor in No network with 5.9.0-sunxi on Banana Pi M2 Berry
I just installed 5.9.0 from the 20.08.12 package and I can confirm it's working fine. The system came back with working network connection.
Thanks to everyone, esp. @Igor for finding the root cause and @5kft for getting the patch included so quickly.
Frank F. got a reaction from guidol in No network with 5.9.0-sunxi on Banana Pi M2 Berry
I just installed 5.9.0 from the 20.08.12 package and I can confirm it's working fine. The system came back with working network connection.
Thanks to everyone, esp. @Igor for finding the root cause and @5kft for getting the patch included so quickly.
Frank F. got a reaction from Dwyt in NanoPi NEO2 or NEO Plus2 - Shopping advice needed
Hi @5kft,
thank you for the detailed reply. I have to admit, both the NEO2 and the NEO Plus2 looked so appealing with their metal cases, that I ended up ordering both. I'm happy to hear, that the eMMC performance is nice. I had not found any benchmarks on that, but found that there's real differences between the various manufacturers and models.
I also have a BPI-M2 Berry and was very disappointed, when I found out just how bad the software support is. The stock OS is indiscussable, which is how I came to Armbian. Armbian by itself runs stable out of the box, but I could not get any of the interfaces like GPIOs, I2C, SPI, ... to work at all. I had originally bought it because it's the cheapest board with real Gigabit Ethernet, because I'm using it as a network device, but overall it was still a rather large disappointment. I never wanted this experience again, which is why I was asking about the WiP status of the +2. I thoroughly searched before and after my Post, but I could not find any reason for it being WiP still, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Now I can't wait for the packages to arrive... in a few weeks or so.
Frank F. reacted to 5kft in NanoPi NEO2 or NEO Plus2 - Shopping advice needed
Hi @Frank F., interesting...I'm not sure why the Plus2 is still WIP, as IMHO it essentially is at the same level of functionality as the other FriendlyElec H5 boards (e.g., NEO2). I actually use both boards for several different purposes and they work really well.
I use both GPIOs and SPI on the NEO2 and they work great (multiple LED control as well as interfacing to an nRF24l01-based wireless radio). I have tried a subset of the I/Os on the NEO Plus2 some time back (e.g., testing interfacing with SPI flash), but haven't used the I/Os on that board since. I don't know why it all wouldn't work the same on the Plus2 given that the base platforms are essentially the same.
Wi-Fi works nicely on the Plus2 (I use the FE metal case with the included antenna). I haven't tried BT. The USB ports work fine on both. The eMMC on the Plus2 is fairly fast as well (I use btrfs to save space as it is only 8GB in size). They both overclock nicely to 1.3GHz.
Here's a quick dump of some stuff from the Plus2:
root@nano:~# cat /proc/version Linux version 4.19.20-sunxi64 (root@armbian.com) (gcc version 7.2.1 20171011 (Linaro GCC 7.2-2017.11)) #5.75 SMP Fri Feb 8 10:29:25 CET 2019 root@nano:~# uptime 14:20:35 up 49 days, 22:46, 2 users, load average: 0.04, 0.03, 0.00 root@nano:~# dpkg --list | grep plus2 ii linux-stretch-root-next-nanopineoplus2 5.73 arm64 Armbian tweaks for stretch on nanopineoplus2 (next branch) ii linux-u-boot-nanopineoplus2-next 5.75 arm64 Uboot loader 2018.11 root@nano:~# hdparm -tT /dev/mmcblk2 /dev/mmcblk2: Timing cached reads: 1078 MB in 2.00 seconds = 538.66 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 132 MB in 3.04 seconds = 43.41 MB/sec root@nano:~# root@nano:~# sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --num-threads=4 run sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark Running the test with following options: Number of threads: 4 Doing CPU performance benchmark Threads started! Done. Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 20000 Test execution summary: total time: 7.0618s total number of events: 10000 total time taken by event execution: 28.2335 per-request statistics: min: 2.79ms avg: 2.82ms max: 8.84ms approx. 95 percentile: 2.79ms Threads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 2500.0000/0.71 execution time (avg/stddev): 7.0584/0.00 root@nano:~#
As to which one to get, a lot depends on your desired use... The NEO2 is really nice because of its tiny size; however there is no included eMMC, nor Wi-Fi, and it includes just one USB port. The Plus2 is a bit larger, but the two USB ports and gigE port are nice (I use one of the boards as a local router), as is the built-in Wi-Fi and eMMC (so no additional uSD card is needed). The metal case for the Plus2 is really great as well (https://www.friendlyarm.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=93&product_id=203).
I hope that this feedback helps a bit!