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    fabiobassa got a reaction from ArkhanLK in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   

    ad Jock already said is not a problem of the soc per se , but netflix and other need DRM and this must be enabled in some way as libreelec already did.
    I am very but very happy that you found this little black box usefull, I use plenty of those for the most wide purposes
  2. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to ArkhanLK in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    Hi everyone, I'm doing really well on the board I have! I am sure this is a really capable board! 
    So far I have:
    . Played emulator games and some old/retro games such as quake 1, 2, and doom;
    . Web-browesed on Firefox to almost any website (netflix doesn't work, some issues with google meet as well);
    . Edited photos and pdf with gimp, libreoffice draw, kolourpaint... Flawlessly!;
    . Draw 2d cad with librecad and will be testing leocad soon!;
    . When videos work, like in YouTube or twitch, I can watch them decent at 480p, very decent at 360p;
    . Watched 1080p on kodi (at least on twitch), but the other services (Amazon, Netflix, Disney, YouTube...) I wasn't able to try yet. 
    Overall, this makes for a REALLY good and cheap basic desktop.
    But just to be sure, let me ask something: is there any way to dual boot with android + armbian? That'd be possible with, I suppose, partitioning the emmc... I am aware that there is a way to install linux in Android and then ssh into it. But that's not the same thing I'm asking about!
    As always, thanks a lot for the help and support here. You guys are awesome. Much love <3 
  3. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    @ArkhanLK Glad you're finding the box useful and thanks for reporting!
    Netflix and friends usually have other issues related to Digital Rights Management, but never really dig into. I know that on LibreELEC you need to download the Widevine plugin.
    @jaum20 It should be already enabled, but honestly I never checked the coaxial SPDIF output. Will check right now
    edit: just checked on both mainline and legacy kernel and it is working fine up to 192khz! Maybe you need to tell pulseaudio to use SPDIF (IEC958) from the speaker icon in the upper right corner
  4. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to hexdump in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    @Dragao - dying emmc is something which happens from time to time with tv boxes - i had it on an amlogic box and i think @jock and @fabiobassa can sing a song about this topic too ... i think tv boxes are sometimes assembled from very low quality components to push prices down ...
  5. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to hexdump in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    @elbuit - if nothing else works, this should usually work to get the device tree from a running android: https://github.com/hexdump0815/u-boot-misc/tree/master/misc.h616-legacy/android-device-tree-copy
    best wishes and good luck - hexdump
  6. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    @elbuit cool, thanks!
    Your board has a nice ap6255 wifi chip, looks life a fully fledged awesome board!
    The original dtb is always welcome, as usual if you feel that something is not working as expected report here and we will see what can be done (I suspect bluetooth is the worst offender  )
  7. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Thanks for reporting!
    rk3318-config script should have been integrated into the image, but I checked and you're right, it's not there!
    I have to check why the script has not been included in debian image, but in the meantime you can download it from here , give the execution rights and execute it.
    Could you please post photos of the board?
  8. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to kruzer in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    It is all thanks to you, @jock and other people from this great forum. The desktop experience is noticeably better then rk3229, 
    OpenOffice Calc starts in 6s, GIMP in 13 (afer reboot), this forum page reloads in 10s in chromium. It feels a bit laggy but still very usable. 
    On the other hand, working via vpn on remote windows desktop is just comfortable. I'm considering to use it as cheap, preconfigured box for remote employees in the next covid wave.
  9. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to kruzer in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    My board is equipped with 4GB RAM, 64 GB emmc. Armbian Focal current is correctly discovering those resources. Although wifi chip supposed to be AP6334/BCM4334 is realiy an AP6330/BCM4330

  10. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from ArkhanLK in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   

