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Everything posted by magostinelli

  1. Ok, so when the new fix will be accepted, I can switch to official release, inm this way my system is updated with the new fix. Your hacks will be included or not?
  2. Hello, following this threat, I disabled armbian update and manually installed 6.6.29 kernel with custom frequency policy. I read that now Armbian officially support helios64, what do you recommend now? Thanks.
  3. In my case the new kernel runs fine! Now I'm trying your last suggestion, i wrote here the command, so any users can try: echo "ENABLE=true MIN_SPEED=600000 MAX_SPEED=1800000 GOVERNOR=ondemand" > /etc/default/cpufrequtils systemctl disable --now armbian-hardware-optimize.service vi /etc/rc.local and insert before exit 0: for i in $(awk -F":" "/xhci/ {print \$1}" < /proc/interrupts | sed 's/\ //g'); do echo 20 > /proc/irq/$i/smp_affinity done for i in $(awk -F":" "/ahci/ {print \$1}" < /proc/interrupts | sed 's/\ //g'); do echo 30 > /proc/irq/$i/smp_affinity done
  4. I want to try the 6.6.29 version, wich governor do you recommend? Which value in cpufrequtils? Thanks.
  5. Any update regarding the new kernel? I'm on 6.6.8-edge, any time I powered up the helios64 I must reset it, nbecause it doesnb't start on the first attempt. ,
  6. Started from 6.1.36 (the only stable kernel form me). How can i check bootloader and rtl_nic firmware? For the bootloader it was updated when I tryed the latest kernel from armbian. Thanks. EDIT: I reinstalled the 6.6.8 and now seems to be stable, i will test it.
  7. In my case, none of the suggest kernel works, the system freeze with the red led blinkig. Sometime after 10 seconds, sometime, after a few minutes. How is it possible?
  8. Ok, I understand, But with the latest kernel the system freeze. Anyone here has a stable kernel (without freeze) to suggest? Thanks!
  9. i'm sorry, but I can't find the reply button on the forum. In any case, @ebin-dev I don't have any monitor connected do the NAS. The only stable kernel i found is the 6.1.63 (whith this image Armbian_23.11.1_Helios64_bookworm_current_6.1.63.img.xz). My third try was ok, because the freeze is random, so sometis it occurs after 5 minutes, so you can configure the system. Edit: I confirm that kenrel 6.1.63 is stable for me. The 6.1 is an LTS version, why isn't update in armbian? https://endoflife.date/linux
  10. I tryed today, the system boot correctly but it freezes during first wizard, i tried two times, same error. So what do you suggest? EDIT: after third try, the system now is working (via microsd boot)
  11. Not yet. I'm doing a list of software, configuration, customize of my current installation. I'm also searching for a spare sd card to make a try.
  12. This is the last version released from here https://www.armbian.com/helios64/: https://github.com/armbian/community/releases/download/24.5.0-trunk.168/Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.168_Helios64_bookworm_current_6.6.21_minimal.img.xz
  13. I have no problem with the command line, I'm lazy , that's all. So I will do a list of all my service and configuration (i have already done a backup), so i will proceed with a clean install. I see there is an update Armbian image for Helios, may it includes the files you mentioned in your guide?
  14. Thanks, i read in this comment a complex guide to install the system (firware files, etc), it is needed also for inline upgrade? I suppose if anything goes wrong i can proceed in the recommended way, so before starting I will backup my system settings and customization, so i will able to redo a restore.
  15. Hello, my current Helios64 setup is running on armbian buster, and i want to update it to lastest stable release. I found this topic, and it says to boot from a new sd operating system, can i update my system inline? Thanks.
  16. I updated my system, and now is unstable, service didn't start. If look under /boot i have only the last kernel, how i can rollback to the previous one?
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