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This Armbian adventure was summarized in my Public Github Repository.
SD-Card unofficial images:
Tutorial SD-Card Version v0.5 DEBIAN12 BETA unofficial
Tutorial SD-Card Version v0.5 ARMBIAN23 BETA unofficial
EMMC unofficial images:
Tutorial MMC Version V0.7 DEBIAN12 BETA unofficial
Tutorial MMC Version V0.7 ARMBIAN23 BETA unofficial
EMMC HZDM unofficial images:
Tutorial EMMC Version v0.9 ARMBIAN BETA unofficial
EMMC unofficial images:
Tutorial EMMC Version v1.0 ARMBIAN unofficial
EMMC Hzdm Mainline Boot Custom unofficial images:
Tutorial Build Your own Armbian EMMC image unofficial
EMMC Raspiblitz HotnikQ unofficial images:
Tutorial Build Raspiblitz on EMMC Armbian Bullseye unofficial
EMMC Hzdm Mainline Boot unofficial images:
Tutorial Build Your own Armbian EMMC image unofficial
EMMC Mainline Boot Latest official images:
Armbian EMMC image official
Armbian Desktop Gnome Latest official
Debian BookWorm Server Minimal Latest official
H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb Vendor Kernel 5.1.16
Tutorial Build Your own Armbian Rockchip Kernel vendor Kernel 5.1.16 Armbian
Joshua Riek Ubuntu Rockchip Images kernel 5.1
H96 MAX V56 RK3566 8gb Vendor Kernel 6.1.43
Tutorial Build Your own Armbian Rockchip Kernel vendor Kernel 6.1.43 Armbian
Joshua Riek Ubuntu Rockchip Images Kernel 6.1
H96 MAX V56 RK3566 Desktop Mainline Kernel 6.6.34
Pre-Build Desktop 22.04 Armbian Test Image (PT-BR)
Community Official Images:
Bleding Edge images:
Joshua-Riek Vendor Images:
Software description:
V0.5 = @armbian The Armbian SD card image "Compiled From Armbian Project"
V0.8 = @hzdm Project with Mainline Bootloader "Boot the 64gb Emmc Armbian with Mainline Rockchip"
V0.9 = @hzdm Release Mainline Bootloader "Boot the 32gb and 64gb Emmc Armbian with Mainline Rockchip"
V1.0 = @hotnikq The Armbian SD card inside the Android Legacy Rockchip Image "Glued Image: Android boot for Linux"
V1.2 = @ning Release Device Tree and Bootloader to longterm 6.6.27 Kernel "Boot with Mainline Rockchip"
V1.3 = @Hqnicolas Github PR Enable h96 Rk3566 TV-Box device for Kernel 6.8
V1.4 = @pocosparc Github PR Enable h96 Rk3566 TV-Box OpenVFD and IR controller
V1.5 = @dfahren Github PR Update U-boot 2025.01 for Kernel 6.12+
Video drivers:
Wifi Drivers:
UEFI: https://github.com/hqnicolas/h96v56_uefi/releases/tag/v1.2.1
Or Just Live install Wifi Driver:
cd /lib/firmware/brcm/
sudo wget https://github.com/LibreELEC/brcmfmac_sdio-firmware/raw/master/BCM4335A0.hcd
sudo wget https://github.com/CoreELEC/brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-aml/raw/master/firmware/brcm/fw_bcm4335b0_ag.bin
sudo ln -s fw_bcm4335b0_ag.bin brcmfmac4335-sdio.h96-TVbox,rk3566.bin
sudo reboot now
nmcli dev wifi
sudo rmmod brcmfmac_wcc brcmfmac brcmutil
modprobe brcmfmac
Topic description:
This topic aims to demonstrate the path taken to the Armibian EMMC solution.
In our path we create a lot of ready-to-use ROM files, some users burn an use this images without learning with the Linux compilation process.
the name of the topic is efforts but that's no effort at all, you should try compile your own images.
Device Capability Test: Using Rockchip SoCs NPU.
Drivers: https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknpu2
User Guide: https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknpu2/blob/master/doc/Rockchip_RKNPU_User_Guide_RKNN_API_V1.4.0_EN.pdf
OpenCV: https://opencv.org/blog/2022/11/29/working-with-neural-processing-units-npus-using-opencv/
A discussion on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OrangePI/comments/12b3jmj/accessing_the_npu_on_the_orange_pi/
Transformers models: https://github.com/usefulsensors/useful-transformers
Usage: https://www.crowdsupply.com/useful-sensors/ai-in-a-box/
Usage: https://youtu.be/pN8mKZ5wpdQ