    I met @jock on the net quite TWO 2 years ago , when  I started this adventure with 322x boxes and for some LONG time my question was always the same:
    how obtain a good desktop experience and at the same time a good harware acceleration for playing videos on this boxes and infamous mali 400 driver.
    The answer is not so nice : at the state of the art OR you have a decent desktop, OR you have good videos. Both is still problematic.
    To have full video HW acceleration in some manner is needed switch off the desktop and go on GBM driver. And also I suspect you cannot use exynos driver on your board.
    An old attempt done by rockchip itself to have a satisfactory both xorg and video experience was made on debian 9 stretch and modded gstreamer and MPV player
    This is how xorg.conf looks like:
    name of the file : 20-armsoc.conf
    content :
    Section "Device" Identifier "Mali FBDEV" Driver "armsoc" Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0" Option "Fimg2DExa" "false" Option "DRI2" "true" Option "DRI2_PAGE_FLIP" "false" Option "DRI2_WAIT_VSYNC" "true" Option "SWcursorLCD" "false" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "DefaultScreen" Device "Mali FBDEV" DefaultDepth 24 EndSection
    but i repeat this worked on old debian 9 stretch rootfs and allowed play decent videos ( but losing the mouse control for a while...   )

    And this APART of broken dm greeter, that is another problem
  11. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to Hai Nguyen in MXQ RK322X as audiophile music box   
    Instead of using Volumio or Daphile, I installed Armbian_21.05.1_Rk322x-box_buster_legacy_4.4.194 to a MXQ Pro box. The box was shipped with Android 7, and I installed Devinfo to check if it is eMMC or NAND. It is lucky that my box equipped with eMMC, so I installed the OS easily. After that, I did some following steps:
    1-     Run rk322x-config: I select CPU 3228B-1.4 Ghz, board 322x MXQ, wifi ssv6X5X
    2-     Run nmtui to setup wifi connection
    3-     Armbian-config: to add something such as infra red
    4-     Set default sound card:
    hai@rk322x-box:/etc$ aplay -l
    **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
    card 0: DWI2SHDMI [DW-I2S-HDMI], device 0: 100c0000.i2s0-i2s-hifi i2s-hifi-0 []
      Subdevices: 1/1
      Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
    card 1: SPDIF [SPDIF], device 0: 100d0000.spdif-dit-hifi dit-hifi-0 []
      Subdevices: 1/1
      Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
    card 2: DAC [USB Audio DAC], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
      Subdevices: 1/1
      Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
    card 3: ANALOG [ANALOG], device 0: 100b0000.i2s1-rk3228-hifi rk3228-hifi-0 []
      Subdevices: 1/1
      Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
    It means that my USB Audio DAC is card 2.
    I revised /etc/asound.conf to make it contain only 2 lines
    defaults.ctl.card 2
    defaults.pcm.card 2
    You can verify with alsamixer : it should display USB DAC as default.
    5-     Install mpd and edit /etc/mpd.conf

