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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. Where did you found OPiLite 1.2 schematic, because I think it still 1.1 version and there is no external pullups on that board.

    If you are talking about internal pullups of every GPIOs, there are only turned on by software settings, so there are not present at reset, all GPIOs for almost any SoC are usually simple high impedance floating pins.


  2. GPIO72 is PC8, and on my side, I don't have any error trying to export it. So, on your side, something is using it and that is why you have "resource busy".

    Try to run the following command to see who is using it :

    cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio

    Also, please mentioned which kernel/image are you using...


  3. Using "truncate" with the "endsect" number shown by fdisk after gparted shrinking.

    Here is the sequence :

    sudo modprobe loop
    sudo losetup -f
    sudo losetup /dev/loop0 myimage.img
    sudo partprobe /dev/loop0
    sudo gparted /dev/loop0
    sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
    fdisk -l myimage.img
    sudo truncate --size=$[(endsect+1)*512] myimage.img


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