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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. Strangely, I've got the WiFi working on M2+ once about 3 weeks ago (remember I've posted that they ship me sample without any antenna) , but since then it is not even able to scan APs. I think the AP6212 on my board simply become dead on radio side, although the wlan0 still appears with the latest firmware.


  2. It should, the wlan0 is appearing, but for some unknown reason, it could not get response from DHCP request.

    I'm also having same kind of issue on BPiM2Ultra.

    I didn't get chance recently to pursue the investigation, but I hope I will soon.


    EDIT : After comparing results between my M2+ and my M2U, the latest is able to scan APs but not the M2+. So, I presume my M2+ is now defective.

  3. I've migrated the patches from sunxi-next into sunxi-dev !



    Unfortunately, during my migration of my 3x Olimex-A20-Micro boards, I've faced strange hangs during Armbian Filesystem Resize service.

    One of the boards, I wait 5 mins, but service was still hanging/looping. I've have then press reset button, reboot,  automatic fsck, then resize Ok !


    So, can other A20-Micro owner can confirm ? ...


  4. 11 hours ago, t-bob said:

    I have noticed that sometimes the connection seems to 'stutter' ... you type away and then get all the characters in a surge ? have you noticed such a thing ?

    No, I don't have such behaviour. My SSH session are pretty normal in STA mode.


  5. Quote

    DTS is the Device Tree given by DTB (from the bootloader), which contains all the devices that "should turn on", practically speaking.

    It could be defined, but not enabled by default ...

    Another to verify DT is using "cat status", for example here checking uart1 and  uart2 on some AllWinner boards :

    cat /proc/device-tree/soc/serial@01c28000/status 
    cat /proc/device-tree/soc/serial@01c28400/status 

    How to enable uart2 uising overlays ? simply edit /boot/armbianEnv.txt and add "overlays=uart2"


    In the meantime, yes, using USB-TTL Serial is a good workaround ...


  6. Like many other boards, even if you have many /dev/ttyS*, it doesn't mean the actual UARTs are enabled in the DeviceTree.

    You should probably look in the DTS (or decompile DTB into DTS) to figured out.

    When a UART is detected at boot time, you will see it in "dmesg" which will show on which /dev/tttyS* it will be attached.

    BTW, if not enabled, UARTs can also be enabled using overlays ...

  7. Why are you showing us a 40 pins header while OPiZeroPlus2 has only a 26 pins one ?


    As I said earlier, simply do a loopback test ! It is what I've just did :


    - connect a jumper between pins 8 and 10 of the 26 pins OPiZeroPlus2 header.

    - add "overlays=uart2" (I don't know why you've added ttyS1 in overlays, such overlay doesn't exist !)

    - reboot

    - then "picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyS2" and type any thing, it will be echoed ...


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