    # I will use usbstick to store the songs
    music_directory         "/mnt/usb"

    #you can set static IP for music server or add “any” as the address
    bind_to_address         "any"
    The other lines can be left as default
    6-     Automount USB
    Edit /etc/fstab to add the following line
     UUID=689E-CF4D /mnt/usb vfat defaults 0 0
    Youn can find your usbstick UUID with sudo blkid
    7-     The most difficult section is configuring infra red. Now lirc and /dev/lirc0 have been obsolate. We will have to deal with gpio_ir_recv (you can check with lsmod)
    There are 2 steps here:
    a-     Map the key name with keycode of your remote controller.
    b-     Config a daemon to do the action you want while received the keycode.
    At first, you should know which device is belong to your ir receiver.
    hai@rk322x-box:/dev/input$ ll /dev/input/by-path/
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 May 21 21:17 platform-200a0000.hdmi-event-mouse -> ../event0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 May 21 21:17 platform-30120000.usb-usb-0:1:1.2-event -> ../event2
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 May 21 21:17 platform-gpio-keys-event -> ../event1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 May 21 21:17 platform-ir-receiver-event-mouse -> ../event3
    In this case, /dev/input/event3 is my ir
    And then I can run this command to check ir code:
    hai@rk322x-box:/dev/input$ ir-keytable --device /dev/input/event3 -t -v
    Opening /dev/input/event3
    Input Protocol version: 0x00010001
    Testing events. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
    1845.720102: event type EV_MSC(0x04): scancode = 0x113
    1845.720102: event type EV_SYN(0x00).
    It will wait for you to push a RC button and show the code (0x113). After that, you can create a file to map keyname with keycode. I edited /lib/udev/rc_keymaps/samsung.toml
    name = "samsung"
    protocol = "nec"
    variant = "nec"
    0x140= "KEY_POWER"
    There are many *.toml files in the same directory, you can refer them to find the correct keynames.
    Next, to make it consitent, you can edit /etc/rc_maps.cfg (its header guided you very clearly)
    Add this line: gpio_ir_recv * /lib/udev/rc_keymaps/samsung.toml
    Regarding step b, you should install triggerhappy.  
    To config it is very easy. Just create a file under /etc/triggerhappy/triggers.d (any filename)
    My file contains only one line: KEY_POWER 1 /usr/sbin/init 0 (use key power to shutdown the box)
    Finally, you can test
    sudo  ir-keytable -c -w /lib/udev/rc_keymaps/samsung.toml --device /dev/input/event3
    Old keytable cleared
    Wrote 1 keycode(s) to driver
    sudo thd --trigger /etc/triggerhappy/triggers.d/ /dev/input/event3
    If it can work well, you just need to reboot the box!
    Important note: If you use MXQ as an audiophile music box, you must connect it to a linear power supply. Never use its equipped power adapter or any other pulse power supply.
  12. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    armbian-config is not available in minimal installations, but you can install it via apt if you need it's configuration capabilities. It allows you to install software, desktop interface, configure timezones and locales, install Armbian to internal flash and lot's of other things. See the armbian documentation if you want further details.
    You can do whatever you want with your box, you have a fully working debian linux box now.
  13. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to lucky62 in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    good news, today I succesfuly compiled the openvfd driver.
    This is my DT Overlay:
    /dts-v1/; /plugin/; / { fragment@0 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { openvfd { compatible = "open,vfd"; dev_name = "openvfd"; openvfd_gpio_clk = <&gpio2 0x13 0x00>; openvfd_gpio_dat = <&gpio2 0x16 0x00>; openvfd_gpio_stb = <&gpio2 0x12 0x00>; openvfd_chars = [04 00 01 02 03]; openvfd_dot_bits = [00 01 02 03 04 05 06]; openvfd_display_type = <0x03>; status = "okay"; }; }; }; }; Driver is working without any changes.

  14. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Willy Moto in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Hello all nice people, let me do this post since I repute it very important.
    There is a lot of people actively deploying things on rk 322x and rk 3318, some  media oriented things ( libreelec, kodi ) some desktop and servers applications.
    Now.......it happens that @jock and my self are actively working on those two platforms because I was so lucky in the past to buy for really few bucks ( and i say FEW )  more than 50 different boards reputed faulty, and there were not, just wrong firmware.
    But in this big STOCK of boards mostly were 322x ( 3228 3228a 3229 ) and ONLY ONE was 3318,and again I repeat just ONE 3318
    So it happens that quite EVERY  question on 322x we can answer with sufficient level of accurancy, but on 3318 our experience is limited on HK1,  that is a circle box without display.
    Every single help, every single uart log, bootlog any elselog is a mine of infos for us, in particular @jock , but at the same time is really hard provide you a satisfactory answer without debug info, our crystal ball is actually broken

    Help us to help you providing as much infos possible and not just saying " it doesn't boot" because in that way is a hard stuff to solve.


