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    belegdol reacted to Igor in Is it still possible to build just the kernel?   
    ./compile.sh kernel SHARE_LOG=yes  ARTIFACT_IGNORE_CACHE='yes' BOARD=odroidxu4 BRANCH=current  
    This   https://www.google.com/search?q=one+bite+at+the+time
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    belegdol reacted to going in HC1 kernel update gone wrong?   
    If I understand correctly, have you installed packages from a local folder? Did you build these packages yourself and use the armbian build system?
    If yes, then you need to look inside the kernel package. What scripts are there? And try to build a fresh kernel and then compare the scripts from the fresh kernel and the one you installed.
    Unfortunately, I do not see many details and I find it difficult to give any advice.
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    belegdol reacted to going in HC1 kernel update gone wrong?   
    @belegdol I don't use an odroid, but if you write down which image was originally recorded on the memory card and how the update took place, maybe I can fix it for a future release. And of course yes, 58 megabytes to accommodate the boot partition is not enough.
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    belegdol got a reaction from JMCC in Odroid HC1 and kernel-5.4: soft reset makes the sata drive disappear   
    With https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/2569 and https://github.com/armbian/upload/pull/33 the problem seems to finally be gone.
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    belegdol got a reaction from grunlab in Enable PIDs cgroup   
    My Ubuntu VM is no longer booting to X since the last apt upgrade which makes preparing updates slightly more annoying than it should be, but I can have a go at rebuilding the kernel this evening.
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    belegdol got a reaction from Igor in Enable PIDs cgroup   
    My Ubuntu VM is no longer booting to X since the last apt upgrade which makes preparing updates slightly more annoying than it should be, but I can have a go at rebuilding the kernel this evening.
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