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  1. 1.Install a new bootloader. Where to get a new bootloader? How to install? 2.burn the system image with the EFI\grub DD utility to NVMe. What is the command to burn on NVMe?
  2. it work from NVMe, this image? Armbian_23.02.3_Rock-5b_lunar_edge_6.3.0.img.xz Can you please do a tutorial?
  3. I downloaded Lunar version for 5B. Armbian_23.04_Rock-5b_lunar_current_6.2.0_gnome_desktop.img.xz On SD It seems to work ok, but I can't start it from NVMe. rkspi_loader.img not work with this version?
  4. When we will have a new release for Rock 5B?
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