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Charles Bauer

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Posts posted by Charles Bauer

  1. Hi all!

    How are you? I am here again because we continue with our project to give schools an option with tv boxes as and cheap computer.


    @fabiobassaand @jock


    Last year I bricked a tv box because it has a emcp chip and I did not read carefully your instructions.


    Now I am here again with another box that I bought to validade the project but I think it came with an emcp module again.

    I was not able to find a datasheet to confirm that. Perhaps you could help me.

    Follow bellow the image.

    And I am trying to boot this box with an SD with multitool and that does not boot. It stays on black screen. (I have tested the sd on another box and it works fine and this box is booting android fine too.)


    Tks a lot!





  2. 8 minutes ago, fabiobassa said:

    @Charles Bauer

    if I have understood well you are in Brasil ( correct me if I'm wrong ) so shipping to Italy will be the worst part of the whole story !!!!
    If you  any way agree to deal with spedition let me know

    Where did you buy this box and how much it costs ? On wich platform ( amazon, bangood, aliexpress etc etc )  ????

    Hi, yes, I am from Brazil. I have bought on a local pirate store.

    Knowing your address I can check the price for sending via mail. Then I can check what is cheaper: sending you the bricked box or sending you money so you can buy on a local store. If this is not a problem for you of course.




    Charles Bauer

  3. 33 minutes ago, jock said:

    @Charles Bauer

    Apparently you did not read the first page carefully:


    Unbricking may be complicated, because neither me nor @fabiobassahad the chance to tinker with a board with eMCP.


    The problem is most probably related to memory initialization. A serial log is required for confirmation, but we already have seen a situation like that and I don't think this is different.

    Memory initialization is the first thing that is going to be done during bootstrap and thus, when it goes bad, the board is knocked down and requires manual intervention to get into maskrom mode. Doing this job require some skills in electronic and some non-common equipment because you need to find and ground the eMMC (eMCP in this case) clock pin.


    What you can do to help development is send the bricked board to @fabiobassa for him to analyze :D

    Hi Jock!


    I definetly have not read.

    I have not opened the box before installing armbian. My mistake.


    @fabiobassasend me an e-mail to charlesbauer@gmail.com with your address than I will send to you the box.




    Charles Bauer

  4. Hi all!


    I have bricked my new mx9 pro! hehe


    I have installed armbian via stepnand and it does not show anything on the screen now. No signal!


    I have tried to recognize it through otg cable but windows did not detect it.


    Have you seen it?


    I am not sure if the memory is nand. During the instalation I think it has said that is. But I am not completily right.


    See below the photos of the board.


    Any help will be appreciated because I want to buy another one and try again.


    Thank you guy! your are awesome!


    Charles Bauer






  5. Hi @jock!

    Tks for have written multitool!

    Let me ask, is it open source?

    I would like do modify multitool to convert the tv box without asking any question.

    It would be nice to have it because we have to convert 700 boxes per hour until the end of the year. And as we are planning a industry process to do that we need to optimize every part of our process.


    Thank you a lot!

  6. 3 hours ago, fabiobassa said:

    Perfect @Charles Bauer
    nice work and again I hope your project can fly high .

    May be could be a nice thing give credits in your document to @jockthat personally wrote the multitool , to myself and to armbian project in general, since without this base the whole goal wouldn't have been possible

    Go on with this effort to bring low cost tecnology to kids of your country !!!

    Hi Fabio!


    I will definitely do that. It was my failure due to the anxiety of creating the document and sharing our evolution. How should I reference you? By nicknames?




    Charles Bauer

  7. 6 hours ago, RaptorSDS said:

    nice work


    some comments


    1. i do not know if you get all box from same manufactor ( or if manufactor use always NAND) , maybe you have to show also eMMC install

    2. after flash multiboot.img i had only 800mb partition (enought for "buster minimal.img" ) i had to boot it once because resize of fat32 partition than i got enought space for "buster desktop.img"

    3. its maybe easyer to change armbianEnv.txt direct after rk322x-config , when a user unintend reboot the box you have the cpu-stability modifcation on . ( you can use "sudo nano" inside CLI for edit files)

    Hi @RaptorSDS,


    1 - I just have access to NAND boxes till now. As long as during our project we got other kinds We will write other tutorials. That´s what I expect to do.

    2- I did not got what you mean. Should I format the SD card before writing multitool.img?

    3 - I did not got what you mean. Shoul I change the order of the modifications? I used vi because it´s what I know.


    Thanks for the feedbacks!