  15. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Hello all nice people, let me do this post since I repute it very important.
    There is a lot of people actively deploying things on rk 322x and rk 3318, some  media oriented things ( libreelec, kodi ) some desktop and servers applications.
    Now.......it happens that @jock and my self are actively working on those two platforms because I was so lucky in the past to buy for really few bucks ( and i say FEW )  more than 50 different boards reputed faulty, and there were not, just wrong firmware.
    But in this big STOCK of boards mostly were 322x ( 3228 3228a 3229 ) and ONLY ONE was 3318,and again I repeat just ONE 3318
    So it happens that quite EVERY  question on 322x we can answer with sufficient level of accurancy, but on 3318 our experience is limited on HK1,  that is a circle box without display.
    Every single help, every single uart log, bootlog any elselog is a mine of infos for us, in particular @jock , but at the same time is really hard provide you a satisfactory answer without debug info, our crystal ball is actually broken

    Help us to help you providing as much infos possible and not just saying " it doesn't boot" because in that way is a hard stuff to solve.


  16. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to lucky62 in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    @Dragao, for better understanding - you have a two options:
    1) Boot from external media (SD Card or USB key) - in this case you need only to write the distro image to the media and put it into box and boot. After booting you can run rk3318-config to configure additional devices (wifi, led, ...) In this case MultiTool is not required.
    2) Boot from internal eMMC - in this case you can use MultiTool to flash the distro image to the internal eMMC, and boot.. Again you can use rk3318-config for further tuning.
    Both options are described in the first post.
    I think, you don't need to manipulate dtb/dtbo manually, also I think MultiTool do nothing with dtb/dtbo..
  17. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to gnusmag45 in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    After 20 tries i finally managed to select the Erase option from the Multitool and it actually let me select the eMMC partition, but afterwards i restarted the box and now it doesn't boot anymore :/ wth
  18. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from gnusmag45 in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    don't worry about english , me too I'n mot native.
    Ok let' s see what @jock suggests about this emmc related problem
    And PEOPLE don't forget to put a simple like  ( the heart icom ) to help good reputation of people here.
  19. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from gnusmag45 in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    read again the 3ad , all infos, you will see that  some boards came with NAND and not EMMC and I guess this is your case.
    You should follow the STEP-NAND instructions instead and see if this fits to you
  20. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to SteeMan in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    Sometimes disreputable manufacturers will modify the kernel in the android firmware to provide false information. (easy way to cut costs by not actually including the memory/storage advertized).
  21. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to lucky62 in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    This was not helpful. The boot stucked at the same point - ALERT! UUID=bla bla bla does not exists.
    I checked the USB key and really - the partition UUID was different than in the armbianEnv. I don't know how UUID was changed. Sorry for my mistake.
    So I flashed the image to the USB key again an successfully booted from USB... (overlay was not necessary for boot).
  22. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Armbian project does not officially support nor maintains tv boxes. Armbian project maintains only supported Single Board Computer (SBC) devices. SBCs have stable hardware (kind-of), and are usually well-documented.
    Tv boxes are another thing.
    In the ideal world of the naked puffy angels chanting melodious high-tone songs, the organization you proposed would be perfect.
    In our world full of crap, dirt and oil it does not work at all: every chinese tv box manufacturer buy chips at the lowest price point possible on the market and put all that crap and scrap on these boards. If you read carefully the first post (and I invite you to do it) the very same rk3318 is probably a scrap chip, and eMMC chips are often failing after a while, some because are faulty, some others fail because of crappy soldering (you can ask @fabiobassa how many faulty eMMC chips desoldered from these boards).
    That's why Armbian does not officially tv boxes: it's a community matter, because keeping the things working with a huge hardware variety is just too difficult and very time consuming.
    In a world were everything can fit onto these boards, having one image for each box is unthinkable; I preferred a more elegant solution that allows the user to download a single image with a basic configuration that (hopefully) boots on every board with the same SoC. Once installed, the system can be further configured by the user herself to enable all the features of the board, like higher cpu speed, wifi, bluetooth, eMMC higher speed modes, leds, buttons, etc... etc...
    You won't find images of mine spread here and there on the forum, usually I publish images just on the first page of this thread and sometimes I prepare some special testing images for someone who has willingness to help the development progress. When everything will be stable enough, I will ask for merging to the main Armbian project, so the images will not be built and published anymore by me, but the Armbian server will build (and certify) them and they will be available in the official download page, but still totally backed and maintained by community efforts.
    You will find everything you need to get the thing running on the first page of the thread, so read that carefully and, if you're not satisfied, steer away from tv boxes and search for a proper SBC.
  23. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to lucky62 in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    I forgot to attach the serial logs..
    serial_boot_internal.log serial_boot_USB2.0.log
  24. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    ­DISCLAIMER (PLEASE READ): everything you can find in this thread (binaries, texts, code snippets, etc...) are provided AS-IS and are not part of official Armbian project. For this reason not people from Armbian project nor myself are responsible for misuse or loss of functionality of hardware.

