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SteeMan's post in NanoPi Neo 2 with Armbian Linux v6.6 Ubuntu 24.04 was marked as the answer
This board is not supported by Armbian. It is a Community Maintained board. Which means that the Armbian infrastructure is used to build automated untested builds and make them available for use. Thus that message.
SteeMan's post in WiFi is not working properly was marked as the answer
According to your armbianmonitor output you are not using Armbian but an Ophub build. Ophub is a fork of Armbian, they do not participate in Armbian development nor these forums. You need to direct your question to their forums/support.
SteeMan's post in Board always booting up with very low CPU frequency was marked as the answer
Try using armbian-config to set your min/max cpu speeds, or manually edit /etc/default/cpufrequtils
SteeMan's post in The ROC-RK3328-CC does not load was marked as the answer
Moved post to the community/unsupported section as this is not a supported board. And reset the tag to 'Other'
SteeMan's post in Orange Pi 5 Pro was marked as the answer
Moved to the proper sub forum for a non supported device
The OPi5 Pro is not a supported board. It is currently wip - work in process status. Therefore it has no support forum and should be talked about here under staging/community maintained.
SteeMan's post in OPI 5 Ubuntu Noble Default Key Ring issue was marked as the answer
Having said that, if those upstream changes don't fix the issue, then there may be a deeper problem that could be Armbian related.
SteeMan's post in How to build a package from source inside the armbian build system? was marked as the answer
That isn't how the armbian build system works. Armbian is basically the u-boot and linux kernel (which are built from sources in the framework) plus an ubuntu/debian userspace.
The build process builds the u-boot and kernel packages and then installs them along with the user space packages from ubuntu or debian based on what distribution you are using. There isn't a reason to build other things as they are just installed from repositories.
So what you probably want to do is build your custom .deb in your own environment and then install it through the armbian build.
SteeMan's post in Upgrading from Jammy to Noble was marked as the answer
User space upgrades are not supported nor tested. However I've upgraded recently a number of boxes from Focal to Jammy. So generally they do work. You are just using the standard Ubuntu upgrade mechanisms to do this (i.e do-release-upgrade). But note that Ubuntu doesn't support the upgrade from Jammy to Noble yet itself. That support comes with 24.04.1 to be released this summer. I'm waiting for that to do my own upgrades to Noble.
SteeMan's post in Upgraded to latest Armbian, but stuck on old kernel was marked as the answer
What are the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list?
I have seen it happen that the upgrade will prompt you to delete obsolete packages and will consider the armbian packages obsolete and remove your kernel (which obviously is a problem)
SteeMan's post in Ancient Orange PI PC+ blank screen after update focal->jammy was marked as the answer
Ive never frozen the kernel when doing upgrades. So that shouldn't be necessary.
I would recommend redoing the upgrade, and at the end looking at the list of obsolete packages and not removing them. Finish the upgrade (without removing obsolete packages) then go see what the status of your /etc/apt/sources.d/armbian.list file is and make that correct, then use apt to update/upgrade your armbian packages. Then look at your obsolete packages and make sure the list is sane (that is it's not removing any armbian needed packages, *armbian*, linux-image-* or linux-dtb-*.) Only then would I remove obsolete packages.
SteeMan's post in SBC OPI5 freezes after fresh install : cpu frequency was marked as the answer
Either use armbian-config to switch to nightly (unstable) builds, or build images yourself via the build framework. But either way in doing so you would be switching from a stable build to unstable/under development builds.
Also at this moment do to significant changes in build framework introduced after the release of 23.02, no nightly builds are being produced as issues are being sorted out.
SteeMan's post in How do I become the VisionFive2 maintainer? was marked as the answer
I'd recommend starting by submitting PRs for the board. Build up some knowledge and experience with Armbian development and processes. Then when you feel comfortable with the requirements expected of a maintainer, make that final commitment (https://docs.armbian.com/Board_Maintainers_Procedures_and_Guidelines/)
SteeMan's post in Banana Pi - apt update no longer works... was marked as the answer
Buster was recently moved to end of support status in Armbian (Debian ends support in a couple of months too). Buster was released nearly five years ago. It is time to upgrade.
