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Everything posted by victroniko

  1. Quick update on ESP8089: with this module, it works every time Didn't do any speed tests as I'm somewhat far from the router (the box lost connection randomly, but my laptop does that too). General web browsing and system upgrades were on par with ethernet. Need to do final tests but I feel we're 95% there... a BIG thank you @jock!!
  2. No problem! Better to find & understand why things don't work, than receiving spoonfed solutions although I might've been doing a bit of that... About /etc/modprobe.d/esp8089.conf - already gone, first tests were done on 20.05.6, after the wipe I mentioned earlier i'm on 20.08.0 now. What I do find strange, is that relying on default setting does not work. Passing the crystal_26M_en=0 parameter did the trick, on this board at least... Every test was with an inmediate power off-on cycle instead of a reboot, to discard possible quirks from the already initialized (firmware loaded) ESP8089 chip. Before heading to work, I left the box cloning the repo and downloading packages required for compilation. I'll try your module (thanks!) but even if it works, I also want to look at the code and try compile for myself too. offtopic. I said I don't know C/C++, that's true... But I did some things in VB6 many years ago, it's not as if I saw modern code and felt totally lost.. And my day-job is electronics so I understand quite a bit how microcontrollers work
  3. Status report on ESP8089: it works! ... well, kinda. I stumbled on this PDF from Espressif that leaded me on the right path: While this document is WAY outdated, most of parameters are still valid. I opened my box again and found a 40Mhz crystal behind the chip. Still, modprobing the driver without parameters (assuming default value) did NOT work. I had to explicitly define crystal_26M_en=0, then it worked perfectly. Why 'kinda'? because it works only on manual load: Blacklist esp8089.ko --> modprobe esp8089 config=crystal_26M_en=0 --> p2p0 'not ready' & wlan0 working OK, can connect to any AP. Let Armbian load the module at boot --> wlan0 'not ready' & p2p0 scanning but not connecting to any AP -- auth timeout. Clearly this chip won't work with p2p0 like others. Looking at udev load process, I've found some hints to exchange interfaces by driver load-order, but nothing about a single driver exposing 2 different interfaces. There is something on Armbian boot process that reverses them (for the worse) and I don't know what it is. --- On another note: Latest update broke @jock's media framework... for some reason apt decided that xserver-org-video-armsoc now depends on xserver-org-video-armsoc-exynos and if one forces the update, X11 breaks. If it happens to someone else, you can fix like this: Manual remove of both packages Manual install of xserver-org-video-armsoc from the framework's folder dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg lightdm apt-mark hold xserver-org-video-armsoc (marks package as non-upgradeable - placeholder fix for now) ?? Profit!
  4. Last night I wiped NAND and installed Focal minimal-legacy image, also without a hitch . But armbian-config does not come by default. No biggie, just install manually and problem solved... Then I wanted to install a minimal desktop via armbian-config, and realized the option is not even there: It only offers to install full XFCE desktop+extras. So what I did was to install LXDE by hand (plus few goodies: lxtask, pasystray, network-manager-gnome etc). Overall the system feels faster, and with @jock's media script/bundle & @nokirunner 's tip about glamor, it's almost silky-smooth now. The only hitch was that lightdm refused to start at all, so I just installed lxdm, enabled autologin in the config and called it a day. But that's just regular Armbian stuff... I'm at work now, when I return home i'll try my luck again with ESP8089. Yep saw it, added to my arsenal of RK tools thank you! Okay, will do that. Noted, thank you. I was vaguely suspecting NM's behaviour was strange, and also completely forgot about nmtui & iwlist. Spoiled by the GUI haha... I'll do this later too. I was also confused, but it just worked need to test again on this fresh install though. Also the esp8089.ko driver you compiled for me doesn't print anything to the kernel log at all. So it's difficult to debug if it loaded correctly, or complains about firmware error/mismatch/etc... Thanks again!
  5. Thanks @fabiobassa... just wanted to see if this could be automated in a script w/no need of any specific Rockchip tool, for an idea I have... Sorry, last post I meant modprobe not insmod... Almost there! with your DTB overlay I got this: No idea what those "queuing unknown CIS tuple" errors mean... Then after sudo modprobe esp8089 config=crystal_26M_en=2: With this, NetworkManager finally got 2 new interfaces: p2p0 with 'device not ready' and wlan0 with 'disconnected'. But still no networks showing up... Fiddling with things I noted you told me to put fimware files in /lib/firmware, and esp8089.ko on /lib/modules/4.4.194-rk322x/kernel/drivers/net/wireless. But on these folders most files go into their own subfolders... So I tried creating new ones: moved esp8089.ko to /lib/modules/4.4.194-rk322x/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/esp8089, and all eagle_fw*.bin to /lib/firmware/esp8089. Unloaded the module, then ran depmod and tried again. This is what happened (once): Still can't connect to any AP because of wrong interface, as I understand p2p0 is for WiFi Direct. I tried rebooting and noticed that esp8089 module now loads automatically at startup, but shows 'device not ready' for both interfaces on NM. Could it be because it loads without the config=crystal_26M_en=2 parameters? Anyway, trying to rmmod then modprobe with them crashes the OS (even mouse cursor freezes) so for now, I can't reproduce the above. Because I'm an Armbian noob and don't know how to set module parameters on boot 01:14am here, time for sleep... This one-post-a-day limit is getting annoying LOL.
  6. Well, as I said i'm no programmer but I know my way into the firmware world, more or less... I've put the 3 firmware files for ESP8089 where they belong, did what you said and tried to insmod the module, no luck. I can see it loaded ok but no error message, nothing on dmesg, silence. The driver most likely expects the right GPIO parameters to initialize the chip. So, next was to hunt for the device tree from stock Android. Never did that before (I know there must be an easier way), but after a lot of cursing i've managed to extract DTB succesfully - directly from Multitool's backup of my box: Success! Here are the following files (can't attach to post, new user liimitation): Extracted DTB file Converted DTS, not sure if I did it right because: Log of dtc command complaining a LOT about DTB file efuse0 dump - please confirm, I have RK3229 right? IDK if all this could be automated directly on multitool, but if positive that'll be nifty... Now about the chip, I thiiiink I might be able to make it work with jwrdegoede's instructions, but I saw many errors about vregs and sdio lines and ugghh.. Truth is my workplace called and I was needed urgently there. On a saturday. Worked all day, can't focus anymore, need sleep bad, zzzz... ps. a little gift as thanks, a speedier Firefox on the MXQ box! https://github.com/The-foxPEP-Project/foxPEP (works everywhere, in fact I've used it from long ago on my vintage PowerPC Macs).
  7. Hello all, first obviously a BIG thanks to @jock @fabiobassa and everyone else here. Great work! On my device, installing legacy desktop to NAND was totally flawless. Everything (except WiFi, you'll see why) works out-of-the-box including rebooting, and performance is acceptable if a bit laggy on X11... But I don't mind 'cause I'll switch to a minimal image later, this box will become a multi-service server. I just wanted to toy around with the desktop for a while. I've spent some time reading all of this thread and guess what: I have ANOTHER different board lol: Yep, that's an ESP8089 chip for WiFi, not supported (yet?). Bummer because I needed that functionality... Can you add the driver for this chip on future images? Naturally I'm willing to help testing/debugging. I'm no programmer but for now i'll try cloning the repo and see if compiling the driver gets this chip working. One more thing: I've only tested legacy image, am I right to assume there is no ESP8089 support on mainline image also? Greetings and thank you.
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