    Please don't ask about support or assistance in other non-community forums nor in the official Armbian github repository, instead post your questions in this thread, in the TV Boxes forum section (hardware related) or in the Peer-to-peer support section (general linux/software related).

    Thank you!
    This thread is to give stable and mature long-term range support to rk3318/rk3328 found in many tv boxes in Armbian project as Community Supported Configuration (CSC).
    The current work is mainlined into Armbian project, but your mileage may vary; most recent developments live on my personal fork on github -> here <-
    Important notes: is just a personal opinion, but apparently widely supported, that rk3318 chip is not an official rockchip part. They probably are scrap rk3328 parts which have not passed conformance tests but are sold anyway to tv boxes manufacturers. They don’t reach the same operating frequency of the rk3328, have much higher leakage currents (and thus higher temperatures) and often the boards they are installed on are low quality with low quality components, in fact a very very common issue is the eMMC failure due to bad parts and bad soldering. So said, I personally suggest not to buy any rk3318 tv box, but instead find a properly supported SBC (Single Board Computer) if you need a reliable product. In the unfortunate case you already have such product, this thread may help you have some fun with them.
    What works:
        • Works on RK3318 and RK3328 TV boxes with DDR3 memories
        • Mainline u-boot
        • Mainline ATF provided as Trusted Execution Environment
        • All 4 cores are working
        • Ethernet
        • Serial UART (configured at stock 1.5Mbps)
        • Thermals and frequency scaling
        • OTG USB 2.0 port (also as boot device!)
        • EHCI/OHCI USB 2.0 ports and XHCI USB 3.0 ports
        • MMC subsystem (including , SD and sdio devices)
        • Hardware video acceleration (fully supported via RKMPP on legacy kernel, support via hantro and rkvdec kernel driver on mainline)
        • Various WIFI over SDIO are supported
        • Full acceleration on legacy kernel and mainline kernel
        • U-boot boot order priority: first the sdcard, then the USB OTG port and eventually the internal ; you can install u-boot (and the whole system) in the internal and u-boot will always check for images on external sdcard/USB first.
    Technically, rockchip devices cannot be bricked. If the internal flash does not contain a bootable system, they will always boot from the sdcard. If, for a reason, the bootable system on the internal flash is corrupted or is unable to boot correctly, you can always force the maskrom mode shorting the clock pin on the PCB. The procedure is explained here for rk322x, but for rk3318/28 is the same.