SteeMan's post in Screen blank after uboot (FLY PI / FLY Gemini) was marked as the answer
From your log:
You are using a fork of Armbian that is a year behind current armbian code. We can't help you in these forums as we support official armbian. You need to contact the maintainer of the fork you used for any questions.
SteeMan's post in New Fresh Install or System Upgrade? was marked as the answer
Upgrade to what newer version? A userspace version (i.e. ubuntu focal to ubuntu jammy) or a kernel upgrade (i.e. 23.02 based armbian kernel to 23.05 armbian kernel)?
For userspace it is recommeded to do an install, as upgrades are not tested (but I just did a focal to jammy upgrade last night and they generally do work).
For the kernel, you can just do apt update/upgrades to continue following the builds over time (assuming you don't have your kernel frozen in armbian-config).
SteeMan's post in Fresh Install on AML-S905X-CC (Le Potato) with Armbian Jammy Minimal CLI - No armbian-config - Solved was marked as the answer
*minimal* is the key there, it really is minimal, you need to install armbianconfig if you want to use it: sudo apt install armbian-config
(Note: since you have installed 23.05, the apt repositories don't yet have the 23.05 packages available (some issues still being addressed) so the apt install may not currently work until that is resolved)
SteeMan's post in armbian-install needs some fine tuning, when booting from sd/emmc was marked as the answer
Are you looking at current code in github source? I think this has already been fixed.
SteeMan's post in Contributing on armbian-bsp-cli-bananapim5 was marked as the answer
That file is located in the armbian build system at: packages/bsp/common/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-armbian-defaults.conf
running a ./compile.sh will rebuild the deb's
SteeMan's post in OdroidC4: How to reduce clock freq below 1GHz to save power was marked as the answer
Speeds lower than 1Ghz were removed in this patch to mainline kernel for stability reasons:
SteeMan's post in Upgrade to 23.02.2 not possible because apt.armbian.com/dists not refreshed was marked as the answer
I'm not completely sure, but I think this is intentional, as 23.02 hasn't been officially released yet. It is to be released this weekend. The builds get pushed out to the mirrors which takes some time for all the mirrors to sync up as the first step.
SteeMan's post in respeaker rk3229 expected... was marked as the answer
I'll start with a basic question. What are you trying to accomplish? Looking at the link you provided, you are dealing with a device that Armbian does not support (and I doubt anyone around Armbian has any knowledge of this particular device). You mention in your first post linux 6.0. So I therefore assume you are looking to add support to linux 6.0 and Armbian for this device??? If that is the case, I would first ask do you have the skills and experience to undertake such a task? Adding support for a new device into the mainstream kernel is a very difficult task, that often takes years of effort to get most of the features working (for someone experienced doing such tasks).
As for this particular respeaker 2.0 sbc, what are your plans for using it? It would appear to be a specialized device for audio applications. Which would lead me to believe that there are specific components on this sbc that will need proper driver support in the mainline kernel as well. Which would likely make the task even more difficult to get these specialized features working on mainline.
As a general rule I would say that usually for a new device the process is to first become familiar with the manufacturer provided legacy linux code base (i.e. be able to build the legacy code from source and start building an understanding of what specialized components the sbc has that may need to be supported in mainline). Then generally the next step would be to bring that legacy code base into the Armbian build framework to get it working there. Then start working on getting basic functionality working on mainline (by basic I mean things like getting the board to boot (building a mainline uboot and kernel that can boot the device)). Once you get the device to boot on mainline, then you start working on getting each feature working, hdmi, networking, usb, etc. Then finally getting any device specific features ported/working.
In looking at the respeaker 2.0 legacy source code download, it looks like the legacy code is linux 4.4 base. There will be a significant effort necessary to bring a seven year old code base up to mainline. All this is easier if you have the help of the manufacturer, but that rarely is the case.