  8. In English:

    I would like to share a Portuguese tutorial to help installing armbian on RK3228 TV BOX model MXQ PRO. This tutorial helps dealing with black screen after first reboot, configuring Wifi, keyboard and Language. The link to the tutorial is https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v0bS7mFausicoExFPDP2PR-PKZeeeC3Di75XyB1g0AQ/edit?usp=sharing and can be found on this site too: https://www.gluee.com.br/index.php/learning-box


    Em Português:

    Eu gostaria de compartilhar este tutorial em Português para ajudar na instalação do Armbian na TV BOX MXQ PRO com processador RK3228. Este tutorial ajuda a tratar a tela preta após o primeiro boot, configurar wifi, teclado e idioma. O link para o tutorial é https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v0bS7mFausicoExFPDP2PR-PKZeeeC3Di75XyB1g0AQ/edit?usp=sharing e também pode ser encontrado no site https://www.gluee.com.br/index.php/learning-box

  9. Just now, Charles Bauer said:

    So the problem seems to be on Mali driver? I will ask them to help us. Perhaps they could be interested on the project.




    Charles Bauer

    I forgot to mention that we cannot use Android because it would be too easy to use the box again to watch pirate videos. And that would not be nice for the government to have they donated boxes used to bad things.

  10. 2 hours ago, RaptorSDS said:

    @Charles Bauer wow nice project

    to achieve a good performance for Browser and YouTube is not easy way

    my experience with raspberry 3b and as image DietPi, Raspbian or Ubuntu (Wireless over 5GHz or 100 Mbit link)

    as browser I test chromium and Firefox and some small browser

    all configuration I used has a lack of media acceleration because of missing free-GPU driver and the bottleneck of SD-Card (sometimes also lack of RAM)

    most of the time I can open only max 3 Tabs than it gets very slow , youtube only 360p or less (360p i got only 15fps )


    ( my smartphone moto g5 2GB Ram has 10 Tab in chrome and did not get slower; my wife's laptop has 30 tabs in Firefox and Firefox used only 2GB Ram for this)


    I did not test this rk3229 chip, but I thing because of missing free MALI-driver it maybe have same issues

    I hope you get a better performance

    I also work more on the hardware side as on software

    but for my browser experience I switch to a rk3328 box with android and a chrome browser


    So the problem seems to be on Mali driver? I will ask them to help us. Perhaps they could be interested on the project.




    Charles Bauer

  11. Hi all,


    Just to share how this project is important.

    We are working with our government to convert 500.000 tv boxes in Desktops to use on public Schools.

    It´s a social project that I am leading. (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=en&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gluee.com.br%2Findex.php%2Flearning-box&sandbox=1)

    We are already using Libreoffice and some IDE for programming on the pilot TV box.

    The next phase is to try to use Google Classrom and to try to achieve good performance on a browser and youtube videos.


    Any help will be valuable.


    Regards and thanks for all!

  12. 3 hours ago, jock said:

    You think wrong. According to the official specs of the DRAM chips, those parts are 1 gigabit each, so 8 chips turns out to be 1 gigabyte.

    Hmm I was understanding that each piece give me 1gb. But the right answer is that each give me 128mb and it is 8 to give me the 1gb that I have right? My apologies for not knowing and not having experience reading the datasheet.


    Knowing that, could I use the nand memory as swap? I am having trouble with the apps that are crashing and I think, not sure, that the problem is out of memory. When I mean apps I am saying for example the web browser is even running apt to install other apps. The crash freezes the box after some code on the screen or without code too.

  13. Just now, Charles Bauer said:

    Hi, I have a tv box with rk3228 cpu and it´s working almost fine with armbian.

    I am having some issues but I am o working on it and I expect to provide useful tutorial here.

    I am working on get everything done and fine because we espect to tranform tv boxes on desktops to use on public schools here.


    What I need to know is how to do armbian recognize all my memory. My armbian is recognizing just 1GB and I think that it has more based on the chips it have.

    I am using this image: Armbian_21.05.1_Rk322x-box_focal_legacy_4.4.194_xfce_desktop.img.xz

    The pic below shows my board.. This is the back and in front there are more 4 of this ones.

    tks in advance.




    The image above is from the front. Send now because before I did not see how to attach more images.

  14. Hi, I have a tv box with rk3228 cpu and it´s working almost fine with armbian.

    I am having some issues but I am o working on it and I expect to provide useful tutorial here.

    I am working on get everything done and fine because we espect to tranform tv boxes on desktops to use on public schools here.


    What I need to know is how to do armbian recognize all my memory. My armbian is recognizing just 1GB and I think that it has more based on the chips it have.

    I am using this image: Armbian_21.05.1_Rk322x-box_focal_legacy_4.4.194_xfce_desktop.img.xz

    The pic below shows my board.. This is the back and in front there are more 4 of this ones.

    tks in advance.



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