    In most of the rk3318/28 boards, shorting the clock pin is difficult or impossible because eMMC are BGA chips with no exposed pins. Pay double attention when burning something on the internal flash memory and always test first the image booting from the sdcard to be sure it works before burning anything in internal flash.
    This is a list of posts where forum users have been able to spot the eMMC clock pin to trigger the maskrom mode:
    H96 Max+ (board signature: RK3318_V1.4) by @Gausus X88 PRO 10 (board signature: X88_PRO_B) by @mathgaming Ninkbox N1 Max RK3318 by @enigmasphinx  
    Partecipation and debugging:
    If you want to partecipate or need help debugging issues, do not hesitate to share your experience with the installation procedure of the boxes.
    In case of issues and missed support, provide as many as possible of these things is very useful to try and bring support for an unsupported board:
    some photos of both sides of the board. Details of the eMMC, DDR and Wifi chips are very useful! upload the device tree binary (dtb) of your device. We can understand a lot of things of the hardware from that small piece of data; and alternative is a link to the original firmware (you can do a full backup with the Multitool); dmesg and other logs (use armbianmonitor -u that automatically collects and uploads the logs online) attach a serial converter to the device and provide the output of the serial port;  
    Mainline kernel: 3D acceleration is provided by Lima driver and is already enabled. Hardware video decoding: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/19258-testing-hardware-video-decoding-rockchip-allwinner/ Legacy kernel: If you need multimedia features, like OpenGL/OpenGL ES acceleration, hardware accelerated Kodi, ffmpeg and mpv you can take a look to this post  
    Installation (via SD card):
    You can build your own image follow the common steps to build armbian for other tv boxes devices: when you are in the moment to choose the target board, switch to /TVB/ boards and select "rk3318-box" from the list.
    Prebuilt images:
    Archived images - built by Armbian servers and GPG-signed: https://imola.armbian.com/dl/rk3318-box/archive/ Nightly stables - built from trunk by Armbian servers and GPG-signed: https://github.com/armbian/community Stables provided by me (unsigned): https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/  
    Multitool - A small but powerful image for RK3318/RK3328 TV Box maintenance. Download it from here  
    Quick installation instructions on eMMC:
    Build or download your preferred Armbian image and a copy of the Multitool; Burn the Multitool on an SD card; once done, place the Armbian image in images folder of the SD card NTFS partition; Plug the SD card in the TV box and plug in the power cord. After some seconds the blue led starts blinking and the Multitool appears; OPTIONAL: you can do a backup of the existing firmware with "Backup flash" menu option; Choose "Burn image to flash" from the menu, then select the destination device (usually mmcblk2) and the image to burn; Wait for the process to complete, then choose "Shutdown" from main menu; Unplug the power cord and the SD card, then replug the power cord; Wait for 10 seconds, then the led should start blinking and HDMI will turn on. The first time the boot process will take a couple of minutes or more because the filesystem is going to be resized, so be patient and wait for the login prompt. On first boot you will be asked for entering a password for root user of your choice and the name and password for a regular user Run rk3318-config to configure the board specific options Run armbian-config to configure timezone, locales and other personal options Congratulations, Armbian is now installed!  
    Despite the procedure above is simple and reliable, I always recommend to first test that your device boots Armbian images from SD Card.
    Due to the really large hardware variety, there is the rare chance that the images proposed here may not boot. If a bad image is burned in , the box may not boot anymore forcing you to follow the unbrick section at the top of this post.
    Quick installation instructions to boot from SD Card:
    If you are already running Armbian from eMMC, skip to the next step. Instead if you are running the original firmware you need to first erase the internal flash; to do so download the Multitool, burn it on an SD Card, plug the SD Card and power the TV Box. Use "Backup flash" if you want to do a backup of the existing firmware, then choose "Erase flash" menu option. Build or download your preferred Armbian image; Uncompress and burn the Armbian image on the SD Card; Plug the SD Card in the TV Box and power it on; Wait for 10 seconds, then the led should start blinking and HDMI will turn on. The first time the boot process will take a couple of minutes or more because the filesystem is going to be resized, so be patient and wait for the login prompt; On first boot you will be asked for entering a password for root user of your choice and the name and password for a regular user Run rk3318-config to configure the board specific options Run armbian-config to configure timezone, locales and other personal options, or also to transfer the SD Card installation to internal ; Congratulations, Armbian is running from SD Card!  
    Tutorial - How to install Armbian on your TV Box (by @awawa) :
    A note about boot device order:
    With Armbian also comes mainline U-boot. If you install Armbian, the bootloader will look for valid bootable images in this order:
    External SD Card External USB Stick in OTG Port Internal  
    The Multitool does not boot / How to burn image directly on eMMC:
    Some boards have the sdcard attached to an auxiliary (called also sdmmc_ext or external) controller which is not the common one.
    Forum findings declare that those boards are not able to boot from sdcard with stock firmware and they neither do in maskrom mode: the stock firmware always boots even if you put the multitool on sdcard.
    In such case, burning images directly on eMMC is the only way to have a working Armbian installation.
    You can follow these instructions by @fabiobassa to burn images directly on eMMC:
    Notes and special hardware:
    Script to change DDR memory frequency here Wireless chip AP2734, SP2734, HY2734C and similars: they are clones of AmPAK AP6334 which is combo wifi + bluetooth of broadcom BCM4334/B0 chips. You may need a special nvram file, instructions by @paradigman are here  
    Critics, suggestions and contributions are welcome!
    @fabiobassa for his ideas, inspiration, great generosity in giving the boards for development and testing. The project of bringing rk3318 into armbian would not have begun without his support! @hexdump for his precious support in early testing, ideas and suggestions
    @MX10.AC2Nfor his patience in testing mxq-rk3328-d4 board support
    All the rockhip64 maintainers at Armbian project who have done and do most of the work to support the platform
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    fabiobassa reacted to gurzixo in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    Boa noite KSilva! (I'm French, but I live in Algarve...)
    I was in the same case as you, knew nothing about those boxes and rochchip, but, with the STRONG help of fabiobassa, I have been able to resuscitate a few of thoses boxes, and at least for some of them, able to have a stable Linux.
    A few questions:
    - Are you "fluent" in Linux and windows, do you have a windows system available?
    - Do you have some experience in electronics, microprocessors and microcomputers?
    - Do you have experience with serial connexions?
    My recommendation for you:
    - grab a male-male A-A usb cable, a micro (I mean MICRO) screwdriver, and a high magnification magnifying glass.
    - Open your box, take good quality pictures of both sides of the PCB and  put them on the forum.
    - The 2 next steps are: put the box either in Rockchip (ie. Loader) mode or in Maskrom mode, and try to connect a serial line to the box serial connection (1500000-N-8-1) to get console log, as this helps A LOT. (all cards have 3 or 4 plots for that: Gnd, Tx, Rx, Vcc . We can help you find that on the pictures; you will need a serial adapter, some thin wires that you have usually to solder on some pads and a com program - minicom works very well)
    - After that, you will have to flash some firmware using the USB to USB OTG cable.
    - Even if you prefer Linux (that'salso my case...), I suggest that you use windows for bringing back your box alive, as W tools are A LOT more complete, and also windows emits a sound when a new USB device is recognized, which helps a lot.
    This page explains the boot process.
    You can grab your stock firmware on this page . The archive of firmware contains RKDevelopTool.exe, which is used for flashing firmware.
    You can grab also some more Rockchip tools here
    Here are the main points that I understood:
    - Armbian and Rockchip/android firmwares are RADICALLY different, and their boot process are INCOMPATIBLE. Conceptually, they are similar, but takes very different approaches.
    - Let's detail the RK approach, which is very basic, unsophisticated and pragmatic. The image in flash contains the following elements at FIXED addresses, from bottom to top of flash:
    - A "partition table", (Parameter in RKDevTool) which indicates the addresses of the following blobs (with extension .img)
    - Loader, closed source called after reset by the HW of the processor.
    - The "trusted bloc", closed source, which performs some needed magic... started by the loader
    - The RK uboot, started by the trust module, which is similar to the BIOS for PC, and contains an interactive monitor, that you can start by entering a char on the serial console; otherwise it continues the boot.
    - The Device Tree Block (DTB, called "Resource" in RKDevTool)): this is a binary blob  which contains all the details and parameters of the hardware. it is compiled from source, and is COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE with the Armbian DTB. This allows to have a standard kernel, which is the same for all boxes.
    - The Linux kernel, started by the uboot, with a command line indicating where in flash to find the DTB, the Boot partition and the root file system.
    - The Boot partition
    - The Root partition (called "System" in RKDevTool), containing the Linux userland.
    On android, there are other blobs, used for backup and recovery, in case something goes wrong.
    All those blobs are usually packed together by the above RK tools, to create a complete image.
    RKDevtool allows you to flash each of those blobs in a specific place in memory, erase the memory, do some low level tests or flash a complete image.
    I will detail some practical instructions on a next post.
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